Handmade crafts from strips of paper - master classes on quilling and creating owls

Many people see strips of paper as scraps that belong in the trash. However, the masters of handmade are always able to find entertaining ideas even for such "waste".

The Internet is literally replete with a variety of photos of crafts from strips of paper. From this material, fastening in a certain way, we get three-dimensional parts or entire objects. It can be either objects for interior decoration, children's toys or costume jewelry for the Christmas tree. Teach the child to creativity can be made together with him colored applique.


A technique in which narrow long strips of paper are twisted into three-dimensional pieces, figures, and beautiful compositions. With the help of quilling you can:

  • decorate postcards;
  • create stands, albums, fairy tales;
  • Decorate the walls of the home.

This art allows you to make your own hands work, which feels a unique style, grace, beauty. It is quite a painstaking and difficult work, but gaining experience is possible to create exclusive details of the interior, which will be the envy of all the neighbors. Among the pluses of this activity should also be an excellent stress reliever and peacemaker.

What will be needed:

  • An awl or a thin screwdriver;
  • Thin long strips of paper (3-7 millimeters in width, they must be cut from colored paper);
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Methods of execution

  1. The paper strip is taken with two fingers, then pulled away with the fingers of the other hand on the edge of the strip, pressing on it with your fingernail. As a result, the end of the strip should be curved. The same effect can be achieved by using a special device with a split tip.
  2. The bent edge is twisted tightly on the awl. It is required to twist the coils until the diameter of the twisted paper roll reaches 3-4 millimeters.
  3. Next, the circle is removed from the awl or screwdriver and tightly twisted with two hands. To he did not unravel it is necessary to constantly hold the paper disc with your fingers.
  4. Completing the full length of the strip slightly relax your fingers, with a strip of paper slightly unraveled. Now glue the edge of the strip to the base of the spiral.
  5. The resulting blank is squeezed with two fingers to form a drop-shaped figure.
  6. Spirals can be given different shapes by compressing and dents in the right places, it is still possible to combine several colors in one twist. These blanks make more complex objects.

Popular ideas for quilling

  • cards in quilling style;
  • cool wicker pendants for a child's room;
  • volumetric paintings of various sizes;
  • decorating the walls of the home, instead of the traditional wallpaper;
  • original candlesticks in the form of flowers;
  • A chic-looking casket.

The following is an example of how to make a simple but cute baby toy that can take a place on the baby's cell phone. It does not require special skills or a certain class to make it, so any mother can make it.

Cute owl

You should know that, creating such toys, initially a rounded body is formed from strips of paper. The next step is to make additional parts, which determine the appearance of the handicraft. The second way is easier - you need two strips, which create two rings, the first is considered the head, and the other - the torso. But the appearance of such a toy is much worse than the handicraft made the first way.

For the owl will need the following materials: brown paper for the body and head; yellow paper for the beak and paws; eyes will be made of white paper; pencil and felt-tip pen in black; glue; scissors.

Making an owl

Photos and descriptions of techniques to create toys like an owl can be found many on any site. Consider the common scheme, after the implementation of which the owl has the best look.

Create the body of the owl

The first step in making an owl begins with cutting out a circle of brown paper. The size of the circle is chosen by eye, depending on the wishes of the master, the larger the circle, the larger will be the size of the finished bird.

Then cut four strips of brown paper. Their width should be 1.5 centimeters, and their length varies depending on the size of the circle. It is necessary to leave a reserve of length, so that it can be formed into a wide semi-oval.

To try on the first strip is cut as long as possible, put one end on the edge of the cut circle, the strip is bent over the center of the circle, forming the sides of the owl. Marker or pencil to make a notch, cut off the extra length. On this blank to create the other three paper strips. When all the strips are ready, their edges on both sides should be bent.

The first strip is glued to the previously cut out circle, one of the bent edges on one side, forming a semicircle, the second edge is attached to the opposite side. The second strip is glued to the circle perpendicular to the first. The remaining two paper strips are placed between the first two and well glued. The upper intersection point of all the strips are also fastened. The body of the bird is ready.

To give the desired look to the workpiece will help additional elements, which are made from a template found on the Internet or drawn independently. Details necessary for the owl: brown head with ears and a pair of wings, yellow beak and two legs, white circles for the eyes. Initially the beak is glued to the head, and above it the circles-eyes. The pupils of the eyes is drawn with a felt-tip pen or cut out of paper. The final stage of creating an owl is attaching the head, wings and paws to the body.

As you can see, crafts made from strips of paper can be useful, sophisticated and exclusive. And the ability to create your own decor for household items or decorate the walls of the house with your own handmade wallpaper, will force many skeptics to take a different look at the paper "waste". Once you try to make decorations in the style of quilling, it will be impossible to stop.

Photo ideas of crafts from strips of paper

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