Handmade crafts for children 4 years old - a selection of interesting ideas, instructions, photo examples

Creative activities for children 4 years old are useful and exciting. They help to develop imagination and assiduity, form diligence and determination.

At the age of 4, children like to create something with their own hands. With each new craft, the child's confidence in their abilities grows, creative thinking develops and the ability to look for different ways to solve the task at hand.

In the process of working on different crafts, the child gets acquainted with different materials, their features, learns to understand the difference between them.

What materials can be offered for crafts for children of 4 years

Almost any materials at hand are suitable for making crafts.

  1. Plasticine.
  2. Paper.
  3. Gifts of nature: cones, acorns, twigs, leavesFlowers, flowers, pebbles.
  4. Homemade trifles: buttons, cotton buds and disks, beads, fabric, thread.
  5. Bulk products: peas, cereals, pasta.
  6. Disposable dishes and different packing containers.

The task of parents is to interest the child, suggest ideas for creativity and pick up "raw materials" for its implementation, to participate in the creation of the handicraft.

Plasticine crafts

From soft and colorful clay, a child can sculpt a lot of different crafts.

Such activity teaches a child to pay attention to small details and teaches him to think figuratively.

Basics of Modeling

You should start working with clay with the simplest elements.

  1. Ball.
  2. Puffin.
  3. Sausage.
  4. Cube.
  5. Brick
  6. Strip.
  7. Cone.

The second stage starts with making the simplest products: a kolobok, a snake, a flower, a snail.

What crafts to model at age 4

At the age of four, children work with pliable plasticine with great pleasure. They mold funny caterpillars and snails, clumsy people, animals, cars.

Applying a cardboard base for crafts allows you to make a wide variety of applications of clay. This task a child in 4 years will do it on their own, if you prepare him paper stencils with figurines of animals.

Applications can be on any topic of interest to the child. Not hard to make an apple tree with red apples. Fruits can be made in the form of tortillas or twist sausages in the form of snails.

There are many master classes on modeling animal figures from plasticine with step-by-step instructions.

One of the easiest figures to work with is an octopus.

  1. It is necessary to make a rounded body from plasticine.
  2. Make 8 legs-tentacles from long sausages.
  3. Attach the tentacles to the lower part of the body.
  4. With plasticine of contrasting colors, make small tortilla dots to decorate the octopus.
  5. Glue and attach eyes and mouth.

Uncomplicated in the performance of a ladybug, a hedgehog with needles from matches, a funny giraffe, a cat, mushrooms and flowers.

Modelling with clay helps strengthen a child's fingers and actively develop fine motor skills. Classes with granular plasticine have a useful massaging effect.

Paper crafts for children 4 years

Making crafts out of colored paper kids love it. This kind of activity requires skills in working with scissors. It is necessary to buy a child child scissors with rounded tips. They are safe and comfortable.

Using paper, you can implement a lot of creative ideas. It can be both applique and volumetric crafts.

Paper Applications

Applications can be made only of paper elements or combined with other materials. Topics of work can be any.

Children enjoy making crafts from paper, it's simple and malleable material. It is easy to cut with scissors, the parts are easy to glue together.

In addition to colored paper child can work with cardboard, decorative paper tissues. Original applications are made from pieces of paper that are not cut with scissors, and are made by hand.

Great fun for the child to work on decorating cardboard boxes for storing small toys. Pre-box should be covered with white paper, and then offer your child to invent a theme and independently implement it into reality. It will be not just a handicraft, but a useful thing for the house, made with their own hands.

Here is a simple example of such a craft with a nautical theme.

For work it is necessary to prepare a small box (white or pasted beforehand white paper), glue, colored paper, a pencil, scissors. It is convenient to use a glue stick for this work.

  1. Draw a sketch of the decoration. In this case, it is necessary to depict schematically a sun, a ship and a wave.
  2. Cut out all elements of the drawing from paper of the corresponding color.
  3. Glue all the appliqué parts one by one to one sides of the box.
  4. If you wish, all sides of the box can be decorated with the same plot.

A step-by-step approach to doing the work will teach your child the right approach to the creative task, without missing an important planning stage.

Volumetric crafts

You can make a lot of paper simple, but interesting three-dimensional crafts. For example, toys, harmonica with funny faces of different animals.

Many interesting ideas can be embodied, taking as the basis of a cardboard roll from toilet paper.

"Favorite Apple Tree."

For the work you will need:

  • colored paper,
  • brown cardboard,
  • a roll of toilet paper,
  • scissors,
  • paint and a brush,
  • glue.

Step by step master class for making an apple tree.

  1. Paint the roller with brown paint. This is the trunk of the tree.
  2. From red and yellow paper, cut out hearts-apples.
  3. On a piece of brown cardboard, trace your child's hand. These are the branches of the apple tree.
  4. Glue the hearts-apples to the "hand".
  5. "Hand" neatly fasten in a roll-base.

Apple tree is ready.

On the basis of such bolsters can make figurines of animals and fairy tale characters, they are actively used in a variety of crafts.

Origami .

This technique is worth paying special attention. Making a product by folding paper is of particular importance for the development of mathematical abilities of the child, because the entire technique is to build geometric shapes. The activity develops spatial thinking and ingenuity.

Beginning to master the art of origami should be simple crafts. Ships, airplanes, envelope-fish, frogs. Over time, you can go to the execution of more complex tasks. Schemes and pictures of finished products can be found online or come up with your own.

Handicrafts of natural materials

Autumn theme

Materials for creativity should be prepared in advance. Natural materials are available, easy to work with, and the crafts from them turn out very interesting.

Beautiful autumn leaves in the first place suggest an autumn theme. From leaves you can make original applications: flowers, hedgehog, unusual birds.

Can not ignore the crafts of vegetables. This is a separate autumn theme sums up all the fruitful summer season: the harvest, here it is!

In kindergartens and centers for educational work in the fall, traditional exhibitions of vegetable handicrafts are organized. Children ages 4 can participate in such exhibitions and present their work.

The simplest vegetable crafts children can make on their own: an eyed onion in a basket, a fancifully shaped potato duck, a red maiden carrot. For more complex ideas, the help of parents will be needed.

Pumpkin seeds can be used to make an original autumn tree.

You will need:

  • a sheet of cardboard or paper,
  • pumpkin seeds dyed yellow and red,
  • glue,
  • paints, brush.


  1. The tree is very simple to make, a child of 4 will do the task himself.
  2. On a piece of paper or cardboard, you need to draw the trunk and branches of the tree with brown paint.
  3. When the paint dries, glue the pumpkin seeds on the sheet in random order.
  4. The work is done.

Traditional crafts from cones and acorns

Children enjoy making different figures from acorns, cones and chestnuts. Such crafts are often new participants in children's games.

In addition to figurines from cones You can make great New Year's decorations simply by coloring them gold or silver.

You can make some unusual toys out of chestnutsDue to their smooth brown surface. To connect the parts a child can use plasticine.

Natural materials have almost unlimited potential for children's creativity. Leaves, cones, twigs with the help of children's hands can turn into interesting crafts.

Products from loose foods

Different cereals, peas, pasta products have their hidden potential for the realization of different creative ideas. Usually they are used in the creation of various thematic paintings.

Such products are well glued to a paper base. They are easy to paint in different colors. Thus it is possible to make and autumn landscape, and a summer theme, and a picture of a winter morning.

In the process of creating such crafts child a good idea to tell about different crops and how to learn flour from corn, for example. So you can spend time usefully, and expand children's horizons. At age 4, children are inquisitive and absorb new information well. In addition, working with small elements in the creation of such pictures develops fine motor skills, which has a positive impact on the development of speech of the child.

New Year crafts

Preparing for the holiday, which all children look forward to, will help create a festive mood and spend time with benefit. Different materials can be used in the work.

A child of 4 years old can make their own paper lantern to decorate the Christmas tree.

  1. A rectangular strip of paper should be folded down the middle.
  2. Scissors make even cuts from the fold line, not reaching the edge of the paper blank.
  3. The sheet is carefully unfolded, glued along the narrow edge.
  4. Glue a loop of a strip of paper.

The easy work will strengthen the skills of working with scissors.

There are many ideas for crafts for four-year-old children. At this age, they can implement many of them on their own. Creative activities are useful for the overall development of the child, promote the development and consolidation of important skills.

Photo craft ideas for four year olds

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