Older People's Day crafts - making figurines, cards and souvenirs
Gifts for the elderly can be prepared for any holiday. This New Year, March 8, February 23. But it is on October 1 it is customary to give souvenirs to their close grandparents, thanking them for their wisdom and advice. This shows care and attention to the older generation. It is doubly pleasant to receive surprises from the native grandchildren. Some gift ideas are provided below.
Figurines of grandparents
You can make them in the form of applications of paper, felt, fabric (using templates) or just draw portraits with greetings and poems. Here's how to make
Cone puppets
Making a toy will not take much time, but will delight the elderly with its originality. So, for cute paper dolls you will need the following.
Tools: colored paper, hole punch, felt-tip pens, scissors, glue, cardboard blanks of heads, hands and feet, templates for making a cone, absorbent cotton, thick knitting threads (beige or white).
Work steps:
- Cut out a cone from the template, glue it together.
- Drill holes with a hand awl and, passing a thread through them, cut the desired length.
- Attach another double string to the thread, so that at the bottom of the cone the doll's legs are of adequate length.
- Glue the arm and leg blanks to the strings. Attach the head to the top of the cone.
- Dolly - grandmother attach hair of absorbent cotton, and the doll - grandfather - mustache, eyebrows and hair or sides of the hair near the bald.
- Decorate with peas, leaves, flowers.
Such a handicraft can be made by a child of 5 - 6 years old in the kindergarten class.
Grandma and Grandpa's Side by Side Gift
A gift made of vegetables will arouse interest not only in the elderly, but also in other members of the family. For it you will need two large long flat potatoes, preferably pink. From them, make figures of grandma and grandpa.
Eyes of the dolls can be peas ash or sweet peppers, noses - potatoes attach with matches to a large potato, mouth - tomato - cherry attached similarly. Hair made of corn or string, hands made of sticks. Cap can be made from a cut of zucchini or pumpkin. Place the dolls in a small, beautiful basket with a napkin.
Such miracles can be done not by craftsmen, but by elementary schoolchildren.
Greeting cards
They can be different in complexity. It all depends on the age of the child. Kids use templates that are prepared by adults, older children can make a card in the form of a book, a volumetric card from napkins, ribbons, clay with interesting greetings. The themes are varied.
Postcard with flowers from hearts
Tools: scissors, a template of a heart and leaves of a flower, glue, felt-tip pens, colored cardboard of size A - 4, small photos of grandma and grandpa.
Work Stages:
- Cut out about two dozen hearts of the same color. Fold in half.
- Grease one half of the heart (preferably the right) and glue to the cardboard in a circle overlapping. It forms a shape very similar to a flower.
- Next make another such flower, glue small pictures of grandparents instead of the middle.
- Attach leaves and finish drawing the green stems with a felt-tip pen.
The unique card is ready. You can write congratulations on it.
Postcard with volumetric flowers
Tools: colored paper and cardboard A-4 size, scissors, glue, templates of a vase, a large and small flower, its leaves.
Making a card:
- Select cardboard for the card and, having cut out the template for the vase where the flowers will be, glue it on.
- Cut out the flowers from the template and glue them together. The smaller one will be on top, and its petals bend slightly to the top.
- Take a strip of width equal to the diameter of the larger flower, and the length will be twice the width. Fold the sheet in half lengthwise and cut along the line of the fold, not reaching a little to the edge.
- Glue the edges and roll into a tube, smeared with glue. We get the fluffy part of the flower, which should be attached to the small. Now you need to do the same way to make two more flowers.
- Attach over the vase leaves, cut from a template, and ready-made flowers.
Postcard may well be made by children 6 -7 years in class work lesson under the guidance of a teacher.
The panel from computer disks
Such a panel can be made even by 4 - 5 year old children.
To do this, you need to take old CDs and glue them with plasticine sticks composition of flowers, butterflies, grass, birds. Think of a plot is not difficult. But grandparents from such a surprise will have a lot of fun.
Children ages 10-12 will manage to work with straw (previously it is steamed in water and ironed), croup and paper mosaic (cut small squares of colored paper and glue them on the composition made with a pencil) without much effort.
Souvenirs for the elderly
Knowing the needs and tastes of their grandparents, it is easy to come up with crafts that will be needed in everyday life.
A box for secrets
If there is a sturdy enough box at home from new shoes or some gadgets, why not prepare an exclusive casket for Older People's Day. It can be used for thread and needles, for prescriptions from magazines, for medicine, or even to hold money.
How to make one? You can wrap the box with self-adhesive paper. Decorate with rhinestones, seashells, cut out of paper flowers, butterflies. Then varnish the box. It turns out a real masterpiece. Such work is power to children of primary school age. varnish and dry the product better outside to avoid odor poisoning.
Glasses hut
Often seniors lose their glasses. For such needs, you can prepare a bright present from a box from tea bags, where glasses can be stored.
How to prepare? Paint the box in red or orange gouache or acrylic paint. Decorate with ornaments, flowers or circles cut out of colored paper. To varnish on top or to put in the middle a piece of felt or other soft fabric. The house for glasses is ready! The main thing is to put them there all the time.
Candy - a gift
All the elderly people will be happy to receive a nice present. You can wrap anything: candy, tangerines or apples, cookies, chocolate.
Tools for work: gift ribbon, duct tape, scissors, transparent wrapping paper, a cylinder made of cardboard with duct tape.
Stages of work:
- In the cylinder put candy, cookies or fruit. Secure the contents with duct tape.
- Everything is wrapped in paper. The edges are tied with a gift ribbon. You can decorate with decorative curls.
There is no limit to your imagination. Grandparents appreciate all gifts for their offspring. The most important thing is that these children's crafts prepared from the heart.