Crochet turban on the head with a knitting needle and crochet - detailed description of the knitting schemes for beginners.

Turban is a traditional headdress of eastern peoples. Originally it was worn only by men. A long piece of fabric was intricately wrapped around the head, forming an uneven edge on the underside. In the center of the turban a brooch of precious stones was attached.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the oriental headdress has firmly established itself in women's closet, cyclically manifesting itself in fashion trends. Today, more and more women who want to look stylish go out in a graceful turban adapted to the modern look and weather conditions.

Types of turbans

The second name of the turban is sultanka. In its modern form it looks like a canvas, twisted in the area of the forehead. Often in the central part there is a decoration of beads, beads or precious stones. Especially for European fashionistas, stylists have developed two types of oriental headdress:

  • Wide headbands a la turban;
  • The classic turban hat.

Modern fashion has a habit of transforming and stylizing things from the past. A striking example of this trend is the wide bandage à la turban. It is easy to make yourself, having the initial skills of knitting. All you need for the work is this:

  1. Measure the volume of the head.
  2. Choose a pattern.
  3. Knit a pattern to calculate the density of the knit.
  4. Weave the headband in the chosen pattern to the desired length.
  5. Sew the edges of the fabric.


As a material you can use any composition of yarn, to create a more insulated version - perform in two or three strands.

A chalma hat is more complicated than a bandage. It covers the top part of the head, protecting it from the cold. It is knitted in different patterns, forming an intricate weave in the forehead, which distinguishes the turban from other hats.

Turban - the headband with needles

The basis of the Eastern headdress is a wide scarf. It is knitted in any pattern, but the rubber band 2x2 is preferable. So the product will look advantageous. Elastic band successfully creates a shape of headgear.

Master class on knitting a hat on Oriental knitting needles is based on the vertical knitting, includes the following steps:

  1. Dial in the calculated number of loops, 2 edge stitches.
  2. Knit, alternating, two left and two right.
  3. On the wrong side, follow the pattern.
  4. At the end sew the ends of the fabric.
  5. Knit a 7 cm long, 3 cm wide stripe with the right side.
  6. Wrap the strip in the middle of the finished fabric and stitch the edges.
  7. Decorate the turban at the point of constriction with a decorative element, a brooch or a track of large beads.

Turban - crochet headband

Crochet will be directed horizontally. It is necessary to measure the volume of the head, make a sample to calculate the density of the crochet. Based on how many loops are in one centimeter, you need to determine the total number of loops, which will provide the required length of the fabric. For example:

  • The volume of the head is 50 cm;
  • In the knitted sample there are 2 stitches in 1 cm;
  • To knit the product, gather a chain of 100 air loops.

Next, the description of knitting is as follows:

  1. In the front row, knit half stitches with a stitch;
  2. In the back row - tie stitches.
  3. Repeat points 1 and 2 until the desired width of the scarf.
  4. Sew the ends of the fabric.
  5. In the middle to intercept the thread.
  6. Sew a decorative brooch or beads.

Regardless of the tool, the turban is always a stylish and elegant closet item.

Hat - turban on circular needles

In order to make the product textured and interesting, masters recommend to take a yarn with a thick thread and a needle number 4. Any piece begins with a pattern. It allows you to determine the density of knitting, taking into account the selected pattern and yarn. On circular needles dial the calculated number of loops, close in a ring. Further, the scheme of work looks like this:

  1. Three rows of knitting with the front loops.
  2. The next three rows of knit stitches on the wrong side.
  3. As a result, relief grooves will appear.
  4. After five furrows are made, volume reduction should be tied.
  5. Reduction occurs in each middle row in the relief rolls. This is as follows: on the furrows, made with a front smooth - one row with no change in the front, then three front, two together. On the back rolls, knit unchanged. The stitching is done only on the front rows, as it looks sloppy on the wrong rows, the stitches look too noticeable.
  6. When few loops remain on the top, they are closed and the seam is sewn with a needle and thread.
  7. Tighten the piece at the point where the transition of the rows from the front to the back.
  8. Decorate the gathering place with a beautiful brooch.

Many needlewomen sew a fleece lining to insulate things. Fleece is good because it is soft in texture, does not require overlock processing, stretches well and takes the shape of the head. The pattern must take into account the uneven edge on the bottom of the turban and not look out. Lining sewed to the hat in one thread with simple stitches, tacking on the edge.

Cap - turban by crochet

Knit from thick yarn, which in 100 meters contains 100 grams. For such a yarn take a hook with the number 6. Before working, you need to take measures: the depth of the cap and the girth of the head. For size 55-56 cm, the depth is 44 cm.

The process begins at the back of the head and continues forward. It is difficult to guess the size of the hat, so experienced knitters recommend starting with 11 loops. The model of the hat on the drawing looks like an oval with a rectangular base. Expansion occurs from the back of the head to the top.

Knit five relief strips, making additions between them at the beginning of the hat, and the abatements at the end. In the final rectangle, which ends the oval, knit into two halves and from each of them knit strips. The length of the strips is equal to half the volume of the head. The strips are wrapped around the headdress and stitched at the back of the head, to the initial rectangle, which consists of loops.

The knitting scheme is as follows:

  1. Knit 11 loops + 2 stitches.
  2. In the fourth stitch from the hook, knit a semicolon with a stitch (PSN).
  3. Knit concave and convex relief stitches to a height of 5 cm.
  4. Knit between the raised columns, adding one stitch in each row. Make additions only on the front side.
  5. The result should be five wedges, separated by grooves.
  6. In the middle of the depth of the piece, begin to make the gusseting in the same way as the additions.
  7. When 11 stitches are left in the row, knit 5 cm in relief and divide the knitting into two halves.
  8. From each part, knit 5 cm wide strips of length equal to half the circumference of the head.
  9. Wrap the strips around the product, sew the edges, tack on the sides of the product.
  10. Decorate the central part of the turban with a beautiful brooch.

A peculiarity of the turban, tied by crochet, is the presence of segments, which are separated by relief strips. The product looks original, and it is this effect that artisans try to achieve, making a turban with their own hands. On the thematic forums devoted to knitting, you can be inspired by the numerous photos of Eastern headdresses, connected with needles and crochet.

The turban perfectly complements any image, bringing a twist to it. For knitting, you can use any yarn, playing with the number of folds and type of pattern. The most harmonious look product, which is based on the embossed rubber band.

Photo ideas of homemade knitted hat-chalma

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