Applications of a colored paper butterfly - a selection of simple and complex master classes for beginners with photo examples

Handmade applications not only develop children, but also bring them a lot of fun. Parents, too, can find in this activity a fun hobby and get joyful emotions from the manufacturing process.

Today, we will tell you how to make applique with butterflies, because these beautiful moths, boys and girls like them equally. They can be simple and more complex. With the help of different techniques, the kid with his parents can not just have fun, but create a beautiful decoration for the interior, which will make the house warmer and cozier in appearance.

Applique is the gluing of elements on a base, which can be cardboard, thick paper or fabric. As decorations, suitable beads, pieces of fabric, buttons and rhinestones. And as glue, you can use PVA glue, dry or hot glue.

Any applique begins with the preparation of the necessary material and tools. About the material, we told above, and the tools are scissors and a pencil, to create and cut out templates.

A simple butterfly

Create the following templates:

  • wings;
  • torso;
  • head;
  • eyes.

Wings template, draw on the curve of the paper and cut out without affecting the curve. So you get a double silhouette of wings. Elements of the pattern, you can cut out individually or in pairs.

The process of making:

  1. Glue the wings to the cardboard base.
  2. On top of the wings, glue the picture.
  3. In the center place the torso.
  4. Last will be the head and eyes.
  5. Mustache can be drawn or cut out of paper in the same color as the body.

In the end, you will have a butterfly, but this is not necessarily the end of the work. You can create a meadow with flowers and grass at the bottom. At the top make a cloud and the sun. So, you will have a real picture and you can hang it on the wall.

Three-dimensional butterfly

If the child is of school age, offer him or her to draw templates yourself, this will help to instill a love for drawing and serve as the development of creative thinking. And for the younger ones, parents can themselves, prepare the necessary elements.

The process of making:

  1. Draw a template on a white sheet.
  2. On it we mark the same, but only a little smaller.
  3. Repeat the same 3-5 times.
  4. On colored paper, cut out one of the resulting patterns. For each, take a different color.
  5. Glue the body and attach the largest butterfly on top.
  6. Next, repeat the action with templates to reduce.

In the end, you get three-dimensional wings that will move. You can play with colors and do all sorts of combinations, depending on taste.

Tear-off method of applique from felt

The technique is that instead of cutting out the elements, they are opened. Older children, approach the process more consciously, and kids, just enjoy the process.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. We choose a base and draw a butterfly on it.
  2. Prepare the felt in different colors.
  3. Tear off a piece of felt and glue it to the template in random order.

Tear-off technique will help your baby learn how to combine colors and understand the principle of symmetry. And if you make your own glue, then the whole process will be harmless and you can let the baby himself dip pieces of felt in the glue and place them on the picture.

Creating a picture from what we have

For such a masterpiece, you can use anything you have on hand. It can be groats, buttons, paper, beads, fabric and much more.

The stages of making:

  1. Choose materials.
  2. Draw a template of a butterfly.
  3. The selected elements are glued to the template in turn.

In the end, the drawing can exceed your expectations and you will keep it as a memory. And your baby in the process, not only interesting to spend time, but also learn how to combine colors and develop fine motor skills.

Application of the technique of facing

The technique of making such an application is similar to the previous method. But for its manufacture, it is necessary in advance to prepare the endpapers:

  • take a square of corrugated colored paper, size 1 × 1 centimeter;
  • put a pencil in the center of the square and press the paper to it;
  • Without removing the paper from the pencil, dipping its tip in glue and pressing it to the drawing base, glue it on. Afterwards, remove the pencil.

This applique requires perseverance and develops fine motor skills. But the process of creating a butterfly lasts long enough, so initially, do not take a template of large size. When a child learns how to make small elements, you can go to a larger scale and create whole paintings that look great on the wall or on a shelf.

As you can see, even the simplest applications of butterflies can be a fun and useful activity for both parents and children. And if you use your imagination, the creative process can become a common hobby, which will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Photo ideas of children's applique butterflies

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