How to draw Pikachu in crayon - features drawing in ticks and in the style of Mynecraft

Not difficult to draw a well-known character or a cartoon character, because they have a recognizable and enjoyable way. Therefore, this theme resonates with adults and very young artists.

This time we offer some simple ways to draw Pikachu on paper, as he is the most famous pokemon. Possesses the ability to accumulate energy for a powerful electric shock if he is threatened.

Draw Pikachu in the easiest way possible using notebook boxes.

Use a pencil, a black pen and colored felt-tip pens. Refer to a clear plan drawn up by a master of art. In this case you will not have problems. And the process will be a pleasure. Okay, if everything is ready, then start:

  1. Start by drawing an oval on the middle part of the sheet. However, at the top, do not connect the lines of the oval. Leave two gaps to add the ears. Use a semi-rhombic shape. Inside this geometric shape, add a small copy of it.
  2. Add eyes. We recommend that you immediately shade them and highlight the glare. The upper part of the ears must also shade. Draw a mouth and highlight the rounded cheeks. If you create a drawing step by step, then gradually form the image of a cheerful Pikachu.
  3. Under the head, draw the torso on the basis of a semi-oval shape. Add limbs: upper and lower legs. On the right side highlight the tail.
  4. Circle the resulting picture with a pen. Add volume and beauty by painting the body in yellow. Circles on the cheeks to mark the pink shade.

As it turned out, this example is simple and does not require any special skills. Then it is suitable for children. The main thing is to rely on the sample and detailed instructions. Then the whole process is done easily and without stress.

Let's draw Pikachu in the style of Mynkraft

This lesson is based on acquiring the skills to create a drawing, thanks to numerous blocks. If you are not familiar with this technique, then strictly adhere to the stages of methodology and everything is sure to work out. Use a sheet in the cell and multi-colored felt-tip pens. Prepared? Then let's do it:

  1. Stencil three horizontal squares with a brown felt-tip pen on the top of the sheet. Count down five squares and shade three parallel squares. Now go up to the left and right and indent one cell. Shade the entire composition. It should look like a cross.
  2. From the top of the side of the cross, indent three squares at an angle to the right and left. Create something resembling ears pointing down. If very difficult, continue with the pattern.
  3. From the ears, fill in black two boxes downwards. However, not in a row, and then move to the right then left, but do not break the chain. Do so from left and right. At the bottom connect the two chains to form a coherent pattern. However, at the very bottom highlight the legs. To do this, use two rectangles, but the inner part is not covered.
  4. It remains to select the tail. On the right side depict the triangle it will emphasize this part of the body Pikachu. In the middle highlight the eyes.
  5. Apply yellow for coloring. Cover him all over the body cartoon character. But on the cheeks, apply red squares. They will emphasize the cute image of Pikachu.

On the surface, this method seems quite complicated. However, even a child can do this job under the supervision of an adult. You just need to explain some points and you won't notice how the little artist will cope with the task.

Drawing a beautiful Pikachu

In the final form it will be similar to the version from the television project Detective Pikachu. You won't have to strain too much, because the instructions will help you figure out the nuances of the drawing. Use colored pencils and a sketchbook. Ready to try this option, then don't waste any time. Let's begin the fascinating process of creating a beautiful pokemona:

  1. In the middle section, shape a sketch to highlight the torso. Use an oval image. However, the figure should get a flat bottom and a narrowed top. Create initial strokes, taking into account the possibility of erasing unnecessary elements thanks to the eraser.
  2. On the left side add an ear similar in shape to a sheet. Tilt it down. The other ear should be located on the right with an upward slope. Next, draw the features of the future tail. Picture it in the form of a lightning bolt.
  3. Detail the upper part of the sketch. Draw the head. Use a bold layer. Separate the head and torso. Highlight the eyes, cheeks and nose. Use two arcs to represent the mouth. A cute image of Pikachu appears. After finishing the drawing. It can be photographed, transfer to PC and you will have a variety of available wallpaper for the desktop.
  4. Specify the shape of the torso and mark the location of the front and back legs. In this case, we depict a sitting pokemon. Therefore it is necessary to highlight this point. To do this, use lines on the appropriate parts of the body cartoon character. See how the master does it in the sample.
  5. Highlight all lines, thanks to the bold stroke. Use a black pencil. Remove unnecessary elements and make the coloring of the drawing. Paint the main part in yellow, as it corresponds to the real image of Pikachu. For the same reason, paint the cheeks in pink. The eyes and the upper tips of the ears are black.

Now you have consolidated the skills of creating a drawing of this character. However, Disney has created many cartoons of a high level, so come back - continue together to learn how to portray other famous characters.

Photo ideas and examples for drawing Pikachu in pencil

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