How to draw a unicorn in pencil step by step - three easy and interesting master classes

The unicorn is a mythical creature that resembles a horned horse. The unicorn is a symbol of wisdom, rigor, fairness and honesty. These animals are the characters of many fairy tales, cartoons, and games for children.

Perhaps this explains their extreme popularity among girls and girls of all ages. How to draw a unicorn step by step will tell you about the article that follows below.

Drawing a unicorn in pencil step by step

First, in order to create a drawing, we need a sketchbook and a simple pencil, as well as an elastic band. It is with a simple pencil to create the outline of the future image. Now we need to follow the following instructions.

  1. Step 1: Draw an oval in a horizontal position. This is the body of the future unicorn.
  2. Step 2. Draw a second oval at an angle. This is the head of our fantastic animal.
  3. Step 3. trace the two ovals in a single line, joining them. Rub off any extra lines with a rubber band.
  4. Step 4. Draw the legs of the unicorn. Each leg is made up of two curved vertical lines connected by a horizontal strip.
  5. Step 5. Draw the details of the muzzle: ears, eyes, nostrils and the mouth line.
  6. Step 6: Don't forget the hooves. Little angled strokes on legs.
  7. Step 7. Now you can finish the image by adding wings, a mane and a beautiful horn.

Drawing a lol unicorn.

Lately, all little girls come to be completely delighted with the lol doll. What makes her different? Wide face, no chin, and enlarged pupils. One cannot say that this doll is particularly beautiful. However, for some reason children find her very cute. What follows is a simple lesson that will help a child easily and simply learn how to draw their favorite character.

You should start to create a picture with the most important part of the body, which is the head. Draw only the bottom part of the face. It should resemble the shape of a circle. In place of the chin there is a small depression.

Little ears are sticking out on the sides. Next, bangs are drawn. It consists of small horizontal lines of almost equal length. By drawing a line over the bangs we will create a headband. In the center above the headband we should finish drawing the flowers.

Also on the headband the ears are drawn on each side, and above it in the center - the horn. Around the rim dorisovyvayut another line of hair, and above it on the sides - ponytails. Now we should make a face. Eyes resemble a circle shape and have enlarged pupils. Above them are neat short eyebrows.

The nose and lips are at eye level. The nose is a small curved stroke, and the lips resemble the shape of a heart. Now we can proceed to the torso. A short dress with a puffy skirt, little plump hands, and quite plump legs with boots - this is the look of a real doll Lol.

Drawing a Unicorn

Many children like to sketch fabulous characters from their favorite Japanese cartoons. They tend to be a little different from the usual image and often resemble a pony. Below is a variation on the unicorn portrait that will help you learn how to draw these characters from various cartoons.

First you should draw the horn. Under the horn is drawn a circle - the face of the cartoon character. Under the horn marked bangs. It is a wavy line. In order to indicate an open eye should draw and paint another circle, outlining it above the eyelashes. To draw the eye in a closed position, you should draw the outline of a semicircle and also add eyelashes. Now it remains only above the circle to outline the ears, finish drawing the snout and paint.

Similar unicorn can be drawn in reverse sequence. In the second case, first draw horn and eyes. Between the eyes indicate an oval - this is the stigma. It draws a line of the mouth, as well as put a point - the nostrils.

Then proceed to detailing the eyes. At the bottom of the circles spend horizontal lines. In the upper half of the draw two small circles. The rest of the space is painted over. Above the eyes put a horizontal stroke - brows. Eyes and snout outline in a circle so that the top of it touched the horn.

Obtained muzzle. To muzzle on top dorisovyvayut ears, and for the horn draw bangs. Now you can paint this miracle. Comes out a pretty picture. Even a preschooler can draw it.

The unicorn is a popular character in fairy tales, cartoons and mystical stories. This image is a dream of little girls as well as adult girls and even women. It is quite easy to cope with this task. To do this, just follow the above instructions.

The little artists can already outline and paint the unicorn's muzzle. Two eyes, snout, bangs, ears and horn are the details that make up the hero's head. By the way, it can be oval, round or even rectangular in shape. To create an image of a unicorn, you can offer schoolchildren.

In addition to the torso and paws, children will have to draw a mane, a tail and beautiful wings. Also, do not forget about such details as hooves.

Unicorn is a bright and kind animal. Therefore, when painting a picture, you should use light, gentle shades. Suitable color blue, pink or lilac. The body of the unicorn can be decorated with different patterns.

Picture ideas and examples for drawing a unicorn

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