Masters of wire crafts with your own hands - a lot of interesting step by step master classes with examples of photos and ideas

Despite the outwardly unattractive appearance of wire, it is a basic material for creating exclusive crafts, jewelry, decorative items. In combination with beads, woven flaps, natural material, plasticine, wire products look unusual and can make complete compositions. A popular variety is chenille wire. It is safe, pleasant to the touch, has an interesting texture and is suitable for work even for a child.

Preparing to work

Wire is considered a difficult material. Working with it is not easy, an effort is required. To facilitate the creative process, experienced craftsmen use tools:

  • pliers, to bite off pieces of wire of the right length;
  • pliers, needle-nose pliers for twisting and bending fragments;
  • electric soldering iron, for binding thick copper wire;
  • hammer, anvil, to give the material a flattened shape;
  • a piece of sandpaper for polishing;
  • scissors;
  • duct tape or scotch tape, to hold the pieces together in the intermediate stages of the work.
  • The idea of a composition is sometimes the most unexpected, so additional tools may be included in this list of tools.

Varieties of wire

Wire surprises by its plasticity and great potential for use in the design of jewelry and decorative souvenirs. It is widely used to create costume jewelry. In rare cases, the material is taken from precious metals. Mostly goes for a simple, inexpensive wire:

  • copper;
  • aluminum;
  • Costume jewellery wire, which is sold in crafts stores.

Costume jewelry wire is designed specifically for creative work. Its alloy contains metals with valuable artistic properties - softness, strength, plasticity, beautiful appearance. The cross-section has a round, semi-circular or square shape. On sale you can find copper wire with a silver coating with a flat cross-section, aluminum wire with a shiny coating. Aluminum material for creativity resists corrosion and the negative effects of the environment.

With technical material consisting of pure copper, stainless steel, also work, but the process is difficult because of the need to clean it from the insulation.

Rules of operation

The most important thing is that you can use the wire to make exclusive jewelry from the wire, and experienced craftsmen give you tips for working with this material:

  • for heavy beads take a strong wire;
  • the larger the diameter of the metal material, the more it fills the hole inside the beads, respectively, the more resistant it is to wear;
  • the distance between the beads should allow them to move freely.

First Steps

Products on a wire basis amaze by their beauty. One wants to join this art and create something beautiful, too. However, in order not to run into a beginner's frustration syndrome, you need to start with simple crafts, gradually complicating them.

The first steps in weaving can be simple contours of animals, fantasy men, various objects. For example, to make a simple Christmas tree, enough to bend the wire, why symmetrically bend its half.

If you make the ring blanks, and then connect them in groups of three to five by another ring, you get a simple bracelet. Garland of rings will decorate the children's room. Children from preschool age and older are happy to get involved in the work of creating products from wire.

Flowers out of wire

Like any creative activity, working with wire material develops children's motor skills, memory, logic, imagination, perseverance, introduces creativity and helps them learn about the world around them.

For children's hands are suitable thin wire, it is not difficult to bend and deform. In the beginning of the work a flower with a stem is drawn on paper, in the process of work the workpiece is attached to the template for comparison. To strengthen the stem, it is wrapped with a double fold of wire. The middle of the flower - a ring, the petals - in waves wrapped around a ring of wire.

Christmas tree

For the work you will need two types of wire - thick and thin. The thick wire is used to make a base, a triangular outline, forming a beautiful curl on top. On a thin wire threaded beads of different sizes or the same beads and loosely wrap it around the main contour. Such a Christmas tree is a good gift for friends as a souvenir, to decorate the real tree, as well as an independent element of the decor.


The herringbone and flower were flat figures. The butterfly is considered a craft of a more complex level, in it it is necessary to fill the void of the contour parts. The master class includes steps:

  • Starting from the body of the butterfly, form the contour of the upper wings;
  • Laying the wire along the body, create the contour of the lower wings;
  • Strengthen wings by winding the body double fold;
  • Proceed to fill the voids inside the contours with beautiful swirls;
  • Pull the ends of the wire above, cut off the excess, twist tendrils.

The butterfly is ready. According to the same algorithm, you can create figures of animals, flowers, people. The filled space inside the outline gives the piece a finished look.

Angel with wire and beads

Wire angel with beads looks tender and airy. Work takes a thin and thick wire. From thick wire material create a frame. On a thin wire threaded beads blue fill the contour of the body, red beads fill the area of the neck and arms, white - the wings and halo above the head. The handicraft turns out exquisite, elegant. It is not ashamed to present it to friends and relatives on New Year or Christmas.

Money tree

Familiar items sometimes become boring, you want to refresh the interior, add new interesting things to it. A money tree seems complicated, but in practice it is easy to create, if you have the initial skills of working with wire. You will need:

  • copper wire of the desired diameter;
  • large and small beads;
  • decorative coins;
  • needle nose pliers;
  • file;
  • Silicone-based glue to cover the cuts.

There is no specific algorithm for creating a money tree. Everyone creates it the way they like. The common detail is the trunk. Branches are attached to it, scrolls with strung beads. The appearance of the tree depends on the fantasy and imagination of the master.

A stand for napkins

Like the money tree, this product depends on the creative vision of the master and can be anything you like. The base of the stand is a holder for napkins, the side walls are presented in the form of a woven contour with curls.

Thick wire is used for the work, as the napkin stack has considerable weight. Bends and curls are formed with needle-nose pliers. A drop of silicone glue is dripped on the tips of the wire to avoid scratching. Rough areas of the surface are polished with emery paper.

A cloud of wire

A cloud with a rain of wire looks interesting as a decorative object. The figure is simple, but surprisingly harmonious. The outline of the cloud has an oval irregular shape, with light waves. At the bottom of the cloud outline, long sections of wire with formed droplets at the end are attached. The cuts represent rain.

On the thematic Internet resources a lot of photos of products made of wire. From some it is impossible to take your eyes off, you want to make the same and decorate their home.

The photo ideas of homemade wire crafts

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