Recycled crafts with their own hands - interesting master classes,
Making crafts from recycled materials is an important part of the aesthetic education of the younger generation. In addition to the development of a creative approach to various objects in everyday life, this type of activity helps to educate children in the right attitude towards the disposal of various household waste in order to preserve nature.
The amount of household waste on the planet has reached a critical level. Products of chemical production practically do not decompose in the ground, emit harmful substances and cause great damage to the environment.
As part of the promotion of separate garbage collection, crafts made from recycled materials can play a big role.
What is recycled material
Material for creativity can serve as something that is usually sent to the trash after use:
- Plastic bottles and a variety of trays from this material,
- Bottle corks,
- cardboard boxes,
- disposable dishes,
- Toilet paper and towel tubes,
- glass containers,
- plastic canisters,
- bags,
- tin cans,
- car tires,
- newspapers.
All these things can get a second life in the hands of the master.
Plastic bottle crafts
Plastic bottles are one of the most common types of hazardous waste for nature. Now you can find many examples of recycling this container on the web.
Ladybug from a bottle
From plastic bottles you can make funny ladybugs to decorate the flowerbed.
To do the work, you need to prepare:
- a plastic bottle with a cork,
- acrylic paint and a brush,
- a disposable fork,
- knife,
- candle.
Step by step master class.
- From the bottle you need to cut off the bottom with a knife, paint it on both sides with bright paint and let it dry.
- Heat the prongs of a plastic fork over a candle flame, bend it and cut it off. This is a blank for the tendrils.
- Use a bottle cap to make a head. Paint it black, dry it and glue on the whiskers.
- Draw or glue the eyes from paper.
- Draw black spots on back.
- Glue cork head to the body of the puppet.
Product ready. If desired, you can make an entire family of such insects from bottles of different capacity.
Mushrooms for the garden based on a plastic bottle
Original garden figurines perfectly decorate the garden plot, look original on the flowerbed and the playground of the kindergarten.
With his own hands from a throw-away material with minimal cost you can make mushrooms to decorate the area near the house.
For the work you need to prepare:
- A plastic dense bottle from under milk or car chemicals,
- An old saucepan roof,
- cement, acrylic paint.
There will be easy work.
- The basis of the model will be a bottle. It is the stem of the mushroom.
- Work begins with the fixing of the bottle cap. This is the basis of the cap of the mushroom. Fix it by fixing the handle in the neck of the bottle with a mechanical connection. Or with a plaster on a fabric base. Scotch tape is not suitable.
- A mortar is prepared from cement.
- The mortar is carefully smeared on the bottle and the lid. The work is carried out in several stages. After the cement layer dries, carefully apply the next one.
- When the product takes the form of a mushroom, it is dried.
- Paint is used to cover the stem and the cap. Brown or red color for the cap is obtained by adding powdered dye to the white acrylic paint.
The mushroom is ready. Such a garden figurine lasts at least a season. It does not suffer from moisture so much as it is afraid of mechanical damage. A soft plastic bottle is not suitable for the base. It will crumple, the cement layer will crack and fall off.
Plastic bottles are used to make containers for flowers, jars for pencils and storing various small things, funnels and scoops for dacha. They can be used to make original flower arrangements. Plastic can easily be painted with acrylic paint.
From large bottles and canisters make different flowerpots for home and garden, garden figures. The simplest example of such figures is found everywhere. This is a piglet out of large bottles.
Handicrafts from plastic bags
Bags can also be used as material for crafts. Cutting them into long strips, you can knit an unusual rug or bag.
This material can be used to make pompoms, which will serve as the basis for figures of animals, fairy tale characters or lush flowers.
In this way, bags that are unnecessary for the household will get a second life. You can get ideas for creativity from interior design magazines or on thematic websites.
The use of discarded materials has become popular with famous designers. Their goal is to draw attention to environmental issues.
Children's crafts out of throwaway materials
For a themed exhibition at school or kindergarten, you can use bottles as the basis for space rockets, disposable plastic plates as the basis for an original applique.
Non-standard products are obtained from old disks, corks, batteries, and various boxes.
It is important to know when working with CDs that they must be cut with scissors under running water. From discs you can make original Christmas tree toys, pendants on fruit trees in the garden to scare birds, use as a decorative element in the manufacture of caskets and other crafts.
Egg tray crafts
Trays from egg trays are suitable for reuse as material for crafts.
They make cute caterpillars which can delight a child or decorate a flowerbed.
Egg trays can be used to make unusual artificial flowers. For this, a sharp knife is used to cut the petals out of the recess in the tray. Blanks have an original curved shape, which allows you to make amazing flower compositions.
The material is easy to paint in different colors with regular gouache or acrylic paint.
Disposable cup crafts
Based on disposable cups of plastic or cardboard, you can make them fun spiders. For this purpose, the cup should be painted with paint, draw eyes and mouth on it.
The spider's legs are made from plastic straws. Such spiders can be brought to the exhibition of crafts or play them with friends.
Another interesting idea requires two cups and a long twine. At the bottom of the cups make small holes, through which pass the twine. The end of the twine fixed neatly in a knot inside the cup. The improvised walkie-talkie is ready to go!
Ideas for using discarded material for crafts a lot. Classes with children making crafts from recycled materials helps their all-round development. In the process of work, the child learns about the features and properties of different materials, learns to think creatively, look for non-standard solutions to the problem. An important point is the education of the younger generation to care about nature.