How to draw a soccer ball in pencil - easy masterclasses for beginners

Soccer is now played by boys and girls. They choose this sport because of its dynamism and team interaction. However, without a good ball it is difficult to fully enjoy the process of the game. Modern technology regularly makes it possible to produce an improved version of the leather projectile for this game. It is produced for professionals and amateurs. But in general, the appearance does not change for many years.

Many people think that creating a ball for them will be too easy an undertaking, so do not take this pattern seriously. However, if you consider step by step how to draw a real ball, thanks to the many tools and techniques, then it does not seem too easy. But it is a very exciting activity and any child would love to do it. Well, are you ready? We can move on to the lesson:

The first and easiest way

To go to the complex variants you need to learn how to draw less time-consuming and simplified options. Creative realization of the idea should always start with an image and a plan for its implementation on paper created in the head. But suitable materials will be needed. In this case will need a black marker, oil pastel and an album. Let's proceed to the stages of work:

  1. In the middle of the sheet, create a circle in the shape resembling a soccer ball. In the middle part of create an oblique line from it to another until the formation of a full pentagon, as this ball.
  2. It turns out something similar to a rhombus or pentagon, most importantly, to be similar to the real prototype. From each edge of the corner draw a line of identical size. Then move the sticks in other directions. The result is formed mesh similar to one of the modern balls.
  3. Connect the incomplete segments with the inner part of the circle. Highlight the rhombus black marker on the edges.
  4. Now we will paint the resulting sections. Shading rhombuses alternately - black and then white as on the basis of the standard version of the ball.

It may not be a senior level, but you got a good job. Of course it was difficult without the skills of this work, but more will be easier. The main thing is to follow the instructions and everything will turn out like a real artist. Are you ready for more advanced variations? Then let's move on.

Now let's create a colorful ball

You have already realized the process of creating a ball for a real soccer championship. But the drawing can be done in a different way. This time it will be a little more difficult, but you can do it, because it is an affordable way to create a ball on paper.

Prepare a felt-tip pen or black marker, paints, a container of water, a sketchbook. You can start the creative work:

  1. The basis is built, thanks to the creation of a large circle in the middle part of the sheet. Repeat the technique of the first option. To form an even outline, use a glass or other convenient object with a rounded shape. Use a black marker and create clear rhombuses to form a nice-looking ball.
  2. After creating the outline, highlight all the rhombuses with a black marker. But this time you don't need to create a black and white version of the coloring of the pentagons. In this case, the main thing is to issue the correct color scheme. Because the coloring will be carried out, thanks to the brush and paints.
  3. Use red paint or any color other than black. Let the ball give off a nice color for children to use. To begin, paint the center rhombus. Then all the others with the omission of one pentagon to form an identity with the real version of the sports equipment.
  4. Paint the empty cells in the central part of the circle in yellow. For the remaining semicircles use blue.

Great you have a good toy for children. Of course, if it were real. But the younger generation can repeat the whole process of creating a picture and get a lot of positive emotions, because kids love to draw. And they like it even more when adults take part in the process.

Let's draw a ball based on a complex way

We will use a pencil. Be careful, because this time this thing is created on paper, a more, complicated way. Be guided by examples. They clearly convey what is supposed to happen. Shall we try it? Then let's begin:

  1. Create a circle to copy the ball. Below the middle, draw a pentagon with a slight shift to the right side.
  2. Add segments in all directions. However, try to get polygons of the same shape. Although their size may vary slightly. It is important that the initial diamond was the largest, because it is the main emphasis.
  3. Apparently the sketch is ready. You already draw something resembling a ball. But in this method, the main thing is to draw the cells correctly. Let's move on to this difficult step.
  4. It is necessary to shade the cells designed for black and other colors in the previous examples. The rest leave them blank. Cover them with pencil lines from top to bottom. But in the lower part make less strokes to form highlights. In this case, the ball will kind of shine.
  5. Create a shadow under the ball and a little on the left side.

Bravo you have succeeded. The ball shines like the sun is reflecting on it. And you thought you couldn't. You have a natural talent for artistic transfer of images of the real world on paper. But it needs to be developed come to us more and train on other thematic master classes.

Photo ideas and examples for drawing a soccer ball with a pencil

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