How to draw a train in pencil - step by step master classes for children
Judging by the title, you probably already thought that in this post we will learn how to draw a train and a steam train with cars.
Children's train
Showing a train to a child is quite easy. First of all, it is worth clarifying that it is a locomotive, connecting the entire train, as well as the trailers attached to it.
The illustration begins with a diagram of the quadrangular spaces of the locomotive with the wagon. The wheels, the locomotive window, the two windows in the passenger car and the roof are also finished.
The structure is already determined by the picture. More specific elements will help add similarity: the locomotive tube, the link that connects it to the trailer and the railroad. When complete, you can add the driver in the cab and the steam from the tube.
A train with cars
Elementary reasoning of how to depict it, suitable for both beginners and the most professional young painters.
- You should start with the main figure of the locomotive: a quadrilateral with rounded corners vertically. The roof of the vehicle comes out from above and recreates an important configuration.
- Then you need to draw a locomotive in more detail. Now you can proceed to the cars. They are shown schematically in advance. In addition, the windows, the base of the cars, and the transition line of the roof are more clearly marked.
- The image of the surrounding landscape and the railroad where the vehicle is moving is preserved. This can be created quite clearly or simply left as a sketch.
Children's steam locomotive
Below is a fairly common logic visualization of a steam locomotive. This image will be easy to show to a child.
- First, a blank for the railroad vehicle is created. It represents the main part in the form of an unfolded letter G, the wheels and the bottom edge above them.
- Thus, this part should be developed by adding an element: pipes, roofs, windows, barriers, boilers and stars, and the steam locomotive is already drawn.
- Trailers can be added to the finished steam locomotive. The third drawing shows a more common freight car with a roof and wheels.
- A passenger wagon is "attached" after a while. It is similar in shape to the past cargo, but functionality is provided: windows, a peculiar roof, side slats.
Steam locomotive with cars
Understand how to depict this transport with children's wagons, it is easy even without a creative education. To this end, just follow the usual tips, strictly adhering to the alternation. Let's take a concrete look at how to gradually draw a steam locomotive.
- Stage 1. First you need to mark the active area with a line horizontally and a point of convergence. From this point both rays are directed at irregular angles.
- Stage 2. The approximate location is indicated by pairs of both parallel lines, in which the locomotive is shown directly.
- Stage 3. Perspective rays are drawn from the vanishing point to the corners of the resulting quadrangle. Detailed mapping of the locomotive is marked.
- Stage 4. Trailers are separated by lines vertically. From the point of convergence dashed line control lines for the locomotive are marked.
- Stage 5. Because of the marked guiding lines, the steam locomotive itself is depicted.
- Stage 6. The wheels are added to the sketch drawing. All that remains is to complete the transport element and the landscape cordoning off the railroad.
High-speed train
Presented alternation will be able to you figure out how to depict the train gradually. Once you know how to do this, it will be easy to depict a Peregrine Falcon or some type of high-speed rail.
- The two intersecting lines indicate the active area of the sheet. This is shown in the first drawing. The outline of the train and its face are shown in one of the corners created.
- Then they are marked with each other, and the lines are drawn next to each other. After a few seconds, draw more clearly and add windows.
- Go around the back and front of the composition. Peregrine Falcon ready and finally dissolve.
Passenger train
Is one of the adored children's drawings. Despite the difficulties, it is very easy to know how to draw a train in pencil. To this end, it is enough to make a few steps on the sequence.
- First, a steam locomotive is depicted. As a basis for the scheme is taken. In addition, it is determined by the addition of wheels, the front end and the layout of the driver's cabin.
- After the steam locomotive are distributed wagons in all quantities. Important elements are also added: wheels, windows. Rails are depicted.
- The steam of pipes and rail ties will add to the resemblance to the real moving vehicles. All that's left to do is complete the shade, and the passenger train is ready!
Subway Train
You can quickly depict a subway train if you carry out alternating. First, you need to outline the working area. Then the locomotive is classified schematically.
Over time, you can begin to master the front of the composition: the headlights, below. Some rays from the vanishing point are a schematic representation of the cars, doors and windows.
Following the same location, the rays are made to show the roads and the station platform. The subway train is inseparable from the station because its image also draws attention.
At the end, the whole train is drawn, the interior of the subway, the image is filled with color.