The chamomile of beads by hand - the description of the process of weaving and assembling crafts for beginners

The daisy is a very beautiful flower, which literally embodies the warm summer days. Creating such a beautiful flower from beads will be able to save a little bit of summer warmth, capture it in a small craft. Subsequently, it can be placed in a beautiful vase, using it as an element of decor for the interior of the room.

Beading a daisy is different relative complexity, because the flower itself is small. In connection with this, the work is quite laborious, requiring a certain amount of free time.


To weave a daisy from beads, you must first find all the materials, among them:

  • Beads in 3 colors (white, green, yellow)
  • Wire 1.3 to 1.5 mm for the stem
  • 0.3mm wire for the leaves
  • Flowing wires
  • Glue
  • Scissors

Work process

Scheme of weaving a daisy from beads is simple enough, it is divided into several stages, so that it was more convenient to collect the handicraft. In addition, it will not allow beginners to get confused.


It is recommended to start with the petals. To do this, you need to take a 28 cm section of 0.3 mm wire. On it you need to thread 25 white beads, and then step back 10 cm and make a fold. On the working ends of the wire, you need to put 25 more beads on each side, and then pass the ends of the wire through the outermost beads in the loop.

The remaining ends should be twisted. The twist should be long enough so that it can be easily attached to the main stem of the plant. Such petals need to make 7-8 pieces.

The core

To make the core you need to take a 45 cm long piece of wire. On one end make a loop so that the axis is at least 10 cm. On it you need to thread 3 yellow beads. Next, with the working end of the arc, on which the beads are located, you need to make an arc, fixing the wire with a turn from the top.

Then you need to dial up the beads again, make an arc from below and fasten it around the axis. Thus it is necessary to do 3 times, a total of 6 arcs should turn out. The result will be a yellow flower heart.

At the end of the plaiting it is necessary to connect the ends together under the core, gently twisting them. The resulting ring of daisy beads should be even, all the arcs should fit tightly together. If they wiggle, you need to screw them tightly around the base of the axis.

The sepals

To make the sepals, you need to take a 35 cm piece of wire, thread 12 green beads on it. Then you need to shift the beads so that from the edge to it was 8 cm, and then you need to make a loop. On the long end of the wire you need to thread 12 beads of green, make a second loop.

Thus you need to make a total of 6 loops. In size they should turn out about 2 times smaller than the white petals.

Leaves .

On the stem of each flower is a few leaves. To give the craft more realistic look, you need to consider this detail. Weave leaves will be the most difficult, because there need to weave at once in 2 sides, while respecting the proportions. Consider the master class of daisy leaves from beads.

As a basis for using a piece of wire length of 42 cm. It is strung with 5 beads, shifted to the middle. Next, you need to hold a finger on the edge of the beads, and then the free end of the wire through the remaining 4 beads. Pull out the wire, align the ends so that they are the same length.

Then on one of the ends of the wire you need to dial 5 beads again, holding the edge with your finger, pass the end through the remaining 4, pull it out and straighten. Exactly the same procedure must be done with the other end, the result will be 3 small green sticks, each of which is 5 beads.

This is the basis of the leaves, then it is necessary to plait down, with each time increasing the number of beads in the side sticks by 1, while the middle sticks do not increase their length. In total, there should be 4 sticks on the sides. Next, you need to twist the ends together.

Thus need to make three leaves.

Assembling the handicraft

After that, when all the main elements of the flower is ready, you can begin to assemble the handicraft. To do this, you first need to cut out a circle from a plastic bottle, the diameter of which should be 1.5-2 cm. In this circle it is necessary to make a hole in the middle, also along the perimeter, around the middle hole you need to make 7 more of the same holes.

This is done to fix all the elements of the craft on a plastic base. In the side holes to insert the white petals, securely fasten them at the bottom, tightening the wire. In the middle hole is inserted a yellow flower heart, it is also necessary to fasten it firmly.

Next, twisting all the wires together at the bottom, under the petals you need to carefully reattach the sepal. It is not inserted into the holes in the plastic base, it is attached directly to the stem of the flower, sitting directly under the white petals.

The stem

After all the elements are assembled, you need to give the stem a stiffer base. To do this, a small iron stick is attached to it, fastened to all elements of the handicraft. The base itself must also be wrapped with wire, along the way inserting leaves on the sides.

To give the handicraft a more presentable, aesthetic look, you use thread with green mouliné. They are needed to decorate the stem, giving it a more realistic look. To this end, the threads are wound onto the base with glue, it securely binds them to the wire, creating a fairly strong structure.

After this procedure it is necessary to let the glue dry, after which the flower can be used as a decorative element. A very simple way to make a daisy of beads for beginners, all the necessary materials can be purchased at the nearest textile store, which is very convenient. The cost of the craft is also very low.

While assembling actively develops fine motor skills of the hands, which is very useful for pre-school children and people whose work is connected with brute physical force. Such a peculiar exercise will preserve the flexibility of the hands. And the final result will perfectly decorate the room.

Photo of beautiful daisies made of beads

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