How to Draw a Clown in Pencil - 4 Easy Workshops for Children

The subjects of our today's master classes are clowns. All of us in our childhood parents took us to the circus. Especially memorable part were the clowns. They could make everyone laugh: both children and adults. Besides, they are shown even on TV channels. Now you and I will learn these characters, first of all, in pencil, and then in color. Our lessons will be accessible even to a child.

Lesson in drawing a clown with pencils

This lesson, of those presented in this article, is the easiest. So we recommend starting with it if your drawing skills are not yet great.

What you will need:

  • Checkered paper (you can take regular notebook sheets);
  • A pencil or pen;
  • colored pencils;
  • eraser.

Stages of drawing:

  1. We take in our hands an ordinary pen or pencil and begin to create.
  2. For drawing, you need to take a sheet of paper in the cell, it can be usual notebook page. We find it in the middle, to start a little higher than it. There we draw a small circle, and on the sides - two arches.
  3. After this step, you should draw two oval shapes above the temples. These will be the eyes. We place the pupils in them. Complement the eyes with eyelashes.
  4. Just below begin to draw the mouth. It resembles the shape of a triangle and consists of two arcs.
  5. Draw the shape of the face. Thus we have the head. Wavy lines traced hair. Remember that they have a voluminous hair. Above draw a hat.
  6. Draw the collar of the clown. From his chin draw 7-8 straight lines. Then connect them with a semi-oval from the bottom.
  7. Proceed to the arms. First mark the volume of the sleeves. Do this as follows: from the second line on the left drawn a line down, marked an arm and arcs that represent the sleeve. Similarly, do the right.
  8. Proceed to draw the pants. From the edge of the sleeves draw lines, pant legs. In the middle of the body depict a few buttons.
  9. We finish drawing the second hand. Bottom pants add silhouettes of shoes. Around the clown depict a few balls, which he supposedly juggles. How to draw a clown figured out, left to paint the image.
  10. Bottom of the pants add shoes. Around the clone, starting with arms, draw balls. Our character will be juggling.
  11. It remains to paint our picture. For the face we use flesh-colored pencils.
  12. For the hair we can use orange pencil. And for the clothes, we can use any color we want. You can let your imagination run wild.

A clown with a butterfly

What you will need:

  • Drawing paper;
  • Colored pencils or markers.

Drawing steps:

  1. Now that you know how to draw a clown, we proceed to drawing variations. For example, a clown with a butterfly. We take drawing paper and colored pencils or markers.
  2. Draw a circle on a sheet of paper. This will be the head.
  3. Around the edges draw two small ovals - the ears.
  4. Do not forget about the artist's hat.
  5. On the right side of the hat place a flower. Under the hat - curls clown. Remember that he should have lush hair.
  6. How to draw eyes and mouth we have learned in the previous master class. If necessary, you can repeat it.
  7. Under the head we depict a large and voluminous bow. It is now the highlight of our drawing.
  8. We start to paint the clown. His hair can be made orange. For the bow, the preferred color is red.
  9. For the face we choose flesh-colored. We highlight the cheeks in red. This will give the artist a blush.
  10. For the hat and the flower, absolutely any colors can work. You will have a chance to show your imagination.

Jolly clown

What will be needed:

  • Drawing paper;
  • Just a pencil;
  • eraser.

Drawing steps:

  1. We take a sheet of paper and draw a circle on it. We already understand that it will be the head.
  2. We add small balls on the sides. This ears.
  3. From the right ear to the left trace a wavy line. In the middle place the nose.
  4. On the head depict a clown's hat with a pompom. Also, do not forget about the magnificent hair of the artist.
  5. Draw eyes. We have already learned how to do this in previous lessons.
  6. We are decorating the cap. We have made it striped. You can draw stars, flowers. Anything you like. Do not limit your imagination.
  7. Let's move on to the body of the clown. Draw two lines down, as shown in the sample. This is the torso. Dorisovyvaju collar.
  8. Remains coloring stage. Do not limit your imagination. Below you can see an image of the finished drawing.

Drawing a Sad Clown in 5 Steps

What will be needed:

  • drawing paper;
  • A plain pencil or marker;
  • An eraser.

Drawing steps:

  1. We start drawing the clown with the head and body. First we make a large horizontal oval, and then on top of it - a small elongated shape.
  2. Draw face and costume. Costume circus performer, as a rule, has a puffy collar. Add ears, eyes, nose. And most importantly, the mouth. Exactly it will express the sadness in our clown. Do not forget about the arms and sleeves.
  3. On the head of our clown is placed an elegant hat. In the eyes we trace the pupils, more carefully trace the mouth and the fingers.
  4. Complementing the face is a tear running down the artist's cheek. In his hands we draw a flower pot, and in it a flower. A sadly bent flower will add atmosphere to our drawing. We decorate the hat with a ribbon. We add patches on his garment.
  5. We go over our drawing with hatching. And lo and behold! The masterpiece is ready!

And so, you and I learned how to draw a clown. Both cheerful and sad. By the way, that year a wonderful movie was released - "It-2". Perhaps after seeing this masterpiece, you'll want to draw a clown, perhaps you want to fully experience the atmosphere of the film.

These workshops can be used by both children and adults. They are available to absolutely everyone and are great for aspiring artists who do not know where to start their creative path in this industry.

If you want to develop your child's artistic abilities, then these classes are the best fit for you. He can even get an A in Art!

Draw, create, and do not deny yourself anything. After all, creativity is so beautiful!

Photo ideas and examples for drawing a clown in pencil

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