Crafts with a glue gun - features work, master classes for beginners, photo examples
One of the most fertile materials for work is hot glue. With its help, you can glue individual elements, decorate an already finished product. You can even perform an independent craft with a glue gun.
Hot glue is a glue composition, which perfectly modifies the form at the moment of heating. It freely and freely fills voids, suitable for gluing almost any uneven surfaces:
- wood;
- glass;
- leather and leatherette;
- all paper products;
- rubber;
- ceramic products;
- a wide variety of fabrics;
- Plastics, foam, PVC.
Rules of use of the glue gun
The special rod used for the glue gun can have different diameters. Read the instructions before use and purchase rods of the correct diameter.
The glue stick is inserted into the hole in the body of the gun. When plugged into an outlet, the heating process occurs. The wand begins to melt and, when the trigger is pulled, begins to drip slowly from the "spout".
It is very important not to forget about safety precautions. A child should not independently, without adult supervision, use a glue gun.
The main rules of use:
- Check the integrity of the device itself and the cord.
- The surface to work on should be as stable as possible.
- The place to make the crafts should be covered with something.
- Do not touch the metal parts of the gun with your hands.
Glue gun, or as it is also called, thermal gun, is used in a variety of areas: for construction and repair work, for creative crafts and creating a variety of decorative elements.
Let's get acquainted with the main options for using a glue gun in creativity.
Creating individual elements
With the help of hot glue, you can independently create a lot of the most diverse figures: it can be crafts in the form of animals, various flowers and plants, birds, snowflakes, etc.
Snowflake .
For joint creative activity with a child, you can start with something quite easy, such as a snowflake.
To make it, you will need:
- dry glitter of any color;
- acrylic paints or nail polish;
- glue gun;
- Wax paper or any cellophane.
On paper, to facilitate the process, draw a silhouette of the future snowflake. Next, carefully apply glue to the drawing. Be careful not to go beyond the outline of the pattern. After the glue dries completely, after 2-3 minutes, begin the process of decorating the snowflake. This can be done with regular glitter, acrylic paints or even nail polish. It all depends on the available materials, and of course your imagination.
Figurine .
To create a figurine you need to prepare:
- glue gun;
- Acrylic paint or nail polish;
- additional elements for the formation of a muzzle (button - nose, heart - decoration);
- magnet;
- attachment for a keychain.
The outline of the future figurine is drawn on wax paper or a bag. Then, using hot glue, all the voids are filled in and the contours are formed. With the help of additional elements gives "liveliness" and personality to your handicraft. If you plan to make a magnet, you need to attach a magnet to the back of the piece before it cools. The nose can be made from a small button or formed from the same hot glue.
On the same principle, you can make an unusual individual badge, simply attaching a pin to the figure from behind.
Decorating interior objects
With the help of hot glue, you can make exclusive Christmas toys.
Christmas tree ball
To perform the craft you will need:
- Christmas tree toys of different sizes;
- glue gun;
- paints of different colors.
On the surface of the Christmas tree toys, in random order, you apply the pattern with a glue gun. For maximum originality, you can draw a flower, a bird or any other ornament on the toy. Very beautiful it turns out if you tint the toy. The base will be one color, and the convex pattern - another.
Case for a phone
Young fashionistas can decorate their phones.
You will need:
- glue gun;
- acrylic paint;
- rhinestones.
Use hot glue to apply a random pattern to the back panel. You can give it a specific color with acrylic paint. This procedure should be done with a very thin brush.
Until the glue dries, you can attach rhinestones for decoration.
When doing this decoration, be careful not to let a drop of hot glue get on the camera or the speaker.
You can find a huge number of photos of all kinds of decoration options on the Internet.
Making intricate compositions with a glue gun
Working with a glue gun requires the utmost care and certain skills. A huge number of creative ideas can be emphasized from the surrounding things.
Vase - candy vase
If you already perform simple elements with confidence, then our master class will help you create a candy bowl with your own hands.
Prepare the following tools and materials:
- glue gun;
- paint (for this craft, spray paint is best);
- cup for the base;
- food film;
- greasy hand cream.
Let's begin:
Prepared in advance, we wrap the cup in food film completely. And abundantly treat it with cream. This procedure is necessary so that after drying, the glue can be easily removed.
First of all, it is necessary to make the most stable base of the future candy dish. To do this, an even layer of hot glue forms the bottom. The drawing of the vase itself should start at the bottom and go upwards in beautiful patterns. Patterns can be absolutely any, it all depends on your imagination.
After a complete drying, the vase is removed from the base. The result is a beautiful, openwork vase. Now it is necessary to decide on the color and paint the candy box.
It is most convenient to paint with spray paint. Such a vase can be used to store fruit, candy.
Vase for flowers
Using the same technology, you can make a vase for flowers, and decorate it, for example, with any stones, rhinestones, beads. Each detail in the performance of such a vase is very important.
Engage all your imagination and fantasy and make of everyday things - a real work of art.
Decorative fountain
A very interesting idea for self-made with a hot gun is a decorative fountain.
For the work you will need:
- Stones of small size, different shapes.
- Hot glue.
- A round box (for the base).
- Artificial grass or green felt.
The creation of the fountain will take place in several stages.
The round-shaped box should be wrapped with felt or with the help of a glue gun to glue the grass to it.
With the prepared stones we lay out a well, where the water will flow. Fix the stones to the base, using the same glue. Carefully, most importantly, take your time to form the wall from which the fountain will pour. This operation will take a lot of time, take your time. It is important not to let the workpiece fall apart.
Let's move on to the final step - forming a stream of water.
Direct the threads of glue from top to bottom, so it looks most natural. Do not forget, to complete the composition, at the bottom, in the well with the glue to create a bubbling effect.
If desired, you can decorate the grass at the waterfall with flowers.
Even the most voluminous handicrafts created with a glue gun will not take you much time. And the result will turn out absolutely unique and unusual. The performance of such decor elements can be combined with some holiday, making an excellent gift for loved ones and relatives.