Cement handmade crafts for dacha and garden - a selection of practical master classes (70 photos)

Great opportunities are provided to lovers of unusual decor with their own hands. In case you have extra kilograms of cement. Then we bring to your attention a variety of crafts from cement.

We assure you that these will be pleasing to the eye and will be a unique element of beauty in a room or garden. With concrete, you can create any figures that pop up in your imagination. Also possible to create any size that is limited only by the amount of concrete mix.

A particular advantage is the ability of the master to create crafts according to his taste. For example, a flower bed can be created according to an individual design and not resort to calling special companies in the trade. It is strongly recommended to at least try, just do not turn out bad and ugly. And if successful, it will save money.

When the skill level increases you can easily cast dwarfs out of cement and paint and give them life with bright colors.

Advantages of cement crafts

  • One of the most important advantages of this substance is the relative cheapness.
  • Durability and strength of the finished structures, resistance to weather conditions.
  • Concrete is perfectly dyed in different colors. Decorating also does not bring any problems.
  • Ease of use of concrete. The main difficulty is to create a stencil design for pouring.

Important rules

The mixture of concrete is prepared as follows: a part of cement and twice the amount of sand (if you need increased strength, you can take 1 part of the sand), part of the glue. Then a little water and it is required to reach a thick consistency. The mortar will be ready to use and will not cause any trouble.

All crafts require warm conditions and plenty of time to cure. Curing time can vary up to two weeks. To prevent cracking, the figure is covered with bags.

After the hardening time, the figure is necessarily covered with primer, then varnish or paint. If there are any irregularities that aesthetically interfere and create discomfort, use a file and sandpaper.

Cement can be replaced by gypsum, this material allows you to make figures hollow and more decorative.

Garden decorations made of concrete

Sculptures cast by masters are expensive and the simplest rules may not be followed in the making. But if you study and cast the figures yourself, you can exclude all the errors and the expensive cost. In fact, it will not take much knowledge and special skills to make concrete.

Everything you need can be found in the garage, and it is easy to buy cement at any construction store.

Here will be described the basic requirements for making figures with their own hands.

  • Buy concrete grade M400 or higher.
  • If you use gypsum, mix it with moisture-proof additives.
  • Water for the mortar must be clean, boiled or suitable for drinking. Due to this, the construction will be of high quality and durable.
  • For particularly complex designs, be sure to assemble a mold and frame. Heavy figures should have a support.
  • Figures cast in concrete must be covered with paint or varnish. This is done for durability.
  • Gypsum can be mixed with cement or glue to give greater strength.

Necessary tools

  • Bucket, barrel, wheelbarrow and other containers for mixing the mortar.
  • A drill with a special nozzle for thoroughly working the cement.
  • Means to protect body parts. Gloves, aprons, napkins.
  • Shape for the figure.
  • Spatulas for carrying and applying mortar.

Making crafts

One of the original crafts is intended for warm and cozy evenings. We will provide one option for you, and then improvise yourself and create more unique and individual figures.


  1. To create such an interesting handicraft, you will need a balloon. Immediately we advise to find a few.
  2. Balloons are inflated to different sizes, do not inflate too much, take into account that the layer of cement will be small and the construction will be fragile.
  3. Cement is applied to the inflated balloon. It is important to completely cover the balloon, but leave some space on top.
  4. After complete curing, all balloons are burst and removed from the finished craft.
  5. In honor of the final step, candles are lit and placed directly into the craft. Such balloons look extraordinary and beautiful.

This method can be used with a rope soaked in cement mortar. All the steps are completely identical, but rope is used instead of cement. It looks even more unusual and specific. Guests will probably think that this is a purchased decor and will be surprised that you can create this yourself.

There are not only beautiful crafts for the garden. But also excessively useful in everyday life.

For example, for the following crafts you will need only two brushes and all the materials from the last craft.

We pour cement into a plastic basin and place the brushes at an equal distance from each other. After curing, the main purpose of creating such a useful item becomes clear at once.

The craft is necessary for cleaning shoes. And it is easy to do, and the benefit is a lot.

It is worth paying attention to safety when working with cement. There have been cases of getting the mixture in the eyes. It is not terrible if you rinse quickly with water and get rid of each ingredient. But the feeling is unpleasant.

When working in creative mode, do not forget to give your best effort and lots of love. We assure you that everyone around you will notice the love invested in the craft.

There are such masters of cement that it is simply difficult to call their finished figures a handicraft. They look like works of art and are great for any garden or backyard.

One day a picture of concrete gargoyles on a fence hit the internet. These are amazing. We believe in your endeavors and hope to see some more gargoyles on the fence.

Photo of cement craft ideas

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