How to make a paper frog craft with your own hands - step by step master classes, photo ideas, tips

Kids who go to kindergarten adore animals. Often even green kvakushi do not cause them fear, but only tenderness. Therefore, they will definitely have a taste for the paper frog craft, which children will be happy to make under the clear guidance of their parents.

Crafts for children 4-5 years old

In the process of making a paper frog parents of children of this age will have to do most of the work themselves, but the child is happy to participate in the case.

A frog on a stand

To make this simple craft, you need to find a diagram of a sitting frog. Transfer the outlines of a green river animal on a piece of paper in duplicate, so that their upper points (usually the eyes of the frog) touched each other. And paws dorisovat in both drawings rectangles, which will act as a base.

Suggest a son or daughter to paint a frog and not necessarily in green - you can do and different patterns, to allocate eyes, mouth, nose. Then help your child to cut out the pattern and glue the two bottom rectangles together. You have a three-dimensional frog, which can be put on the desk.

The frog out of the plate

As the basis for the frog in this handicraft take a round paper plate, painted on one side in green. Fold the plate in half green side out. We have the body of the toy. Insert the tongue cut out of red cardboard.

In the center of the bend at some distance from each other glue the eyes - squares of green cardboard with two rounded ends, on which we glue white circles on top, and on them smaller black ones - pupils. To the bottom of the plate glue two pairs of hind legs on the edges, and closer to the center - the front.

Frog out of palm prints

This idea is sure to please the baby. Let him put his hands on a sheet of green paper, and you trace the outlines of his palms. Then cut out both parts - these will be the paws of the frog. Still need to cut out a circle - the body, and two rectangles of different sizes - the eyes. Rectangles of white should be larger in size than the black. All four rounded on two sides.

For each white rectangle top glue black - it is eyeball with a pupil. Now, on the wrong side of the green circle glue two eyes and two paws (prints of palms). Turn the product and glue a red semicircle - the mouth of a smile. You can glue two small black circles - a spout.

Handicrafts for children 6-7 years old

Older children need frogs that can move and jump. Invite them to make such crafts.

A puppet frog .

This model can be used for a toy puppet theater, because thanks to the connections from threads, the frog will move its arms, legs and head. The frog will be able to move its arms, legs and head:

  1. Prepare a green circle - the body of the frog.
  2. Make five small holes in it with an awl for the head, front and back legs.
  3. Draw and cut out one head and a pair of small and large feet.
  4. In each piece make holes with an awl.
  5. Connect the hole in each piece with a corresponding hole in the circle by tying thread.

Frog on hinges ready.

Frog out of rectangles

Technique of making the frog of the seven rectangles in green and one red (tongue) is very simple. The largest rectangle (body) and slightly smaller (head) should be twisted into a cylinder and glued. The four narrow rectangles one end to make rounded. Two of them glue to the bottom of the body - these are the back legs and two others - glued to the front of the cylinder - these are the front legs.

From the remaining rectangle make eyeballs - the outer side is cut with two convexities. On top of the application - white circles and black on top of a smaller diameter. Rectangle with eyes glued to the side of the cylinder head. Draw a semicircular mouth on the cylinder, making a slot and insert the red tongue. Now connect the head to the body with glue, and our handicraft is ready.

Ornaments of improvised materials

Never throw away packaging - from them you can make interesting work, including a frog.

A frog out of a disposable cup

A used green paper cup can easily be turned into a frog by gluing an oval (muzzle) with two circles (eyes) cut out in one common piece to its side. On the muzzle in the circles to make application of the eyes, and the mouth can finish drawing a red felt-tip pen.

To better resemble the cup on the frog, you can glue the bottom green legs of the triangles, the base of which cut out three semicircles (webbing on the legs).

The frog out of the sleeves

The sleeves from the toilet paper, too, never throw away. They can be painted green, flatten them in half, glue one side and leave the other open (this will be the mouth, in which you will insert the long red tongue). It remains to glue the four legs on the sides and make eyes in the form of applique.

Or you can leave the sleeves rounded. Glue green ribbons of paper on the sides, curving them in a circle and leaving the ends sticking out, which should be spread into three parts. At the top of the hub glue circles-eyes, and in the middle draw a mouth.

Origami crafts

By folding the paper can be made bookmark frog. In the photo, this toy looks very funny. We offer a detailed master class:

  1. Fold the square sheet on the two diagonals, and then back to the square again.
  2. Fold in half, to form a triangle.
  3. Fold the top corner to the bottom, leaving the bottom in its place.
  4. And the sharp edges of the triangles folded inward, so they touched the top of the bent corner. Making the bend, unwrap both corners back.
  5. Tuck in the edges of the triangle, so that we got a diamond.
  6. Lines of curvature, we made a preliminary, inward folds.
  7. In the resulting pocket insert the red tongue, and on the opposite side of the glue trimmed with a semicircle basis for the eyes, on which we glue white circles, and over them - black pupils.

Nothing complicated in the manufacture of toy frogs from paper, so be sure to find time for such a craft. Your child is sure to be fascinated by this business and begin to come up with a new model himself.

Photo ideas of products in the form of a frog

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