Knitting with knitted yarn by crochet and needle - a description of the types, tips for choosing materials, the peculiarities of care
Recently, women have been seized by a new wave of attention paid to knitted yarn. What can you knit from knitted yarn, what it is, what kind of care it requires? A lot of questions arising from lovers of exclusive products and beginners needlewomen, does not prevent them from trying and experimenting.
It should be noted that this kind of needlework has become popular relatively recently - active use of yarn and products from it began about the beginning of the last century.
Individuality of the made product, its uniqueness more and more often catch the eyes of fashionistas, awakening a desire to own the product, made by their own measures, wishes and preferences.
The concept of "knitted yarn" and the benefits of using it
According to known sources, knitted yarn was first put to work in China, others suggest that it has its roots in Italy and Egypt. Later found popularity in Europe.
Knitted yarn is a peculiar thread in the form of thin flaps of fabric, less than 3 centimeters wide. Some people call it ribbon.
- Affordability. This quality can rightly be considered one of the most important. It is sold and purchased at a low price. In addition, everyone can make such a yarn on their own, without leaving home. Accordingly, the choice of the width of the ribbon also select the right one for the future product.
- Easiness and speed of work. Available in application even to inexperienced users. The thicker the thread, the faster the product is made.
- Softness and texture of the resulting fabric.
- Effective knitting. Even the simplest patterns made from knitted yarn have an unusual appearance.
- Does not require the use of lining materials, except for openwork knitting.
- Durability.
Independently prepare the ribbon is very simple. Choose a material and cut into strips of desired length, or in a circle, so that there were no knots. The resulting ribbon is coiled into a ball.
Types of knitted yarn
Several types of knitted yarn can be distinguished:
- Handmade yarn. Made by myself.
- Yarn from recycled materials. Cut from leftover knitted fabrics.
- Yarn from virgin raw material. Prepared from whole cloth fabrics.
According to the spun yarn is divided into: - front (more often used for secondary fabric); - back. From the names it is easy to understand that when tapes of knitted fabric are twisted, its side (either on the front or on the wrong side) is taken into account.
More recently, allocate types of yarn on the winding:
- in skeins. In this case, the yarn is ready for use.
- in rolls. Here, the yarn must first be slightly pulled out, and only then use.
Materials for knitting
From knitting yarn is not difficult to knit, no special facilities and devices this kind of needlework does not require. To work you may need:
- Crochet. The material from which the hook is made, choose the one that you are comfortable to use. The size of the hook is chosen depending on the thickness of the yarn.
- Needles. You may need 2 or more spokes, depending on how you knit.
- Fingers. Knit yarn allows you to knit directly on your fingers because it is thick.
Secrets of knitting with knitted yarn
Everyone will be able to perform the thing to his liking, because it is easy to buy ribbon yarn, and the work from them is feasible even for an amateur. For the product to turn out quality and have a decent appearance, you need to adhere to some rules:
- For baskets and bags, use the widest ribbons, using a small hook or spokes. Then the thing will turn out neat and will not lose its external qualities.
- To achieve a nice texture and the right relief, do not knit tightly.
- Large items, such as a blanket of squares, it is better to knit with one hook, not replacing a similar number to avoid mismatches in the assembly. But it is advised to assemble with a hook with a number less than the main.
Examples of crocheted things
Considering that knitting yarn is also a yarn, only much thicker than other yarns used for knitting, there is definitely a much wider choice of options for products and things. Let's look at a number of examples.
Knitted Yarn Clutch
It is easy to knit a round clutch out of knitted yarn. Crochet knit 2 identical circles according to a simple scheme: the chain of air loops is closed, the knitting goes in a circle. To the circle is not compressed, in each loop should perform 2 columns without a stitch. When you reach the desired size, the knitting is completed. Next, the circles are connected, leaving a hole. Applied handle and, if desired, decorations.
Rug from a knitted yarn
Weaving a rug does not imply special skills in knitting. This product begins to knit in the middle, as a usual circle, starting with a set of air loops. The main rule is that the additions are made necessarily evenly, so that the rug turns out perfectly round. When the fabric reaches the desired size, the loop is closed.
Bag of thick ribbon yarn
For this product, the first step is to determine the choice of hook and the preparation of the necessary amount, quality and color of yarn. Making the product begins with the bottom of the bag. To do this, the chain of air loops is tied quite tightly or double yarn to achieve density of the bottom. When rounding make additions to the loops. The walls are raised immediately, just do not add stitches. The bag is finished when the height of the walls reached the desired height.
Cover is knitted on one side of the circle to a certain size and provided with a clasp. Handle can be attached ready-made or knit yourself.
Whether or not your bag is lined depends on the density of the knitting and the purpose. If the need still arises, cut the lining from a suitable material and sew it to the base.
Decorate the finished thing to your liking, be it brooches, rhinestones, flowers and more.
Knit Yarn Plaid
The type, size, and density of the plaid is the starting point for choosing yarn and knitting density. A large canvas for a thick plaid is difficult to knit, so you can make it in parts, such as squares, which are then tied together with a separate yarn.
Needles, as an alternative to the hook, are also good for knitting plaid. Need a long thick needles. The way of knitting can be anything, starting with the simplest - obverse and shawl.
This is just the smallest part of examples of products that can be made from ribbons. It all depends on your imagination, preferences and wishes. This and items of clothing, and household items, and covers for stools, and much more.
Peculiarities of care of knitted yarn products
Caring for knitted yarn does not require any special costs and skills. You will need a laundry detergent for delicate items. Cleaning at water temperatures up to 30 degrees, without pre-soaking. For automatic machines - a gentle mode of washing and spinning. If washing by hand, it is better not to wring hard, so as not to deform the thing. Use a towel for spinning and drying.
When drying the item vertically, it will stretch and lose its original appearance because of the great weight. The room must be well ventilated. Do not dry clothes made of knitted yarn on heaters. Always store items in a reclining position, not on a hanger, to prevent deformation and stretching.
Deciding to make a garment or other necessary thing of ribbon yarn, you must take into account the rules of use and storage of finished products, choose the right materials, and then an exclusive work will delight you for a long time.
Special costs for the manufacture is not required, because the knitted yarn can be made even by yourself. The variety of obtained products depends entirely on the richness of ideas. Therefore, knitting with such yarns is gaining in popularity and continues to evolve.