How to make a dress out of paper with your own hands - a selection of master classes for beginners, photo ideas and examples

The time of cutting fancy doll outfits from magazines is long gone. Modern children's and teenage web resources allow you to quickly and originally make a variety of dressy toilets not only for the toys, but also for the fashionistas themselves. With only scissors and a sheet of corrugated paper, you can create a real fashion accessory, including a dress.

Materials for work

For master classes on making decorative dresses for dolls you will need to prepare the following materials:

  1. Corrugated paper.
  2. Plain paper.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Glue.
  5. Several sheets of heavy cardboard.
  6. Paper tissues.
  7. Toilet paper.
  8. Templates for dress outlines.

Presented in the following master classes are designed to create only doll's dresses, which can be used to form dolls' closets, school crafts or to create sketches of clothing models.

Master classes for creating dresses from paper

The variety of options for doll dresses is simply huge, because the imagination of needleworkers and craftsmen has no limits. All templates and photos of finished products are freely available, so anyone can use them in the process of work. The models we are going to work with today:

  1. A paper napkin dress with a puffed skirt.
  2. Article of corrugated paper.
  3. Dress in origami technique.

Step-by-step instructions will be provided for each work to make the dress-making process an enjoyable creative hobby.

Paper napkin dress with a puffed skirt

For the work, we need to prepare the following materials:

  • Monochrome paper napkins. It is better to opt for multi-layered versions, to give the skirt maximum shape and volume.
  • Cardboard (the color is not important).
  • Scissors.
  • Glue.
  • Ready-made templates for the bodice, skirt and belt.

Before you begin, it is worth deciding on the shape of the skirt: pleated, sunset skirt. It is also necessary to take into account the length of the hem, because the desire of the master may differ dramatically from the presented technique. Having made the choice of style and model, you can begin to work:

  • According to the template on a sheet of cardboard draw the main details of the dress: bodice, skirt and belt.
  • Cut out the details.
  • Fold the napkins and glue them to the basis for the skirt in tight rows.
  • We wrap the skirt in a ring and connect it to the bodice frame.
  • Complete the assembly by dressing the original belt. On a cardboard blank, attach a strip of paper napkin and decorate with small rhinestones.

If you wish, the belt can be made removable, just like the whole dress.

Dress made of corrugated paper

Crepe has several advantages over other types of paper:

  • The finished products turn out more realistic.
  • Beautiful colors.
  • The material is easy to work with.

To make a doll dress out of crepe, you need to prepare a set of materials:

  • Corrugated paper.
  • Ready-made templates for the details of the dress.
  • Glue.
  • Elements of decoration (beads or rhinestones).
  • Satin ribbon (one will be enough).
  • Iron.
  • Scissors.

Further work should be done according to the instructions:

  1. According to a template of corrugated paper, cut out details for the dress: bodice, skirt and belt.
  2. Workpiece for the skirt with an iron and slightly stretch, giving the crepe an undulating shape.
  3. Connect all the parts with glue or thread and needle. The thin seam will be completely invisible on the fabric.
  4. Along the back surface of the accessory place Velcro (you can attach them with a stapler or sew them on).


Acting on the scheme, you will get a removable doll's outfit. Belt and hem can be decorated with a scattering of beads or crystals, and satin ribbon tie on the belt already on the doll.

Dress in origami technique

Such models are most often used to create a preliminary model of the future fashion accessory. Creating a miniature copy to evaluate all the details before starting the main work. Of materials we will need only paper and cardboard card to further glue the paper model of the dress to the base.

Step by step instructions for the master:

  • A square piece of paper fold in half in two directions and unfold back.
  • Fold the top and bottom edges to the middle of the sheet.
  • Reverse the fold in half sheet of paper.
  • Fold the figure in half again in the direction of the lower fold.
  • Now you need to consistently bend and unbend the inner corners in the direction of "me".
  • Side edges of the product to wrap inside.
  • The upper part of the bend to the middle of the sheet.
  • Bend the top corners and we get the sleeves of the dress.
  • Upper inside corners to turn aside to get the original collar.

The finished model of the dress should be glued to the cardboard base to see all the details and subtleties of the future accessory.

Dresses for fashionistas

Making dolls' outfits, is a skill, but creating outfits for the needlewomen themselves is a real art. And paper in this case serves as an excellent material to work with. Let's see what preparations are needed to make a stylish paper accessory:

  1. First of all, choose the material. Ideal is corrugated paper, but very often there are models from toilet paper, paper napkins or ordinary newspapers.
  2. Take measurements. Measurements are made in the standard way and according to the same requirements: chest circumference, waist circumference, sleeve length (if sleeves are provided in this model), skirt length and other characteristics.
  3. All measurements are transferred to the cotton paper to make patterns.

Now you can get to work. Consider the step-by-step instructions for creating a dress on the example of crepe:

  • According to ready templates of corrugated paper, cut out details of the future accessory: the bodice, blanks for the skirt (in our case, these are the original petals), the belt.
  • Treat the bodice with hot steam or iron, hot fold and unfold to get decorative folds.
  • From the petals we sew or staple the skirt. To get a puffy hem, use crepe in several layers.
  • Combine the parts into a single composition, lastly fix the belt.

Finished product decorate to your liking. We got an original and exquisite outfit for a school contest or for a home children's party.

Photo ideas of homemade dresses from paper

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