Handmade crafts from matches - peculiarities of work with the material, interesting master classes, unusual photo ideas

Matches as a material for creativity are accessible and cheap, so it is easy to make a lot of different handicrafts with their own hands. In this case, such an activity is useful for children, it develops both fine motor skills and figurative thinking. For adults, this is a way to relieve stress, to make a unique collection of unique souvenirs in the style of "handmade. This article will tell you what ideas you can bring to life with only matches and glue.

Preparing to work with matches

Creating products from matches requires perseverance, so the work should be prepared in advance. You need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • the required number of matches;
  • glue PV;
  • A container for the glue;
  • Toothpick and brush to apply the glue.

It is inconvenient to take glue from a tube, so it is better to pour it into a bowl. Before starting work, the table should be covered with film or paper to protect its surface from the glue. The price of a match is not always needed in the handicraft, so you will also need scissors.

Matches are not smooth on all sides, so it is better to use the smooth side for the front side of the craft. Beginning masters it is better to first perform simple, flat things, and after acquiring the skill can move on to volumetric crafts.

Applique from matches.

Simple applications are best made on colored cardboard. First, you need to draw on cardboard the pattern of the future product, and then lay out any figure from the matches, gluing them to the base. So you can get applications of animals, houses and even entire landscapes. If the product is framed, it is an original gift.

Wheel of matches

It is easy to make a wheel without using glue, it will hold its shape due to the forces of friction and internal tension. To make the wheel, you must first prepare a template. On soft plastic or foam plastic to draw a circle 6 cm in diameter. If the diameter is larger or smaller, the wheel will not hold its shape well.

Next, you need to make holes all around the circumference with an awl or screwdriver, the distance between them should be 1.5 cm. In each hole insert a match with the base down. After all the vertical matches are exposed, you need to put in the horizontal ones. They must be put each one between the three vertical ones, with the two outermost ones on the outside and the middle one on the inside. The horizontal match turns out to be tightly clamped. So we go all the way around the perimeter. Weave is obtained - paling.

Last match of the circle put under the first match, raising it. All manipulations should be done with a screwdriver. Similarly need to weave the remaining rows. When the weaving has reached the top, you need to compact the design a little and take it off the template.

How to make matchstick houses

House without glue

Take a solid base, put 2 matches parallel to it, and put 8 matches perpendicularly on top of them. This will be the future foundation. Make the same layer again perpendicular to the previous one. Next, lay out seven rows of 4 matchsticks by the heads in a circle. This is the foundation.

Then lay out again eight pieces with the heads already in the opposite direction from the foundation, on top of them in the middle lay out six matches, put a coin on them. In the holes, which were obtained between the last 2 rows, you need to insert carefully one match. Along the walls are the gaps, in which also to insert one match. All this must be done carefully, without collapsing the construction. The perimeter is covered. Squeeze the construction.

House with glue.

First you need to make the floor. From matches on a sheet of cardboard to make a grid with glue. The walls are laid out as follows: two matches horizontally, two - vertically, etc. So do all four walls, gluing matches. For the roof matches are glued to the walls of the house in turn at an angle, simulating a gable roof. This is the easiest house to make. Having got the skill, you can find a photo or video on the Internet, connect your imagination and perform complex variants of house designs and castles.

Matchbox crafts with a child

Joint activities between children and parents bring the family together and are a very exciting activity. The child is taught to be assiduous and to love creativity.

In the beginning it is useful to teach your child to glue fences. You need to take 16 matches, gluing them together, alternately in one and the other side of the head. Such a fence - the basis of many crafts. For example, it can be a seat of a stool. The legs are made from crossed matches (you need two pairs), join them with the fifth match and glue to the base. By imagining, you can make any furniture for dolls: tables, beds, chests of drawers.

With children it is not difficult to make a bridge. To make the bridge, the matches need to be cleaned of sulfur heads, it is easy to do with an ordinary grater. Stack three matches in length, gluing two more matches to them in staggered order. Make several such structures, form a rectangle from them, with one match on the short edge. The frame should dry well.

Then install the six inner supports of the bridge, they should be about equal distance from each other. The first support consists of two matches in height, the second of three, the third of four, then in reverse order. Then connect the supports to each other along the edges with stiffening ribs one match wide. Next, we put the vertical beams (the central ones should be higher than the outer ones) at each edge of the support and glue them to the vertical struts of the bridge. Dry.

Next, dial up the decking of the bridge by gluing the matches tightly to each other. After drying, lay horizontal matches between the beams, adjusting their length. Make cross struts between the uprights. You can do them, as it is a laborious job, but with them the bridge looks more elegant and beautiful. After the crosses have dried, glue the handrails to the bridge. Each section is a separate cut match. After it dries, the bridge is ready. The child will be delighted!

In conclusion, it must be said that the matches are made of natural wood, so they are environmentally friendly and safe material for handmade crafts. There are many photos and master classes on the Internet with detailed instructions on how to make them. Therefore, everyone can find suitable models for themselves for creativity.

Photo ideas of simple and complex crafts from matches

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