Decorative pear crafts with their own hands - tips on the choice of material, interesting master classes, photo ideas

With the arrival of the season of fruits and vegetables there is a desire to start making interesting crafts. Sometimes the realization of a creative idea is inspired by the fancy shape of a carrot or potato. Traditionally, in kindergartens and centers for extracurricular activities in the fall organize exhibitions of handicrafts from the garden and vegetable garden. The work presented there is often striking in its unusual concept and craftsmanship.

In addition to traditional fruit and vegetable handicrafts, you can make an unusual decoration of the holiday table or just please the child with an original presentation of the usual products.

Ideas for such creativity can be taken from the many photos of similar works on the network or thematic magazines. In addition to traditional creations from potatoes, onions, pumpkins and zucchini, there are interesting options for crafts from fruit. For example, various crafts from a decorative pear.

How to choose a pear for handicrafts

The finished handicraft must retain its shape and look aesthetic for a certain period of time. There are certain requirements for the natural material that is used for fruit and vegetable crafts.

  1. If possible, the pear should be unripe. The harder it is, the better. A ripe, juicy and sweet pear spoils very quickly.
  2. The pear must not be damaged by pests or diseases.
  3. When making children's crafts, the fruit should not be treated with chemicals. This can cause an allergic reaction in children.
  4. The work of making a handicraft should not be done in advance. The optimal time to work is the evening before the exhibition. This will help to prolong the life of the product.

Almost all of these requirements apply to crafts for table decorations with the difference that the pear can be chosen softer. The work is done just before serving the table.

Ornaments from a decorative pear

Simple pear crafts

The simplest crafts from a decorative pear will be interesting for kids. Taking the fruit as a basis, you can make a funny fairy tale character. Other decorative elements can be molded from plasticine. Funny big ears, a nose like a potato, knotted hands and feet - you get a funny Domovoi. Image can be supplemented with a sprig of dill as hair.

Dill can be attached to the stalk with a thread.

The shape of the pear is reminiscent of an amusing children's toy Chumbley. You can play around with this by making a similar handicraft. The face can be drawn with felt-tip pens, complete the image with a headdress of a beautiful paper napkin.

Machines from a pear

To implement this simple idea we need a pear (or apple), a banana and toothpicks.

It is easy to make these cars, such an activity can be offered as an entertainment for children at a party or birthday party.

  1. Cut the pear into slices.
  2. Peel and cut the banana into circles.
  3. Use a toothpick to pierce the pear slices and put the banana circles on both sides.

Children will love such simple handmade crafts.

Owl of fruit

An interesting owl from fruit can be made not only in the fall. The necessary "materials" are available in stores regardless of the season. For the craft, you can use a flat plate or fasten the elements with toothpicks.

For the work you need to prepare:

  • pear,
  • kiwi,
  • grapes of dark color.

Step by step master class for making a fruit owl.

  1. The pear must be cut almost in half. So that you can't see the core, but the cut area is large. This will be the base of the product.
  2. Peel the kiwi and cut out a couple of large circles from the middle. These are the eyes.
  3. Place the grapes in the middle of the eyes. You can use halves of one berry.
  4. Cut one half of a dark grape into three slices. You get the claws of an owl.
  5. Slices of kiwi put on both sides of the owl. We get the wings.
  6. Beak made from a slice of dark grapes.

Pear owl is ready. Funny decoration will delight the child, will give impetus to his imagination.

Hedgehog out of a pear

The autumn season gives a lot of fruits and berries. This is the right time to make with children an unusual fruit hedgehog.For the work we need to prepare a large pear, grapes (preferably sultanas) and toothpicks.

Step by step master class for making a hedgehog out of grapes and pears.Cut off the side of the pear with a knife to achieve the stability of the workpiece.Peel the narrow part of the pear from the skin. This is the spout of the hedgehog.

Fix the grapes on toothpicks, and fix the toothpicks in the pear. Work begins with the head of the hedgehog, fix the toothpicks in even rows.Make a muzzle can be decorated with a pea of black pepper, cloves or black chokeberry.Make a handicraft ready. You can involve children in the work. Joint creativity is useful and fun.

In the process, you can tell about fruits and berries, their benefits for the human body, the peculiarities of growing.This will help to expand the child's horizons, to interest him in fruit in case he refuses to eat them.

Make a craft "Professor Pear".

This is a very interesting, but not easy to perform work. A child can make such a toy only with the help of adults.

For the work you will need:

  • a decorative pear,
  • Thread, needle, fabric (preferably felt), a small strip of fur,
  • glue, scissors.

Step by step master class for making "Professor Pear".

  1. From the pink or red fabric you need to make a small pompom. To do this, cut a circle and tie a thread around the edge. This is the nose. It should be glued to the face-pears.
  2. Eyes can be drawn with a marker or cut out of felt.
  3. Draw a mouth and glue a strip of fur around the convex edge of the pear. It turns out a kind of hairstyle.
  4. It is necessary to make a pattern of the body from fabric. As the basis, you can take any simple body pattern of the doll.
  5. Cut out, sew and stuff the body with filler.
  6. The bottom part of the pear is pierced with a wooden stick. The stick is lowered into the body of the doll, secured with glue.
  7. The toy should be provided with a scarf to hide the connection point between the head-pear and the body. On top of the head you can attach a leaf.

The toy is ready.

This is a difficult but interesting work. In the process of making it, you can explain to the child the safety technique when working with a needle.

The child should know that

  • Needle should be kept stuck in a spool of thread or pincushion-needle,
  • the needle must not be taken in the mouth,
  • You have to be attentive and not distracted while sewing.

Working on fruit and vegetable crafts is interesting and educational. You can start by letting children make simple applications from pieces of fruit on a plate.

These can be funny faces, flowers, animals, ships and so on. Such activity teaches children to accuracy and diligence, gives new knowledge about the world around, helps develop creative thinking and the ability to see the unusual in familiar things.Attractive decoration of familiar dishes with their own hands helps awaken food interest in unloved products.

Photo ideas of decorative pear crafts

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