Beaded Pictures: weaving techniques, extra materials and tips for beginners

Every person, who at least once in his life has seen a painting from beads, probably wondered how difficult the process of its creation is. Because it seems that a person who does not have special skills, simply can not do it.

But experienced craftswomen insist that this view is wrong. How to make a picture from beads easily and quickly will tell experienced craftsmen, who are happy to share their experience.

Beading for children

Children are very interested in making paintings with beads. And masters insist that such activity is important for them. Because the use of this technology helps:

  • develop a child's imagination;
  • improve the mood, distract from bad thoughts at work;
  • increase creativity;
  • learn patience;
  • develop fine motor skills in children.

It should be noted that this hobby can confidently be called safe. This is extremely important for parents who want to be sure that their children will not hurt themselves while doing something.

Benefits of beading

The first weighty advantage is that the products are not just beautiful, but unique. They have found their application in the field of design.

Experts note that in addition to the unique design that the technology guarantees, it has other advantages. And they cannot be ignored:

  • the simplicity of the technology;
  • the possibility to recreate any picture;
  • the paintings are colorful and realistic;
  • development of the desire for self-expression.

Such a picture can be presented as a gift. It is enough to choose a beautiful frame and the image, which is sure to please the one to whom the gift will be addressed.

Weaving techniques

Having set a goal to make a picture from beads and looking for schemes, it is first necessary to clearly determine which technique of creation is more suitable. There are only a few methods that are suitable for the creation of paintings. The level of difficulty of each method is different. And this, too, must be taken into account. After all, the level of skill of each creator is different.


This method of weaving is often called bricklaying. Because the technology itself is similar to this process in many ways. Thanks to its use, it is possible to create a beautiful picture. But only on the condition that the master will adhere to all recommendations and do not violate the sequence of stages of work. The first row is always braided in one line, and the thread must necessarily braid the beads not from one, but from two sides. One bead should be added in each row.

An important advantage of this technology is the strength of weaving. To weave such a picture will be quite difficult. And that is why it is considered to be the best option for creating a picture.


This is the oldest technology that allows you to make a picture of beads clear. And that is why the paintings created with its help look very impressive. But at once it is necessary to note the fact that the technique has several weighty disadvantages. The first of them is the need to use a special machine.

Without it, you simply can not work. In addition, the consumption of thread is also much higher. Although this material does not belong to the category of expensive, but the increase in its consumption is a disadvantage. Note that you can not use a fishing line for weaving in this case. You need a strong thread.

Cross weaving

This technique was mastered by people back in the Soviet years. The process itself is simple and straightforward. Therefore, its popularity is quite justified. But it is necessary to understand that the work is very labor-intensive. To create a picture by this method will take quite a lot of time.

The principle of the work is that the beads must be gradually woven into the main row. Usually you start with 4 beads, put them in a ring, then put 3 more beads and thread the needle into the first bead. So you need to weave to the end.

Using glue and beads

The easiest way to make a picture out of beads is to use such additional material as glue. When you put the beads on the glue, you can create real masterpieces without any experience in beading.

For this reason, beginners prefer to work with glue. After all, it opens up more possibilities for work. Even the most complex canvas can be quickly recreated and at the same time do so that the copy was not worse than the original.

Choice of work surface

Once the master has finally decided on what kind of picture will be recreated with the help of beads, you should take care and about the choice of the working surface. Of course, there are no prohibitions. You can use plywood, a thick sheet of paper.

Many beginners who make paintings from beads on glue prefer to use cardboard. But experienced needlewomen say that it is easier to work with a glass surface. This ensures a strong attachment of all elements.

Tips of masters for beginners

Regardless of which method of beadwork creation was chosen, beginners can still encounter certain difficulties. Therefore, to avoid such a thing, it is recommended to adhere to the basic recommendations:

  • The scheme for weaving is better to redraw or transfer to the working surface. If exactly one of the beading techniques is used, then as you move along the scheme it is necessary to cross out the passed rows;
  • It is more convenient to thread the beads with a wire or thin needle;
  • To increase the strength of the thread, you need to pull it through the wax. Then it will be much stronger and it will be harder to weave the picture;
  • The glue used must be of high quality, because this directly affects whether the beads will start to fall off over time or not;
  • It is always necessary to choose glue, proceeding from what surface is used. The strength of the bonding depends on this.

By following these simple guidelines, you can easily create a painting from beads and minimize the risk that you won't make a perfect creation the first time. After all, beading a picture is a process that should bring joy.

Beaded panels

Any painting made of beads looks beautiful, if in the process of work the technology was not violated. But a special love of masters has won just a panel. Because the paintings made in this technique look three-dimensional. And so many masters recommend as a gift to present it is a panel, not just a small picture.

To make it, it is necessary to use non-standard schemes. The colors used should contrast. This will help to create a volume effect. In addition, often the picture itself should go a little beyond the boundaries of the frame.

The final step: choosing a frame

When the picture is ready, you will have to think about choosing a suitable frame. After all, it should always be placed in a frame, regardless of whether the picture will be given as a gift to someone or not. If it's going to be a gift for someone, it's better not to skimp on the frame.

You can use a frame made of natural wood. Depending on the size of the picture, it can be thin or massive. The color, too, depends on the palette that was used in the process of creating the painting. Once the master determines what frame will be used, the work process will come to an end.

Pictures of beadwork

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