How to draw a dinosaur with a pencil - step-by-step instructions for drawing Triceratops, Raptor and Stegosaurus

Dinosaurs are ancient creatures that died many millions of years ago. But, still, almost all children notice these animals in animated movies and therefore want to buy some toy in the form of a dinosaur. We recommend that you learn how to draw them in pencil for kids, and we'll give you detailed instructions.


Let's start the class with the most common picture. We'll draw with a felt-tip pen, but when you're a beginner at this creative process, you're better off using a regular pencil.

How to do it:

  1. Put the album in front of you. Near left we will draw a huge oval, but we don't fill it in. Between the incomplete features we will depict an arched line.
  2. We add the picture with both round eyes. In them we will depict the pupils. The area depicted below is completed with a wave. At the bottom we draw half of the oval, on the nose we depict a small horn.
  3. Now draw the outline of the head. We depict the center of the horn in a circle of a large ellipse, we create small horns at a certain distance.
  4. Then move slightly away from the top of the large ellipse. Starting above the half to depict the body of the dinosaur, the image is rounded at the end of the scrapbook sheet.
  5. Let's depict a huge limb on the opposite side with three fingers. Next to the head, we depict the front limbs. We join them with an arched segment with the paws on the opposite side. Then we add another front leg.
  6. We complete the outline at the back with a thick tail. We split it into a pair of parts. Create a belly, if you drew with a simple pencil, trace the whole image with a black marker and you can start coloring.
  7. Take purple and pink chalk. We paint the whole body in pink chalk, except for the horns. We paint the purple around the outline, darken the image.
  8. We paint all the horns and fingers on the limbs in yellow. Let's paint the mouth red. If no crayons for coloring, you can use colored pencils.
  9. It is very easy to paint a dinosaur for children. The work is very simple, and so they will succeed.

Raptor .

Now, let's picture another dinosaur, the Raptor. Since it has almost the same teeth. You can use markers or colored pencils for this creative process. First of all, it is better to apply a pencil, and after that, you need to mark all the elements with a black felt-tip pen.

How to portray it:

  1. We place our scrapbook horizontally. On the sheet above near and to the left, we start drawing a section. We complete it with another arc line. To this segment, draw a shape that looks like a dragon's tooth.
  2. At the end of the sketch, draw a curved line down. We will step back to the left side and begin to create the opposite limb of the animal. At the bottom, we break the sketch into 3 fingers with sharp and long claws.
  3. So we move a little to the left and go up a little higher and depict the small forelimbs. At the end of the sketch we will depict three long claws.
  4. We add an outline of the second forelimb. Let's depict the opposite paw. From the beginning of the second foreleg we draw a segment upwards and finish with a sketch of the lower jaw. We also draw a segment on top, and we get his mouth. We create a prominent interior in it.
  5. Now the mouth will have a large number of sharp teeth, like a crocodile or dragon. Slightly backward, let's depict the features and finish drawing the teeth. Rounded eyes stand out on the head. Let's refine the image with a variety of strokes in a variety of directions. Since we have already drawn this dinosaur, we will begin to color. But when you have applied the pencil to the sketching, you have to indicate all the directions and indicate the elements.
  6. We'll draw the eyes in yellow. Let's paint the top part of the animal with green. It is necessary that here and there green color falls on half of the body.
  7. Then take a light shade of green. It covers the lower part of the body and the tail. We paint the other parts in light green. Gray paint the claws of the dinosaur. Pink is part of the mouth.
  8. That's how you get a raptor. You have understood how to depict a dinosaur, gradually painting with a pencil for children as directed.

Stegosaurus .

Now we're going to teach how to depict a stegosaurus. It has a small stature, but has a strong pointed tail that protects it from enemies.

How to draw it with directions for children:

  1. We place the sketchbook horizontally. Around the center of the sheet, but on top we will depict the shape of a sharp leaf.
  2. Then picture an even segment at the bottom of the sketchbook. We move a little to the right and represent the same shape. We go to the right again and picture another leaf, then picture another and so on. It is important that the volume of the image decreases with each sketch.
  3. In the same way we represent the leaves on the left edge of the first sketch. After depicting the leaves we will simultaneously depict 4 sharp points. Among them we draw a line down and introduce the outline of the tail.
  4. Having depicted the tail, we begin to depict the hind limbs. At the ends we create three claws. We draw the belly on a small segment and depict the front limbs of a much smaller volume next to the hind limbs.
  5. Now we draw a line on the head, we draw an outline with the mouth open. We add the image with a line, inserting a bold dot showing the eye pupil. We finish the nose with pointed ends, similar to a bird's beak.
  6. Then we combine the segments of the sketch on the back. We refine the animal features on the paws, belly, neck and tail. We complete the back with the outlines of an identical figure to notice that the points are in both bands.
  7. We depict the 3 vertical lines on the visible tips. At the far distance we will depict one small volume segment each.

The image is complete. Naturally, it can be dissolved, but we have not done it. So, we have depicted this dinosaur according to the step-by-step instructions. If you have never encountered this type of creative process, we recommend using a regular pencil to depict dinosaurs.

Photo examples of dinosaurs drawn in pencil

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