Handmade crafts for children 9 years old - interesting master classes with paper and clay

A child of nine already has his own opinion and taste. He has determined which colors he likes and which are unacceptable to his eyes. At this age, it is already more difficult to impose on the child his ideas for performance, but give advice and watch the result of his activities. Observe the activity and enjoy the progress.

Children of nine years old are pleasant and joyful to make crafts with their own hands. It is especially important that the craft is not an assignment from school, but his own desire.

At this age, especially interesting work made of paper. We advise you to stock up on colored paper and cardboard, and threads, beads and glue are not superfluous.

Let your child know about the upcoming holiday and write a list of people excited about the card. Even without experience, a child is able to create wonderful cards for friends and relatives.

Or maybe you plan to bake cookies and cakes? A child will definitely be interested in decorating cookies. From the weapons will be enough culinary syringe with cream and sprinkles. We assure you, each cookie will be individual and very appetizing

Paper crafts


In this case, everything depends on the paper. If you purchase corrugated new paper, then everything becomes easier, but in fact fit and ordinary colored, and you can train on white.

Sequence of actions to make a flower:

  1. fold the entire sheet into an accordion
  2. tear giving fancy shapes
  3. fold the accordion
  4. think of something to tie the middle with.
  5. All that's left is to fluff it up and use scissors until the final result

Children's crafts don't have to be perfect, so don't worry about beauty.


Your child's bookmarks will appeal to everyone in the class. He will be able to teach others thereby developing his communication skills.

There are no steps involved. You cut out a strip of paper, bend it as you want, decorate it and it will be considered a bookmark.


  • A simple and spectacular kind of paper crafts. Suitable for assiduous children.
  • You need to determine the figure and draw it.
  • Number of flags - any.
  • Cut out circled shapes.
  • Last action, fasten all the resulting figures with a thread.


Most interesting technique of folding paper. Creating a lot of folds can make a lot of interesting handicrafts. We recommend to start with the simplest crane. The scheme can easily be found on the Internet.

Before making cranes, it is important to know that a little Japanese girl, Sasaki, was in the hospital making these very cranes. She firmly believed that after making 1,000 of them, the disease would leave her. There was not enough strength for a large number, but her family came to the rescue. Unfortunately, even together, their strength was not enough and the girl did not have time to make cranes and died...

People still make cranes and remember the Japanese girl.

Plasticine crafts

For children aged nine years - this is the easiest task. But copying handicrafts from others is really easy. And include their own imagination, creativity and talent is much harder. This is the problem, give your child a goal, but do not tell him how to do it right. Even better to do at the same time, he makes his craft, and you do your own. This excites the spirit of competition, and in the end the child will make a great plasticine handicraft.

It happens that the clay is already stuck together and it is impossible to separate it into pieces of the same color. In such cases, collect mixed clay and sculpt a volcano, this color is ideal for the installation.

Idea for a craft.

Plastic bottles as a piggy bank

It is believed that the piggy bank is able to save your coins until further times. Do not throw away plastic bottles, but use them to create a piggy bank.

For this you will need:

  • 0.5 bottle, preferably clear
  • pink paper
  • eyes
  • soft wire
  • glue
  • scissors
  • black marker.

Master class:

  1. remove the label from the bottle and clean off any glue residue
  2. use scissors to make a hole for the coins
  3. glue the bottle with pink paper
  4. cut out the ears and glue them to the bottle
  5. instead of a spout we also use paper
  6. Now comes the marker, on the paper we draw two dots and get a heel
  7. do not forget about the eyes
  8. Create a tail from the wire and attach it to the piglet.

That's it, the piggy bank is ready! While you are passionately making this miracle, remember about the child, all started for him. You can make one for demonstration, and the rest he will make himself, under your supervision.

How do applications develop a child?

Applique - it's a very exciting activity for children. It is always interesting to cut out different figures from paper or fabric, and then combine them and be amazed at the results. You can do applications from any age, but at nine years old the child is able to show all his feelings and thoughts in the crafts. This activity promotes the strongest development of the child, his fine motor skills and memory. Use different shapes of paper, lots of different colors, especially the colors with which the child is not familiar. With paper products can develop spatial thinking. Enough to build a bird, it stands, sits, flies, lies, eats, and so on.

Pay maximum attention to the child's safety. Prepare the workplace, use a protective covering for the table and place all the necessary material nearby. Teach your child how to use scissors, glue, pencils and brushes before you start making applications.

Remember that already at nine years old a child is capable of making and fantasizing on his own. Do not distract him with your ideas for a craft, but push him tactically. If you saved his early crafts or photos from kindergarten - then compare the results and show them to your child. He will certainly be happy when he realizes his great success in this case. Such a move will give him further strength and even more motivation to create.

Photo ideas of crafts for children 9 years old

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