How to draw a house: step by step creation of a beautiful drawing from A to Z

Big houses and small houses, castles of fairy tale princesses and huts are very fond of depicting in their drawings of children of all ages. They really like to reproduce on paper familiar objects with simple forms, gradually complicating their design and adding various details.

Simple and easy master classes for children and adults will help you learn how to draw a house of any size and shape. If you reproduce the suggested instructions step by step, you can quickly master the technique of sketching, which will require only a pencil and begin to reproduce colored compositions.

How to turn the process of drawing into learning

Each child can draw the house that he likes or he filled in its shape and outline, while the creative activity can be used for learning. It is recommended to devote each lesson to the study of something new or consolidation of already passed material, using the joint time with benefit:

  • Learning all the geometric shapes and most commonly used shapes;
  • familiarization with the color palette, memorization of colors and shades;
  • consolidation of the concepts of simple shapes and perspective in a drawing;
  • memorizing the names of the basic elements of any construction.

It is not necessary to forget that when a child draws any drawing, he or she develops fine motor skills and learns to hold a pencil, felt-tip pens or brush correctly. Such skills are useful for all children who are preparing for school or are already elementary school students to reinforce useful skills.

Drawing a multistory house with their own hands

In the city children's eyes most often come across large high-rise or apartment buildings with a certain number of floors. It is easy enough to draw them, and a child can benefit from the simple step-by-step instructions, thanks to which the drawing will turn out a beautiful apartment house:

  • On a piece of paper should draw a regular rectangle with a short base and longer sides;
  • At a certain distance from each other at the bottom of the rectangle are finished drawing 2-3 rectangles, it will be entrances;
  • By the number of future floors, window openings are drawn on the workpiece, and they can be complemented by cross-shaped or single-strip frames;
  • Connecting some windows in pairs with the help of narrow and long rectangles it is easy to represent balconies on the house;
  • On the façade of the house, a straight line is marked with a straight line separating the plinth of the building and not affecting the entrance doors;
  • After completing the sketch, you can begin to paint the house, the basement and entrance doors, and window openings.

For kids who are just mastering the technique of drawing, it's better to start the creative process with simple and very light sketches. A multistory house is ideal for drawing lessons with a child who knows simple shapes and geometrical figures, such as the square and rectangle.

A beautiful rustic house with a fence

A one-story house with a triangular roof is easy to draw, but not every modern child has seen such a structure with his own eyes. To learn how to draw, you can draw a schematic plan or use realistic pictures of the house, clearly reproducing each step:

  • In the center of the paper, a large enough square is drawn and on its side edges you need to mark from above 1/3 of the length;
  • The square itself is divided by a straight line in the middle of the drawing and two rays are drawn from the side marks to the central intersection point;
  • The general view of the house is ready, on its visible part, it is necessary to draw window and door openings, and the door is provided with a handle;
  • to detail the drawing, in front of the door, several rectangles are drawn at different lengths, these will be the stairs;
  • on window apertures, upper or lower cornices can be depicted, using thin and narrow rectangles in the drawing;
  • in windows, children like to depict curtains or flowers, and even pets like a cute kitten;
  • a small rectangle with unequal hips is drawn to one slope of the roof, it will be a chimney with a spiral (smoke);
  • in front of the house, a low rectangle is drawn, separated by parallel vertical stripes, so a child will learn to draw fences;
  • Each drawn element of the fence can be decorated with a flat triangle (like the roof of the house, but smaller) imitating a fence post.

In fact, drawing a house consists of several stages, the first is the drawing plan, then the details are finished drawing and coloring is carried out. Adding another element, such as a fence, you can clearly show an example of such a concept as perspective and consolidate the knowledge of the child.

Gingerbread house with fairy tale decorations

After reading the famous fairy tale, you can draw a beautiful gingerbread house and additional decorations together with your baby. It is easy and simple to draw a sketch of an ordinary house, which the kid will decorate at his discretion and give it a really fairy-tale look in the drawing:

  • The house itself is drawn similar to the rustic hut, but with thinner lines, and it is not necessary to press hard on the pencil lead;
  • The resulting blank is sketched with thicker and wavy lines, imitating the walls and roof with the texture of cookies;
  • the base is best painted in sand or honey-brown shades and after it has dried, bright colors to depict marmalade and candy.

To round out all the shapes of such a house, each line should be as smooth as possible and well enough drawn. It is best to use watercolors for drawing such an image, which will give the house a fabulous and unique appearance.

In the drawing a child can depict any architectural masterpiece, from Baba Yaga's house to fairytale castles or his home. Gradually complicating the task and working with perspective, he or she will learn to make a preliminary design and even develop a drawing of a future structure. Don't feel bad if kids can't draw, using simple master classes you can learn basic drawing skills and use them in art classes.

Photo ideas and examples of drawings of houses for sketching

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