Beaded trees with beads by hand: schemes, working materials and recommendations for beginners
In fact, anyone can make a tree from beads, if only they had interest, materials and free time. Consider different options for making this elegant art object, which can become an original decoration of the house or office.
First of all, let's consider the list of materials for creating trees. Basically, for the work use:
- Beads of different colors and sizes;
- Copper wire;
- Scissors;
- Napkins or a piece of velvet (from scattering on the table surface);
- A flower pot or other container;
- Painting tape;
- Thread, yarn;
- Sand, soil, plaster for placing the trunk.
The range of materials may vary depending on the model. To begin with, you can practice on simple trees, not denying yourself the pleasure of making an aesthetic work.
Use of schemes
The basis of the work is to think carefully about the structure of the tree, literally down to every bead. Of course, in this should help the selected scheme of the tree from beads. Find examples of schemes can be found online or in books on needlework. Before improvising, it is better to work according to an algorithm. This will immediately clarify the principles of weaving, allow you to work out the skills and get your hand full.
In any case, an informative master class about beaded trees can come in handy. There are quite a few videos, educational publications, schemes and step-by-step instructions for creativity in the network.
Sakura with beads
To create a small tree of cherry blossoms will require such material:
- Wire of two kinds: thin and thicker;
- Pink beads, you can take different shades (about 250 g);
- Green beads (60 g);
- Polythene;
- Instant carpentry glue;
- Paint - gouache or acrylic;
- Gypsum;
- A pot or other container.
The work is carried out according to the following scheme:
- We create the contour of the trunk from a thick kind of wire.
- Inside the pot or stand we will put foil.
- Dilute the gypsum with water, immerse the roots of the wire, hold for 2 minutes until hardening.
- We make a trunk of liquid plaster, forming a relief.
- Coat the trunk with paint, glue green colored beads on the trunk.
- Form a crown of thin wire, stringing it with pink beads. At the end leave 10 free centimeters.
- Make a loop of 10 beads, making several turns to form a leaf.
- Make a leaf every 2 cm, counting 10 beads. Continue up to 5 leaves.
- Next, turn the handicraft over to make a similar design on the other side.
- As a result, twist about 70 twigs with 5-8 leaves. From each 3-5 branches make a lush inflorescence.
- All attached to the top of the tree, leaving 2-3 cm from each branch, creating a cherry tree top.
- Next, we make several branches with 13 loops - they should be almost 90.
- Connect the 3 long branches, forming one more puffy. It will take 4 lush inflorescences.
- 2 long sprouts are attached to the upper branch every couple of centimeters.
- Continue in a similar way to decorate the branches in the row, then decorate the branches of the lower tiers.
- In the end, we wrap the branches and the trunk with paper towels, cutting them into strips.
- We paint the trunk with gouache, mixing it with glue and water. The shade should match the previously tinted areas.
Our sakura is ready, just bend the branches for lushness. If you wish, you can make a large beaded tree.
Money Tree
A common gift and souvenir is the so-called money tree, which includes symbols of wealth and brings material prosperity.
- Such a handicraft is created from green and brown beads of different tones. Sprinkle it in a bowl, stir it up.
- Form branches by putting 12 beads each on the wire.
- Twist loops, fix the leaves.
- Need to make 8 circles, without backing up, twisting together.
- Make 60 parts, 20 of them glue coins of different origin.
- The crown is made of sets of 5 branches (one of them hangs a coin).
- In total there will be 15 bouquets for 5 thick branches.
- Wrap the branches with ribbon to imitate the bark.
- Connect them into a solid tree, decorate the trunk with paint or plaster.
Tip of the master: the design of money trees can be different - for example, with black spots or with red areas similar to the bunches of rowan trees.
A tree with stones and beads
The combination of beads and stones is a good idea. You can create mini bonsai, apple trees, wisteria, and all kinds of plants by this method.
- It is necessary to prepare the material - several lowers of semi-precious stones, a wire of copper, a stand or a pot.
- On the wire strung 15 stones at a distance of 10 cm from the edge, fix the first bead.
- On the sides attach the other elements. On one twig is enough for 4-5 rows.
- We make groups of blanks on 3 pieces, connect.
- Thick copper wire wrapped 4 blanks with stones, as well as ribbon.
- The top of the tree is formed, connect the 4 large pieces.
- On the basis of winding a few branches with an indentation of 2 cm. Adjust each pebble.
- Decorate the plaster base.
Recommendation: you can take stones of different colors or monochrome, to your liking. Very beautiful looks a variant of contrasting shades.
Tips from the masters
There are a number of general recommendations from experienced needleworkers on beadwork. Try to follow them to get a perfect result.
- If the weaving is done according to a scheme, sometimes you can get lost in counting the rows. So it's better to cross out the rows as you go along.
- To strengthen the thread, you can pull it through the beeswax.
- When an extra bead appears on the fishing line in the process, you can remove it - crush it with wire cutters.
- It is better to dial beads with a needle, not with your fingers.
- Thread for the job is better to take no longer than 1 meter.
- Knots on the ends is better to smear colorless nail polish.
- The work should be done only in bright pleasant lighting.
- It is better to choose a comfortable place to work, because you will have to sit a lot and painstakingly type small details.
- Choose beautiful and durable materials.
- It is useful to have a mudboard on the Internet to save beautiful pictures for the future.
Bead and bead trees are a great souvenir, a memorable gift, a work of art. Don't deny yourself the pleasure of creating an original model - it's a great field for self-expression.