Newly made wool crafts for beginners - peculiarities of work with the material, simple master-classes, interesting photo ideas
Wool was a traditional material for the manufacture of Christmas decorations in Soviet times, then modern technology pushed it out of the production of Christmas decorations. But in the 21st century, when the products in the style of "handmade" are very valued, cotton toys can be seen on Christmas trees again.
In this article, you can find out what kind of crafts you can make from such an easily available material as absorbent cotton.
Properties of medical absorbent cotton as craft material
Absorbent cotton is sold in every drugstore. It is very convenient in the manufacture of handicrafts, as it has a homogeneous structure, durable and flexible, it is easy to form any image from it.
Absorbent cotton is soft, lightweight, hygroscopic. This is a natural cotton material, so it is absolutely safe, to the manufacture of crafts can safely involve the child. In addition, absorbent cotton is always available for purchase and is inexpensive.
Christmas toys out of absorbent cotton
Let's start with the most attractive and brightest of all crafts - Christmas toys. For them you need to prepare the following materials: absorbent cotton, PVA glue, paper, bandage, white thread, steel wire. Glue is better to dilute a little water.
Puppets .
The process will be shown on the example of a doll. First, you need to twist out of wire something resembling the figure of a small doll. On this figure tightly wind cotton, on top of the cotton wrap thread. You will get something similar to a doll blank. Then, covering the figure with glue, we again apply layers of absorbent cotton, forming the doll's clothes. The head can also be made of absorbent cotton, but not everyone can draw a face. Therefore, it is easier to take a small old children's doll and use the head of it. Also such a head can be bought in craft stores.
It is better to glue the hair from natural materials. Clothes are also made from cotton, from flat plates, cutting out the necessary parts, as if they were fabric, and covering them with glue. Put the clothes on the doll. Then you need to dry the figure and paint. Miracle doll is ready.
In the same way other toys, Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden. Faces (molds) can be created by yourself. To do this, many master classes and photos to create them were posted on the Internet.
Roll a ball of absorbent cotton, it will be the head. Cut out cardboard ears, paint them inside a pink helmet. Form the nose from a small cotton ball, paint it pink. Buy ready-made eyes or draw them on paper and glue them on. The cheeks are also formed from absorbent cotton and glued. Form an oval body and glue it to the head, as well as a small tail and paws. Secure the figure with hairspray, so it does not fall apart. Bunny ready.
The snowman .
From the newspaper roll three balls of different sizes, pre-moisten the newspaper a little bit. Each ball wrapped in foil, forming a snowman. The "waist" of the snowman can be removed by wrapping toilet paper, covering the top again with foil.
Wrap the whole figure with absorbent cotton, then with thread. Then glue the thin strips of absorbent cotton around the blank. Billet ready. Hands can be made from a needle, wire, twigs, also wrapped in glue soaked in absorbent cotton.
Nose is also made. Headgear can be formed in a hat or bucket. To the hand glue a kebab skewer. A scarf is conveniently made from a damp napkin. It remains to paint the snowman to your liking and imagination and dry it.
Paper and absorbent cotton handicrafts
Toys made of absorbent cotton can be not only three-dimensional, but also flat. Such handicrafts perform easier, they are useful to perform with children to instill in them the skill of working with different materials and a desire to create.
To perform these crafts you need to cut out of paper the desired shape: an animal, a bird, a house, a sun, etc. Then you need to prepare a lot of small balls of absorbent cotton, painting them with watercolor paint in the right colors.
One by one, the balls should be glued to the paper base with PVA glue. Noses, eyes, beaks, tails, make from auxiliary materials, pre-painted.
Wings, paws, ears make of paper, glued to the base and painted. Showing imagination, you can create new and new ideas for creativity.
Wadded paintings
To create a picture from absorbent cotton, you need several containers in which to pour water and drop a few drops of a different dye in each container. Dip the cotton balls into different colors by dipping them into the containers with the dye and then dry them.
Take a sheet of heavy paper of the right size, this will be the base for the picture. Smearing glue on the sheet, glue the colored balls to it, one by one, creating a pattern. By the way, it is not necessary to paint the cotton balls, it is also possible to use shapeless plates, which also make beautiful paintings. For example, by mixing blue and white cotton candy, you can create a cloudy sky. Putting an arch of brightly colored balls in turn, you can form a bright rainbow.
For those who can draw, it is better to draw a picture on the base paper of what the author wants to see at the end of the work. For those who can't draw, you can download a picture from the Internet and be guided by it. Interesting ideas for paintings and panels: tropical flowers, exotic birds, bizarre trees, fairy tale characters, etc. This technique has even got its own name - vat painting. The paintings turn out volumetric and create a positive emotional climate in the room.
When creating paintings, if the absorbent cotton is glued with flat pastes, it is important to glue it along the fibers, not across, so that the layers do not shift and air bubbles are not created.
Crafts for kids
Teach young children to create their own handmade crafts from absorbent cotton is easiest to make vegetables and fruits. Form from absorbent cotton apple, lemon, orange, mushroom, carrot and other vegetables and fruits is not difficult. All you have to do is show your child how to do it, how to paint the finished products, and he or she will be happy to get involved in the creative process and start creating his or her own new products.
The tradition of making new and renewing old Christmas toys existed in the 17th-19th centuries and was passed down from generation to generation. Children were necessarily involved in this process, it instilled in them assiduity and patience, created a pre-holiday mood in the family. This wonderful tradition is beginning to be revived in our time.