Beaded Owl by hand: 29 photo ideas, master classes for beginners, weaving techniques

The owl is considered a symbol of wisdom, but this bird is also attributed other properties. It is often associated with secret knowledge. The owl leads a nocturnal lifestyle, and the night is a time of mystery and riddles.

Many peoples (Celts, Chinese, among some African and Native American tribes) owl was a symbol or harbinger of death and misfortune. In the Slavs, on the contrary, the owl served as a talisman against deception and illusion.

It was believed that the owl's keen eyesight gave alertness and vigilance. The symbol in the form of this bird is popular in our country, and figures in the form of an owl often act as a gift or souvenir.

An interesting solution would be an owl figure woven from beads. We present an owl made of beads, a master class of different ways of weaving.

Brick weaving owl

Even a child can weave a small beaded panel if you follow certain rules and stick to the scheme. This product can be used as a trinket or pendant, to attach to a bracelet or bracelets.

Preparation and materials

We use a very popular method of brick weaving. For the work will be required:

  • Beads of at least two colors. For weaving breast need a light color, for the body - the color you like. For the tail will need shaped beads. Strong thread, thin wire or fishing line; needle for beads collection; holder for fixing the figure. Scissors.
  • When selecting materials, special attention should be paid to the fact that the beads are the same size and density.

Brick weaving rows

Brick weaving differs from the mosaic assembly in that the product ends up being more dense. Externally, the surface will look like brickwork. The easiest way to weave an owl out of beads according to the scheme:

  1. String, fishing line or wire weave into the needle and thread two beads; Pass through these beads thread again, leaving a small loop; Add one element on the left until we have the required number of length.
  2. The next row is threaded in the opposite direction, also leaving a loop, only the element is added to the right; Through each bead of the row should pass a loop, for further connection of rows.

While weaving you need to monitor that the thread would be strongly tensed to achieve optimal density.

Scheme figures

You can see how to weave an owl from beads on the picture. For a small figure you will need about 2 meters of thread. The first row is the feet of the future bird. Begin to assemble the figure.

  • With each row add a bead. The first row - 5 pieces, with each new row of adding beads so that we have a round body. Reaching 10 pieces, begin to remove one by one. Starting from row 14, weave the head and ears, following the same principle. After making the base thread to tie a knot and neatly hide.
  • The tail is collected from shaped beads, each of which is fastened separately. Attach a holder or other holder, with which the ornament will be attached, the owl is ready!

Flat parallel weave owl

If brick weaving seemed complicated, you can make a wise bird by the method of flat parallel weaving. The finished product is a figure consisting of parallel rows.

For this purpose, on a ready frame of wire, which is a few parallel rows of different lengths, string beads of corresponding colors.

There can be a great many such schemes, and to think of them on your own is not difficult.

A little owl

In order to perform a figure of a little owl, you will need:

  • Gold beads - 3 pcs.
  • Black - 2 pieces. White beads - 12 pieces.
  • Coffee beads - 24 pieces.
  • Wire or fishing line - 2 m.

Assemble the head.

  1. 1 row: 4 coffee beads;
  2. 2 row: coffee, black, white, black, coffee;
  3. Row 3: coffee, black, white, gold, white, coffee;
  4. Row 4: 1 coffee, 1 white, 1 coffee.

We make the wings.

  • On one end of the wire string 4 coffee beads, return.
  • Do the same for the second wing. The wings are placed opposite the 4 rows.


  • Coffee, 3 white, one coffee;
  • Coffee, 3 white, one coffee;
  • Coffee, golden, white, golden, coffee.
  • String or wire fix, hide the ends.

Beaded Owl in volume

Volumetric bead figures can be especially spectacular, but many are frightened by the apparent complexity of the work. Fears are often exaggerated. Weave a volumetric owl from beads is not difficult at all, if you follow the scheme.


Wire - 170 cm. String - 1 m. Beads - black, white, yellow, gray, or any color that will be the main.

In the middle of the wire placed 11 beads. Through the penultimate bead we pass the end of the wire to return. The opposite end of the wire in the same way, through the second first wire, return. This is the ears of the owl.

Head and body

To form the head string 7 beads of gray or other primary color.

  • The second row: we collect the eyes - 1 bead of the primary color, 2 white, 2 white, 1 main color.
  • The back of the head make eight beads in the primary color;
  • Row 3: 1 basic; 2 white, 2 basic, 2 white, 1 basic.
  • The neck is threaded in 11 beads of the main color;
  • Row 4 is made up one bead at a time in the order: basic, white, yellow, black, yellow, white, yellow, black, yellow, white, basic.
  • The next row of backstrap consists of 12 beads of the main color.
  • Row 5: 1 basic, 1 white, 2 yellow, one white, one basic, 1 white, 2 yellow, 1 white, one basic.
  • Create a wire of 15 cm, on which we string three beads. This beak.
  • The back of the head reduce by one bead.

Then we string only the main color.

  • Row 7: 8 beads;
  • From row 8 to 11 add one piece of the main color;
  • On the eighth row stretch another wire for the wings, 60 cm. The whole string of beads.
  • Row 12 - we put 14 beads, and wire 60 cm through all 14 beads.

Then go rows down one piece at a time.

  • Row 14: we insert a wire of 30 cm for the tail. In the middle we string 8.
  • Row 15; another wire of 30 cm pull through the central bead, this paws.

All additional wires (except for the beak) must be passed through the back wall.

Paws and claws

To weave the legs, you need to take one end of the main wire, and one end of the additional wire. The scheme is the same.

Row five beads, then 4, then 3, ending with 2 beads. All - beads in the primary color.

Claws .

2 basics, 1 yellow, back through the beads of the primary color.; The next pair of claws weave the same way; Claw fix, pass the main wire through the outermost row on the leg. Bend the end of the wire along the three, and make the fourth claw.


  • 6 main wires;
  • Feathers - 1 main, 1 yellow, 1 main, 1 white, 1 main.
  • Row 7 - 7 main, feather;
  • On the remaining rows, add one bead each; on the last row weave three feathers.

Beak .

4 black and 1 black;

Cut off the extra wire, fasten.

Tail .

  • 7 basic;
  • For the next 6 rows we add one main row each.

The colors can be alternated.

The body of the owl can be stuffed with some kind of filler, so it holds the volume better. Volumetric beaded owl is ready!

A photo of a beautiful beaded owl

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