Beaded napkins: features of weaving for beginners, materials, the choice of beads and a master class with photos

On the decoration of the house handmade products, related, woven or woven by skilled craftsmen, for many centuries there are a lot of stories and legends.

Napkin is an indispensable attribute in the house of a hostess. Woven from beads it will tell about the good taste of the hostess, will bring a note of comfort and coziness into the interior.


Beading and Beadwork

Beads are small decorative beads with holes for stringing. The homeland of beads is considered Egypt, in Arabic the word "bussra" means "fake pearls".

When buying beads for decorative embroidery or weaving, it is important to pay attention to their quality. Good beads must be:

  1. Of the same shape, size and color of the same kind.
  2. Do not leave paint on the palms of your hands or on the fabric.
  3. Have the same threading holes.

Today, quality beads are produced by Toho (Japan), Preciosa (Czech Republic), Zlatka (China).

Beading is a traditional skill of working with beads. To create decorative items in the technique of beading requires beads, string or wire, a needle. Accessories made in this way are beautiful and three-dimensional.

The African Ndbele tribe is famous for its master beadworkers. Tourists from different countries come to Ndbele to see the magnificent beaded jewelry and accessories. Some pieces weigh up to 25 kilograms.

Features of woven napkins

There are many beaded napkin weaving schemes. They are available in women's magazines, the Internet, clear and easy for beginners. Advantages of beaded napkins over crochet accessories:

  1. Wearability of the product, indiscriminateness in care: it is enough to wipe the napkin with a damp cloth to remove dust from it.
  2. Ease of weaving the product, the ability to experiment on the form, color, without deviating from the scheme.
  3. Effective volumetric appearance.
  4. Small cost of materials and tools to work on the decoration.

Necessary materials

Even for beginners, the work on the napkin from beads will seem interesting and fascinating, starting from the choice of materials for weaving, ending with the decoration of the finished product of the interior.

  • To make a napkin you will need beads of several shades - different colors will help to convey the pattern more effectively, enliven the product, make it more colorful. The most attractive, in terms of price-quality ratio, are the glass beads made in the Czech Republic.
  • The beading needle is thin and long with a small eye, equal in diameter along its entire length. Needle number is chosen according to the size of the beads. The most popular needles are from the manufacturer Regal (Japan).
  • String or special thread in the color of the selected glass beads. The thread should be strong, easy to pass through the holes of the beads, should not be tangled, pulled, and delaminated. Suitable for beadwork recognized threads Superlon.

Master class on weaving napkins

Beginner needleworkers, mastering the techniques of beadwork, are recommended to pay attention to the schemes of weaving napkins from beads, in which the work with the material is described step by step.

Napkin weaving schemes are similar to their crochet patterns. The most popular weaving patterns are circle, grid, cross and mosaic. To make the product look fresh and stylish, choose matching colors of beads for one napkin.

"New Year" napkin for beginners

It is possible to show imagination in the choice of colors and pattern of the product, to master the basics of weaving will help a simple pattern of the napkin "New Year".

The decoration consists of beads strung on a thread and closed in a circle. Weaving begins from the center to the edges. The basis of the napkin is formed from a ring of six beads, which are braided in a circle of six similar rings.

With each successive row the number of circular rings increases. New colors are added to create a border or pattern.

The advantage of the technique is the possibility of endless weaving of the product, an arbitrary choice of shape. When the work is completed, the thread is tied tightly, and the excess edge is cut off.

The handmade accessory can decorate a New Year's table or a holiday tree.

Napkin "Perfection"

Often beads of white or mother-of-pearl are taken as the basis of the pattern. Accessories that combine white, blue, red colors look especially elegant.

The master class on weaving a napkin from beads "Perfection" will help to understand the construction of a complex beaded pattern, to consolidate beading skills.

  1. The first row is recruited from 6 pairs of beads: white, red, blue. Closed in a circle with a needle through the first two beads.
  2. The second row begins with 3 beads the color of the pair through which the needle went. Weaving continues in a circle.
  3. In the third row, the number of beads increases to 5 pieces of each color. Fix the strung elements through the middle bead of each color set of the second row.
  4. The number of beads in each color set of the fourth row is 6 pieces. The needle passes through the first two beads of the third row.
  5. The fifth row is formed of five beads in a color chain, which are immediately duplicated: 2 white chains, alternating with two red ones, with two blue ones.
  6. The sixth row repeats the previous one.
  7. The seventh row repeats the sixth, the number of glass beads in the color chain increases to 7 pcs. The needle goes into the key beads of the sixth row, at the end of the thread is fixed, the extra ends are cut off.
  8. We obtained a three-color swirl circle.
  9. The napkin is assembled from several circles by joining the unfinished circle with the previous finished circle.
  10. The number of circles and the shape of the accessory can be chosen independently.

Bead napkin weaving is a fascinating activity, available to everyone, regardless of age and occupation. Needlework will help to calm the nervous system, focus on details, strengthen memory, and develop children's motor hand skills. Made in the technique of beading accessories will decorate the house, will please with their uniqueness and durability.

Photo of beaded doilies in different techniques

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