How to draw a frog in a step-by-step pencil - features, master classes, photo ideas and examples

Frog-Tsarevna, frog in biology class, frog as part of an art composition - each of these options can be performed even by a novice artist. For inexperienced artists who are not familiar with the basics of drawing, today a variety of drawing techniques, video tutorials, step-by-step instructions with a description of the work are available.

Techniques for drawing a frog

Today there is a huge variety of ways to figure drawing, and the image of the frog allows you to both develop visual memory and learn to recreate images of animals. Among the great choice of artistic techniques are the following:

  1. Drawing with a simple pencil.
  2. Drawing with watercolor.
  3. Drawing with pastel.

It should also be noted that each of the presented methods can be applied even by a novice master.

Materials and tools for work

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the workplace. This is especially important if the work is planned to be carried out together with a child. The main conditions that must be observed are the availability of a wide tabletop, a comfortable chair and good lighting. The following materials and tools may be needed for drawing:

  • White A4 paper or Watman.
  • Simple pencils and colored pencils.
  • An eraser.
  • Brushes, paints.
  • Elements of decoration (if the drawing is part of a school craft).
  • A set of pastel crayons.

In the process of work, you may need other tools, but their set will depend on the chosen model of drawing.

Master classes on drawing a frog

The image of the figure can vary depending on the chosen technique and the purpose of the drawing. If the artist wishes, the drawing can be presented in the form of:

  • A classic sketch on paper.
  • Cartoon or fairy tale character (for example, the Princess Frog).
  • A frog in a composition (a picture-presentation of a fragment of a fairy tale).

For each master class, detailed instructions for the work are provided.

Drawing a sketch of a frog

The sketch of the frog is first formed using a simple pencil. When working, you can use the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. At the top of the sheet depict two eyes, having a rounded shape. For the teaching model, the size of the eyes should be the same, for the cartoon characters, the eyes change according to the character's pose.
  2. Inside the eyes draw the pupils. The circles of the pupils are slightly displaced to the periphery of the eyes.
  3. Between the eyes with a pencil put two points of sufficient diameter, which indicate the frog's nose.
  4. Next you can start drawing the mouth line - in the classic sketches it is represented by a wavy line, slightly raised under the nose.
  5. Complement the same wavy line top contour of the head.
  6. Frog's stomach is depicted as an hourglass or a rounded figure eight.
  7. Paws in the form of a clover, pointing "towards yourself", placed at the bottom and side of the tummy.
  8. Front paws start to draw approximately from the middle of the head.
  9. The contours of the hind paws are slightly protruding from the sketch of the front paws.
  10. Children's drawing should be supplemented with colored pencils or felt-tip pens. The main task is to distribute the color accents correctly. The yellow belly at the bottom is grooved with green pencils.
  11. The paws are done in green colors.

The eyes can be left white if desired, but for additional decoration of the drawing it is worth giving them a contrasting shade (for example, blue).

Drawing the Frog Princess in watercolor

In case of difficulties, beginners can make a preliminary sketch with a pencil, and then highlight the details with paints. But our task is to instill skills of drawing directly in watercolor. For the drawing you should use thick paper and a minimum of water, so that the base is not torn in the process of drawing. Instructions for drawing the frog tsarevna:

  1. You should also start the work from the head. Using the thinnest brush, trace the circle of the eyes and draw the transparent dots inside.
  2. Nose is represented by two black dots.
  3. Go around the contour line of the mouth and the top of the head.
  4. Body and legs are depicted according to already known pattern, the main difference - we get a wider outline.
  5. On the head we draw the crown: you can depict a classic golden crown with three high peaks. If desired, the artist can depict an individual version of the head ornament for the princess.
  6. The next detail is the necklace around the neck. Use a thin brush to trace the rounded outline of the red beads, then consistently paint over them, giving them a blood-red color.

The mantle is an optional detail, but it will look beautiful in the drawing. The contour line is drawn in such a way that the viewer can see only the front edge. Color and decoration for the robe can be made up of your choice.

The frog in the composition with pastel

Drawing figures in composition is the most difficult, because in the image a great deal of attention is paid to the pose, the expression of the muzzle and eyes of the frog. Instructions for work:

  1. For convenience, a sheet of paper can be crossed out into large squares on the type of a chessboard.
  2. Prepare a photo of the frog in the selected composition. Focusing on a photo template, mark the approximate location of the main parts: the head, body, front and back legs.
  3. On the points, carefully draw the centerlines of the head, abdomen and paws.
  4. In the process, we make strokes, clarifications on a sheet of paper. It is in this technique can be different width of the eyes, raised corner of the mouth in a curved smile.

All other figures of the composition are drawn after the frog according to the presented markings, and the retouching of the picture is done in the last turn. Pastel is beautifully laid on paper, creating unsharp contrasts and shadows.

Drawing a frog: application

Drawing a frog can be used in practice in the following cases:

  1. Instructional Drawing.
  2. Development of memory and thinking for young children.
  3. To create school crafts.
  4. A frog layout for bookmarking in a book.

In fact, the frog can be drawn even just for fun, the main thing - the desire and desire of the master.

Photo ideas and examples for drawing a frog in pencil

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