Handcrafts for boys - 7 interesting master classes for beginners with photo ideas

Making crafts with their own hands is very useful for the development of the child. As a result of such activity develops assiduity and discipline, labor skills, develops imagination and the ability to achieve the goal. In addition, the work actively involves fine motor skills, which are beneficial to the development of speech and thinking.

The creative process will be much more fun for the boy, if the theme of the craft is really close to him and interesting.


One of the easiest craft options for boys is a robot. It is hard to find a boy who is not interested in robots.

And to make such a toy from ready-made elements, even a small child can do it.

A robot from boxes or bottles

You can offer your child to construct a robot model from ready-made small boxes or plastic baby yogurt bottles. The easiest way to glue the elements together is to use tape. The child can independently model the figure, fix the elements and paint his character. The robot will not necessarily come out fearsome and beautiful, but it will be made with their own hands.

You can help your kid fasten the arms and legs of the model on cords to a large box-body of the toy. The second box-head can have two antennae from paper. The boy can draw a "face" and control buttons. The robot is ready to perform tasks!

With plastic bottle arms and legs attached to the tele-box, it will look like a stable and imposing device.

A robot made of cardboard and colored paper

Older children can make the robot completely by themselves. Cut out parts from cardboard, glue and decorate the robot in the desired style with colored paper or foil.

You can use different materials to make and decorate the robot.

  1. Cardboard and colored paper.
  2. Plasticine.
  3. Boxes and plastic bottles.
  4. Disposable dishes.
  5. Toilet paper tubes.
  6. Matchboxes.
  7. Lego constructor parts.

School-age boys can add a battery-operated mechanism to their crafts if they want. It can be taken from a tired toy. Such a robot will be able to make sounds, give light signals and roll on the surface.

Dinosaurs .

Thanks to the numerous cartoons about dinosaurs, children's interest in the extinct representatives of terrestrial fauna is quite high.

A craft on this theme will be interesting to both preschooler and junior high school student.

The easiest way to make a dinosaur figure is from paper or cardboard.

Dinosaur from a toilet paper sleeve

It is not difficult to make a dinosaur, taking the sleeve from a roll of toilet paper as the basis. Boys 6-8 years old will do the job themselves if you prepare them a template for the upper part of the body of the animal with the head and tail beforehand.

  1. Ready parts you need to carefully cut out with scissors (they can be printed on a printer or drawn).
  2. The sleeve is cut lengthwise with scissors, the upper part of the body with the head and tail is attached to the slits, glued.
  3. The legs can be cut out of the second sleeve, they will be strong and with the right curve.
  4. Decorate the body with colored paper.

Dinosaur Layout of cardboard

It is fascinating and, at the same time, not difficult to make with your own hands a three-dimensional model of a dinosaur. For the work you need thick boxed cardboard. You can draw the pattern yourself or find it in a book or on the Internet.

Glue is not needed for this craft. Parts are connected by means of slits.

You can make interesting dinosaurs from cardboard, paper and clay.

Boys' crafts with a space theme

Space theme gives a wide scope for imagination of boys. Rockets and flying saucers, distant planets and their inhabitants, yet undiscovered by science life forms and space pirates!


Start with a simple rocket craft. It can be glued together from cardboard or take a few toilet paper sleeves as a base. The nose of the rocket is a paper cone, still need lateral support for vertical stability.

The body can be painted, glued colored paper or wrap foil.

You can make a rocket out of a plastic bottle. But it is better to paint the object with acrylic paint.

Aliens and UFOs

There are a lot of ideas for crafts for boys in this area. They can be brought to life using cardboard, paper, toy boxes, disposable dishes, plasticine, and plastic bottles. It all depends on the boys' imagination. The creative process can turn into a fun game which requires making new characters and flying vehicles.


Another good theme of crafts for boys is always maritime romance. Sailing ships and pirates, adventure and uninhabited islands excite the imagination of many generations of boys. And the simplest boat for a spring creek can be made from a matchbox or a couple of chips. Or it can be a classic paper boat.


A photo of a real sailboat can be taken as a sample for the work. Of course, an exact copy, if and will turn out, not immediately. But the attempt can turn over time into a real hobby. A quality copy of a sailing frigate can be a great gift for a friend or relative.

The hull of the ship can be made from a plastic bottle or half-juice box, giving it a proper shape. You have to make holes in the deck of the ship to attach the masts. The sails can be made from paper or fabric. And do not forget about the crew and the flag of the ship.

The model of the ship can be made from cardboard egg cartons.

  1. Half of the egg carton is painted with paint.
  2. The masts are inserted into the protruding parts of the carton, and the sails and flag are attached to them.
  3. At the "stern" of the ship can be fixed steering wheel and a figure of helmsman from paper or plasticine.
  4. On the sides of "ship" you can hang life buoys and anchor.

If you want to make a steamship and send it sailing, it is useful box from milk or kefir.

It is painted or covered with colored paper. On the "deck" fasten a small box representing the superstructure of the ship, and a pair of "pipes". On the "stern" fasten a lifeboat.

From a large cardboard box from household appliances you can make a real boat, in which you can play real sailors, go in search of adventure. If the area of the room allows, then such a "ship" children can use to play for more than one year. Then a homemade helm made of cardboard, binoculars from toilet paper tubes and an inflatable circle will be a great addition to the game!


Many boys are partial to cars. This can serve as a great theme for a craft.

Cars from cardboard

Such crafts are interesting for boys and can be different in complexity.

The simplest models of buses, trucks and vans can be made from ready-made boxes, glued to them the wheels of cardboard. Boxes can be glued with colored paper, mark the windows, lights and other elements on the body.

Good race car is easy to make from a tube of toilet paper. It cut an oval hole for the racer. The hub is equipped with wheels. Paint or glue the hull with paper. Such a handicraft looks original if it is pasted with pages from a magazine with pictures of races.

More complicated models would be made of cardboard, which should be completely glued.

The wheels are often used as the hub of toilet paper. On their basis, you can glue fantastic models of racing cars.

Plasticine cars

Boys are real masters in modeling clay. From this material you can mold any cars, equipping them, if desired, with all the body elements corresponding to this design.


Handicraft airplanes are also interesting for boys. They can be made of paper, cardboard or plywood.

A simple plane such as a "corn" can be made from popsicle sticks.

If you want, you can glue together a working model of the glider and run it with friends on the street.


An interesting accessory for games or school plays are masks made in different styles from different materials.

For such a handicraft will do:

  1. Cardboard.
  2. Disposable plastic or cardboard plates.
  3. Cloth.
  4. Paper.

Masks can be any theme that interests the boys. These are Indians and super-heroes, astronauts and aliens, ghosts and other horror stories.

Ideas for crafts that will be of interest to boys, a huge number. For their implementation, the main condition is a desire to create and imagination. Crafts can be used in various games, school plays, or as an original gift.

Photo ideas of simple crafts for boys

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