Crafts for kids - the top article ideas for the kids

Creative activities on making various crafts from an early age contribute to the versatile development of the child. Such activities can be done at home already with two-year-old kids. From time to time, different themed crafts for kindergarten are needed.

For kids, the process of making crafts is not just an interesting activity. It helps to develop fine motor skills, imagination, perseverance, commitment. Creative work brings family members closer together. In the process of work, children get acquainted with the features of different materials, learn the color and shape of objects, learn the world around them.

Types of materials for crafts with kids

You can make handicrafts from different improvised materials. It is important to make the process interesting for the child.

Natural materials

Handicrafts using gifts from nature are always unique. You can use autumn leaves, acorns, cones, twigs, pebbles, fruits and vegetables. In the process of working baby will be familiar with their characteristics, learn a lot about nature, the seasons, plants. Natural materials do not cost anything, you can collect them in advance during the walk.

Paper and cardboard

Easy to work with and accessible material for children's creativity.

Cotton disks, balls, sticks

Inexpensive and peculiar material for crafts. Easy to glue, can be painted with regular paints in different colors.

Discarded material

Practical to use for crafts plastic bottles and corks from them, packing boxes, bags, disposable dishes. In the process, the child will study the properties of different materials. You can talk about nature, the need to take care of a clean environment.

Bulk foodstuffs.

This group includes pasta, different cereals and peas. It is interesting to make applications and panels of them. Such material not only develops fine motor skills, but also massages the fingertips.

Buttons and sewing accessories

Allow you to diversify the creative process. Applique with buttons, pom-pom crafts will love a child. Work with small parts should be carried out strictly under adult supervision.

Salt dough and plasticine

Modeling is useful for the development of fine motor skills, which in turn activates speech and thinking.

Kids can be offered a completely safe salt dough to work with. It is easy to make from flour, salt and water. The mass turns out convenient for little fingers. Products can be painted.

All children love to model with clay. Babies engaged in the creative process should be supervised. Be sure to wash your hands after sculpting.

Seasonal crafts

Themed works from natural materials are especially popular in the fall.

Simple leaf applique likes to master all children. A small child can glue a maple leaf to a paper base. It only remains for parents to finish drawing some elements: a bird's head, the muzzle of a hedgehog and so on.

Handicrafts can also be volumetric: animals from conesacorns or chestnutsHouse made of twigs. Let the little master also participate in the process of creating a craft.

Interesting products are made from fruits and vegetables. Pumpkin houses, ships made of zucchini.

In winter, the most popular crafts on the New Year's theme: Christmas tree toys from different materials, garlands, snowflakes, applique and volume crafts.

In spring, the crafts reflect the theme of the awakening of nature: applique with snowdrops, sunshine, paper ships.

In summer, on a rainy day, you can also get creative: applications with floral motifs, three-dimensional crafts from different materials will help make the cloudiest day bright.

Original crafts for kids

There is a huge number of good ideas for children's creativity. You can start classes from an early age. Even at the age of one year, a child can be offered to roll sausages from salt dough. If desired, there are always ideas for joint creativity.

Colorful pebbles

Flat sea pebbles should be well washed before work. They can be painted on with paints or wax crayons. And let it be simple geometric pattern at first, as the child gets older they can paint seascapes with subtle little details.

A lamb made out of cotton balls

Small children for crafts should be offered ready-made elements. It is very easy to make a fun lamb out of ready-made cotton balls.

To implement the idea, you will need:

  • disposable plate (plastic or cardboard),
  • black or brown paper,
  • absorbent cotton,
  • glue.

The sequence of work is very simple.

  1. It is necessary to roll balls of absorbent cotton. The number of balls depends on their size. Very large balls are not needed.
  2. Turn the plate upside down.
  3. Balls of absorbent cotton glued in a circle, starting from the edge of the plate.
  4. The basis of the craft is ready.
  5. It remains to cut out colored paper legs and snout.
  6. Make eyes.

The work is done. You can think of many different crafts out of cotton balls and disks. One of the most popular New Year "cards" for children is the snowman from cotton disks.

For lessons with the kids are very well suited application of paper on various topics. Elements of the craft should be prepared in advance and offer the child to glue them on a ready-made template with outlines. Or engage in creative work together.

Decorative ball of thread "Kapitoshka"

A small child will find the process of making a craft based on a decorative ball of thread fascinating. The main work will have to be done by adults, and the baby can help decorate the product.

For the work you will need:

  • thread (white or colored),
  • PVA glue,
  • A bowl (or an unnecessary small plastic bottle),
  • colored paper,
  • balloon.

Step by step master class.

  1. The first thing to inflate the balloon. Inflate to the size of the future toy. It is important that the balloon was rounded shape.
  2. Glue is poured into a container. It is convenient to use an unnecessary small bottle. At the bottom of the bottle make a hole closer to one edge. Pour glue through the neck, put the bottle on its side. Thread is passed through the bottle so that it sinks into the glue. Pull the thread out through the neck. The point of the work is to wrap the balloon with thread soaked in glue.
  3. Balloon wrapped with thread in different directions.
  4. Allow the product to dry well.
  5. The balloon is pierced with a needle, carefully remove the remains.
  6. Decorate the balloon with eyes and mouth of colored paper.

Funny cartoon character ready.

From such balls can make different animals and insects, Christmas decorations, even elements of the interior decor.

"Crumbs" for the development of fine motor skills

This is not just a craft, but a useful toy for the baby. Making it with your own hands is very easy.

For work you will need:

  • flour,
  • balloon,
  • a child's watering can,
  • colored yarn (acrylic yarn is better),
  • felt-tip pen or marker.

It will take very little time to make.

  1. Inside the balloon with the help of a small watering can one should pour usual flour.
  2. The balloon should be tied at the top so that the flour does not spill out.
  3. Draw a funny face with a marker.
  4. Make a hairdo of threads.

Toy "Meatball" ready.

For the development of a child, creative exercises in making crafts are very important. That is why it is important to engage with children in making simple applications and crafts from an early age. Any materials available and safe for children can be used in the work. Creative activities can be combined with cognitive stories about the world around them, the characteristics of certain objects and materials. New knowledge is best absorbed by children in the form of a game.

Photo ideas of simple crafts for kids

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