Handmade crafts of natural materials - a selection of interesting master classes with photo ideas
Every autumn nature gives not only inspiration for creative ideas, but also opportunities for their implementation. The fascinating process of making handmade crafts from natural materials helps to spend time with benefit, fosters diligence and perseverance in children, gives impetus to imagination, develops aesthetic taste, memory and thinking.
Natural materials are so diverse that they allow you to implement a lot of creative ideas. They can be stocked in hand to pass the long winter evenings. Their big advantage is that they are free. Everything you need for creative ideas is literally right under your feet. Cones, acorns, seeds, nuts, moss, beautiful twigs and leaves can be picked up during a Sunday walk in the woods or in the park, and the pebbles can be brought as a memento from the seashore.
Preparation and storage of natural materials
For crafts any natural materials are suitable. You can store them in the fall in large quantities, so as not to be bored in winter. In the process of harvesting it is necessary to collect as clean items as possible. Materials of plant origin should be healthy, not damaged by pests and diseases.
Creation pieces collected outdoors should be washed and dried immediately. Some of them may need to be treated. For example, branches and twigs can be washed with a weak solution of manganese solution.
- Leaves, flowers, and herbaceous plants are conveniently dried and stored in large books.
- It is convenient to adapt various containers with lids to store your supplies.
- It is important not to over-dry cones and acorns, they will become brittle and unsuitable for work.
- Ideal conditions for storage of natural materials, a dark cool room with good ventilation.
Leaf crafts
Applications .
From the beautiful autumn leaves can make applications on various themes. Such crafts are especially interesting for children. From the leaves of different trees can be collected on a sheet of paper of different insects, birds with puffy tails, an elephant or a hedgehog. The leaves can be complemented by drawing, resulting in a very original panels.
Leaf roses
Magnificent maple leaves It's easy to make beautiful roses with your own hands. For the work you need fresh maple leaves, dry leaves are not suitable.
The leaf should be folded in half and twisted into a roll, it will be the middle of the rose. The roll is placed in the middle of a large leaf, the edges of the leaf bend outward, like the petals of a rose, roll wrapped in this leaf. Then another large leaf is added in the same way. Everything together is fastened with threads. The rose is ready.
Of these "maple" roses can make an autumn bouquet or use them in various compositions. The color of autumn maple leaves is so diverse that it allows you to make very beautiful bouquets.
Cones crafts
One of the favorite natural materials for creativity are cones. They turn out fairy tale characters, animals, original compositions, Christmas decorations.
Basket of cones
Such a basket will be a good idea for children's creativity. For the work you will need pine cones and wire, as well as different elements of decor.
- Tie cones with wire in the middle and make a closed circle from them. Such blanks need at least three. The size of each circle directly depends on the total number of cones. The optimal number of cones is about 15 per circle.
- The circles are neatly fastened together with wire.
- For the handle of the basket of cones and wire form a semicircle.
- At the bottom of such a basket you can put a small plywood, cardboard or thick fabric.
Basket is ready. Depending on the idea, it can be decorated with different elements. Autumn themes emphasize leaves, berries or fruits. Winter can be emphasized tinsel, fir or pine branches and Christmas decorations.
Basket of cones is suitable for interior decorations, for creating a New Year's atmosphere at home and for school exhibitions. Such work can be done collectively, with the whole class. Or at home in a family setting.
Toys out of cones
Such crafts a child will gladly make himself. Pinecones can be fastened together with plasticine.
Cones are good for imitating the body of any character. To make additional elements are suitable paper, plasticine, acorns, leaves, twigs and so on.
Cones can be painted in different colors. Silver cones will perfectly decorate the Christmas tree or complement the Christmas composition. From pine cones painted in bright colors, you can make an imitation of a flower bouquet.
Arts and crafts out of nuts
Interesting crafts can be made out of nuts. Use any kind of nuts and their shells.
Walnuts are always in demand for crafts. From the shells you can make small ships. Enough to fix the middle half of the shells mast with a sail. Of these halves is not difficult to make fun mice. It is enough to glue ears, tail, eyes and nose.
Whole walnuts, painted in different colors, can decorate your Christmas tree, becoming an original element of the decor.
It is easy to work with pine nuts. They are not very hard, easily pierced with an awl. Great for imitating the paws of animals, they stick well. They can be used in wall panels.
Hazelnuts are quite hard, it is difficult to pierce them. For this reason, in crafts they are used as a whole.
Hazelnuts can decorate photo frames, decorate mirrors, use as an addition to various interior decorations or elements of toys.
Pistachios are also suitable for various crafts. The shape of their shells reminiscent of the petals of the flower.
Strictly speaking, the chestnut is not a nut. The shiny and smooth surface of the chestnut makes it a very attractive material for crafts. Both children and experienced craftsmen love to work with chestnuts.
The skin of a fresh chestnut is not thick and is easily pierced. From chestnuts You can make a variety of children's toys: fun caterpillars, spiders, birds, fairytale characters.
Chestnuts are actively used as decorative elements in the creation of wreaths, baskets, original compositions for interior decoration.
Along with cones, acorns are one of the most popular natural materials for crafts. Use both the acorns themselves, and their heads.
It is easier to work with fresh acorns. When stored they do not need to dry out. Acorns can be used to make various figures of animals and fairy tale characters, fastening them with matches, toothpicks or plasticine.
Acorns perfectly complement cones and nuts in various compositions. Both the acorns themselves and their hats are suitable for decorating picture frames and various compositions.
Interesting ideas can be brought to life, using the peeled halves of acorns.
Twigs and twigs
The use of twigs, branches and knots allows you to create very interesting variants of different original products. This material is actively used not only in children's art, but also in the creation of design things.
Bird's nest
An interesting theme for decorating the interior of a country house is the making of birds' nests. This can be an imitation of a stork's nest or a small bird.
The step-by-step instructions are the same in any case.
- Cut out of cardboard or cut out of plywood a circle whose diameter equals the diameter of the future nest.
- Twist twigs or branches, fasten and wire and lay in layers along the edge of the base.
- Fix the layers with wire or cord.
- Complement the product moss, cones, figurines of birds, feathers.
A variety of pebbles is convenient and interesting to use for crafts. This is a very textured and varied material.
Pebbles can be used as a supplement to other materials in the crafts and as an independent creative object. On them you can draw. Pebbles are not difficult to paint in different colors.
Flat stones from the seashore make interesting three-dimensional pictures and compositions. Stone is durable, so it can be used as elements of board games, creating decorations for the garden, original art objects.
A very diverse and textured material are seashells. They are used to decorate photo frames, homemade boxes, creating themed panels.
Shells can complement costume jewelry, make fun toys.
Natural materials are free, easy to work with and have a very interesting texture. Approaching creatively to make crafts from them, you can spend time with good use, and great subjects for decorating the interior of your home to make.