How to draw a computer - step-by-step master classes on drawing a laptop, monitor, keyboard and processor

When you want to draw a computer, it can be difficult to know how to begin. But try drawing it piece by piece and you will succeed! First draw the monitor. Then the keyboard and then the processor. If you did want to draw a notebook computer, let's see how that works. Let's figure it out.


Draw a quadrangle with rounded corners. This will be the outer border. Leave plenty of space for the processor and keyboard on the piece of paper. If you choose to make the lines completely full, circle them with a ruler.

Circle the smallest quadrilateral inside the first one to make a display. Don't shrink this much smaller than the first one. There should be a tight space among them - this is the shell of the display. Do not forget to round the corners of the inner quadrilateral.

First, determine the center of its lower part. Then create a tight quadrilateral vertically, which appears from the middle underneath. Its level is supposedly 1/4 level, and the latitude is supposedly 1/10 latitude.

The base of the holder for it. To do this, trace an oval horizontally so that it intersects the lower third of the holder. Its latitude is approximately 1/5 of the latitude.

Complete the buttons on the side panel. For this purpose draw little circles at the bottom left and right of the monitor under the display and paint them with a pencil.


Draw a long triangle below it horizontally. It is in the form of a quadrangle with only 2 reverse and symmetrical edges.

Create the sides at the top and bottom of the trapezoidal parallel. Then draw short lines on the sides of the triangle at an angle of 75 degrees. This will be the top of the keyboard.

When you have decided that its directions will be straight, take a ruler! Leave a space between it and its side so there is no touching.

Draw a minimal trapezoid inside the larger one. This is where the keys are. Create it a little first. There should be a small gap between them.

Circle the lines through the smaller one to mark the rows. Starting at the top, draw the same line from left to right of the smallest. Fill it with these lines to the bottom edge.

It's worth being careful not to draw lines that are too long, otherwise all the buttons won't fit. Create them very tight so that there are several layers on it.

Arrange any order into small quadrangles to draw the keys. Arrange the top row along its entire length in vertical segments.

Do the same with the other side, but at the same time move the segments so that the image looks like a brick. Consequently, break up all the rows into separate keys. Create one long key at the bottom as a space bar.

Draw a mouse next to the keyboard. First, draw an oval of the same height as the keyboard. Draw a horizontal line through the center of the oval and draw a vertical line from the top of the ellipse to the center horizontally. And for the cord you have to draw a wave from the top of the oval to the keyboard.

The processor .

This will be the side panel of the processor. Create it on the left or right side of the computer display and raise it slightly above the monitor.

It is on one side of this shape. For this purpose, create a line vertically next to the side of the rectangle, slightly shorter than this direction. Then combine the top and bottom ends of this line with matching ends on the side of the rectangle in a straight line. The result will be a three-dimensional picture of the processor.

Create 2 horizontal quadrangles inside the vertical one. Place them where the buttons on the processor are located. Create one at the top and the other in the middle of the processor. Although their volume is not specific, each is created presumably 1/10 of the height of the processor.

Complete the keys on the side of the processor. To this end, create evenly spaced circles in any horizontal shape along its length. Draw 1-3 circles on people's shapes. You can also draw a power button on the side of the device.

Notebook .

First, depict the quadrilateral with rounded corners. This is the top edge of the notebook monitor. Its level is about 2/3 of its length.

Create a minimal quadrilateral inside the first one. This will be the display. Give the same ratios as the top quadrilateral. Leave a small space among them, so that they do not correlate.

Create a triangle below it. This is a quadrilateral with two parallel sides. Its top, in fact, will be the bottom of the first depicted shape, so there is no need to depict this line.

Its top corresponds to the bottom of the triangle, so you can't draw it.

Place the minimal one inside the large one. Create it at about 2/3 of the height of the first trapezoid and place it on top so that the distance at the bottom of the keyboard is greater.

To start, draw about 10 lines vertically from the top to its base. Lower them to the left on the left side and to the right on the right side. The center line should be strictly vertical. When finished, trace 4 lines horizontally inside the minimum triangle to connect the edges.

The quadrangle is under the small trapezoid. This will be the touchpad for the notebook. Place it below the center of the small triangle and position it about 1/4 of the length of this shape.

Photo ideas and examples for drawing a computer and components

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