Crafts on the theme of sports - master classes on how to create children's crafts
Sports play an important role in the life of almost everyone. Even without engaging in any sport, everyone finds something to their liking and enjoy watching, such as soccer, figure skating, boxing, rhythmic gymnastics.
Children often create a variety of crafts on the theme of sport. After all, since kindergarten, kids involved in physical education, and make some crafts on the topic of sports, pretty fascinating exercise. Often in kindergartens and schools are holding a mass sports competitions and is considered a good idea to complement their exhibition of sports crafts. There are a lot of ideas, options, materials for this work.
Simple plasticine crafts
Plasticine is a favorite material for the work of both very young and older children. Children's hands can easily cope with soft, flexible plasticine. The easiest idea for a craft with a sports theme is a soccer ball. For its creation does not require any special skills and abilities, just roll the ball.
You can use several colors of clay to create a soccer ball with inserts. More complicated will be to sculpt the figures of athletes, their paraphernalia. For example, you can create participants of the Olympic Games in Sochi on skis, a boxer with gloves in the ring, a gymnast with a hoop in his hand ...
Perhaps this is also one of the simplest and easiest ideas for crafts. Engaging your imagination, you can create a variety of applications on the theme of sports. To create applications you can use: colored paper, paper tissues, foil... This kind of crafts, quite popular in kindergartens, and in first grade, because they can make even a preschooler. One of the simple uncomplicated options is to create an applique on a sport - swimming.
For this you will need:
- a set of colored paper;
- scissors;
- glue;
- white cardboard;
- colored pencils or felt-tip pens.
The cardboard will be the base - all the parts are glued to it. To start, you need to take blue paper, tear or cut it into long uneven strips (this will be the water in the pool). Then cut out the swimmers: a white circle (face), white strips (arms), small rectangles of any color (the torso of athletes). A little more than half of the cardboard glued blue strips, at the top leave room to draw spectators, judges. On top of the blue strips, neatly glue the assembled swimmers. On the blank part of the cardboard you can draw fans, judges... Such a simple composition engages a child in several techniques at once. Quite simple and interesting idea for children's hands.
Origami is a kind of crafts made of folded paper. This kind of activity comes to the liking of children of different ages, as well as adults. On such an interesting topic as sports, there are a lot of ideas, instructions, video tutorials for such an interesting technique of crafts. For such art you need to have patience, concentration, paper and of course time. This activity takes enough time and effort, but the result is worth it.
Origami on a sports theme is one of the new popular types of crafts. Here a child and an adult can show their skills and talent. The most popular ideas on sports is considered origami balls (soccer, basketball, volleyball), skates for skating, boxing gloves.
Handicrafts on sports themes of improvised materials
Handmade materials are the most available, popular, various materials for creating crafts, especially for sports, whether it is a winter sport, or team games.
Engaging a little imagination, you can create anything you want.
Perhaps one of the good choices, to create a favorite, a symbol of the Olympic Games - the Olympic Bear! Not only children like this hero, but adults as well.
To create it you will need:
- A lid from a box of chocolates;
- A disposable rectangular tray (used in stores to fill cookies or fruit);
- a pack of cotton swabs;
- Silver-colored cardboard;
- some plasticine (red and black)
- String for knitting (colors: red, yellow, black, blue, green);
- 5 pieces of small rings of cardboard or thin foam plastic;
- scissors;
- glue;
- Printout Olympic bear.
To begin, you should cut out the outline of the bear. Cut cotton sticks, for the craft you need only those parts where the cotton is, the sticks themselves are not useful. Glue the right size silver cardboard to the candy cap. On it glue the blank teddy bear. Glue the cut cotton buds along the silhouette of the bear. Press down well, let dry a little. Shape eyes, nose, mouth, claws with plasticine - glue them on.
Make holes in a disposable tray so that you can put the edge of the box, so the finished panel can stand practically. Wrap the ring blanks with knitting threads, fix this Olympic symbols on the tray in front of the bear (you can glue it or make holes and secure it well with threads). Such a cute, heartwarming craft will please everyone.
As material for sports crafts, you can use, everyone's favorite candy. Of these quickly and easily you can form a soccer ball, for its creation a lot of effort and time is not necessary. It is only necessary to take a round blank ball (you can make it out of paper, or take a tennis ball), completely covered with candy. Preferably, the candy has a black and white wrapping, then the ball will be more like a soccer.
Also for such crafts you can use other means at hand: disposable dishes, old unwanted light bulbs, paper napkins, buttons, beads ...
Creating handicrafts with a sports theme is a good, exciting activity that stimulates a desire to do some kind of sport, to lead a healthy lifestyle. After all, with the help of such an activity, you can immerse yourself in the world of sports, learn its subtleties. Sports theme for the crafts - one of the best topics for such an activity!