Handmade crafts from household waste - interesting product ideas
Increasingly acute in the world is the problem of human pollution. Some countries are already beginning to actively use recycling.
Household waste crafts can be really useful in everyday life. Making them will help children develop their creativity and have a fun time. At the same time, you do not need to spend money, because any materials are probably already available in the house.
What role do trash crafts play
When waste enters the environment, it begins to have a devastating effect on it. This is already the case almost everywhere on the planet. Plastic, and especially batteries, take hundreds of years to fully decompose. In the world's oceans you can often find fish that have been mutilated by plastic bags.
People are already very concerned about this ecological problem. They are setting up collection points for plastic and unwanted paper. In Europe, in every store you can exchange bottles for coins or a discount. Here everything is based on the work of volunteers and other activists.
We need to teach children to treat nature with care. You can do this by teaching them to use the surrounding seemingly unnecessary items to create something new.
With the help of creativity, you can create a beautiful element of decor or useful in everyday life accessory from ordinary trash. A playful approach will help them learn about preserving the environment.
The original craft can safely bring to class for an open lesson on the world around us.
What can be used for crafts
The material to be used in the creation has the following requirements:
- ease of application;
- safety.
These criteria depend on the age and ability to handle certain materials.
Often for children's creativity choose:
- plastic bottles;
- cardboard and paper;
- newspapers;
- paper sleeves;
- CDs.
The main task here is to show how trash can be used in the realization of creative ideas. In this case, the flight of fancy is not limited by anything.
There is a small set of rules by which you can choose and decide on the final craft:
- Determine from what waste it will be made.
- The design must be simple in execution.
- The child should do all the work from beginning to end by him or herself, charging adults only with the work with sharp objects.
That way he can turn on his creativity to the full and have a lot of fun in the process.
What's the use of just watching? We suggest you read about what you can turn household trash into.
Paper and cardboard crafts
From matchboxes
Do not rush to throw them away with the rest of the waste. They can make a lot of useful things.
With glue, colored paper or pieces of fabric, you can make cute furniture for dolls. The boxes can be used to make a dresser, a table and even a nice sofa.
Another way to use them is to adapt them for learning the alphabet. Draw small shapes on sheets of white paper for all the letters of the alphabet. Decorate matchboxes with colored paper. There and keep the cut out figures.
Boxes from under the matches are great for needleworkers. In them they can store beads or small accessories.
From cardboard sleeves
To make them into funny animals, you need glue, scissors, colored paper and felt-tip pens. The Internet is full of different photos of funny octopuses, elephants, butterflies.
It will be useful to make an organizer out of several sleeves to store office supplies. The easiest thing is to place them horizontally on top of each other. Even more beautiful is obtained when several sleeves are placed vertically on a piece of cardboard. And the front ones have slightly lower back sides. And the entire organizer brightly colored with markers or acrylic paints.
From egg cartons
Most often, these cardboard packages are used to make small figures or cut out flowers. The latter can be used to make a garland or to decorate photo frames.
Two boxes with cells can be used to make an Advent calendar. They have become very popular recently. They usually hide chocolates in them, but you can also do any interesting little things that will fit in there. Use clear tape and brightly colored gift paper to decorate.
From juice boxes
You can make a nice bird feeder out of cardboard juice boxes or milk cartons. Need only scissors and a piece of string to tie the finished craft on a tree branch.
Not less easy to do piggy bank. It also does not require special skills of the master.
Handicrafts from plastic
From bottles
From the bottoms of a pair of bottles, stapled together, you can make a nice decorative apples. You also need markers, awls, a drinking pipe for the twig, and colored paper to create the leaves.
Green plastic bottles are great for creating leaves for the money tree. Its trunk can be made from two sticks wrapped with unnecessary strips of fabric. And you can make branches from wire or old newspapers rolled up into clogs.
From disposable tableware
You can make a fancy crown out of drinking tubes, which will be a great decoration. To do this, you need to cut out a base from cardboard in advance, and glue the straws on it in order.
Listed crafts - this is only a small part of how to use unnecessary things. In numerous videos on the Internet you can find many interesting lessons with handicrafts. Not only children are not engaged in their creation. Some modern artists are quite seriously come up with various installations out of the trash, and even exhibit them in art spaces.
Do not underestimate the devastating effect of humans on the environment. In a playful way, you can teach children from an early age to think about environmental issues, to care about the preservation of nature. And doing creative work will do good.