How to make origami fortune-teller: a variety of figures, photo of the model, crafting tips
Origami fortune-teller - a popular children's entertainment, known to everyone since kindergarten or school. It allowed to determine who loves you or give an answer to a desired question. The main advantage of the figurine is the ease of making it.
Step by step making
Wondering how to make a step by step origami fortuneteller, many think that it is quite a complicated task, in fact everything is simpler than that. The main thing is to stock up on colored or white A4 paper (a double sheet of notebook paper will do) and follow the plan:
- From rectangular paper make a square. To this end, it is folded and cut off unnecessary elements.
- Shaped a square that has folds on the diagonals. Its corners are added to the center.
- Rotate the workpiece on the back side, and then fold the corners again to the center.
- The resulting figure is rotated to the back side and it marked the area of curves. Square of folds vertically, horizontally and diagonally, and then rotated.
- Fingers are inserted into the resulting pockets and you can guess. On each pocket is written the answer to a question or wish.
For a better look, you can diversify the product with flowers or different patterns. Options for decorating fortune teller quite a lot, it all depends on your own imagination. You can paint the pockets with pencils, felt-tip pens or colored pens.
To simplify the process of making a fortune teller, it is best to download and print a template, then the figure can be assembled on the highlighted dots. And this is much easier than doing the assembly according to the plan.
Options for filling
Fortune-teller origami out of paper, most often created as a universal element, carrying the answer to a given question or pre-granted a wish. In these cases, the pockets of the figure can be filled with as simple and short answers as possible: "yes", "no", "maybe".
In addition, the origami fortune teller can become an excellent predictor of the future. For example: a pleasant surprise, a gift, a trip. Quite a positive solution would be to fill each pocket with a compliment.
The rules of the game
There are several variations of divination, some may indicate numbers, others may not. On the outside of the pockets are the first letters of the name of the different sides of the world, and inside on the corners of the 2 answers or predictions.
The person wishing to divine, initially determines the side of the world and chooses a number from one to ten. The diviner, puts the figure on the fingers of two hands. Then the fortune-teller origami opens up and down the required number of times, depending on the selected number.
The answer should be read on the open area of the puzzled side of the world. For example, if the wish "north, six", it is required to open the fortune teller up and down 6 times and in the area of north, which will be open, get the answer.
Varieties of origami fortune-tellers
After figuring out how to make a classic origami fortune teller, it is worth considering that there are other varieties of this product:
- Instead of the sides of the world, the pockets are painted in a classic palette of colors. Most often used blue, green, yellow and red. If there is no desire or time to paint, the color can be written in words or depicted with the help of any invented figure. Fortune-telling is carried out on the same principle as the variant of fortune-teller origami with the sides of the world.
- There is a version of the figure, where the outer side shows the numbers from one to eight, and on the inside - the predictions. In the process of divination person calls the number from one to ten, then fortune-teller in different directions open the required number of times. Next, among those numbers that turned out to be open, choose one. Then the fortuneteller again opens corresponding to the second number a number of times, again choosing among the open numbers one likes and the description under it is the answer to the question.
- Quite original is considered a variant of the fortuneteller, where the numbers from one to eight are written on the inside, and to get the prediction, you will need to bend the corner with the mysterious number. There is no need to choose the side of the world or to move the figure in different directions, it is enough just to puzzle the number and get the answer. This method of fortune-telling is widely used among teenagers, children are not interested in it.
Depending on the purpose of using the fortune teller, you can choose absolutely any version of it, for example, young children will prefer this kind of figure, where you will need to paint pockets.
Interesting use
In addition to entertainment, origami fortune teller can be used for other purposes:
- The figure can be used for educational purposes. If you need help child at home, you can create a fortuneteller of paper and on each of the inner pockets to write a task to be done at home. This way, the child will both help their parents and have fun playing. This eliminates the need for parents to force children to help, because presenting help as a game, children with a special pleasure to support the rules and in the future will even initiate it themselves.
- Such products contribute to the development of manual dexterity and spatial thinking, so making such crafts will not only entertain the child, but also bring him considerable benefit. This product will also help in training such skills as assiduity, patience, attention. The main thing is that the child will create a figure for fun, and not under pressure from parents.
- If the origami fortune-teller used in children's group, where the guys are still strangers to each other, it will help them quickly get acquainted and make friends. Using figurines in a playful way, will improve the communication skills of the child.
- Creating figurines is quite a fun activity, contributing to calming the nervous system, getting rid of stress.
- Originally this product was made as a vase to store candy, nuts and other small parts, so no one interferes with the use of origami fortune-teller for its primary purpose. If there is a need to store some larger items, origami fortune teller make more, is quite suitable sheet A3.
- Occasionally the product is used as a paper glove to remove excess waste. Although this option of using fortune teller is almost blasphemy, because for the manufacture of figures takes a number of efforts.
Regardless of the purpose of making origami fortune teller, it is the most useful tool for children and adults.