Newspaper tube crafts by hand - step by step master classes for beginners with examples of photos

Newspaper tube crafts - an activity that is not only fun, but also practically free. After all, everyone at home can find old newspapers or magazines, of which, if a little effort and master the technique of weaving, we get unique in its kind of products.

Making blanks

Before you begin the work, you should stock up on enough material - twist the tubes of paper. Prepared newspaper sheets cut into strips of 4-6 cm. Take a 1.5 mm needle, put it to the strip at an angle of 45-60 degrees and start twisting the tube as tightly as possible with rotating movements of your hands. Put PVA glue on the outer corner of the newspaper and fix it on the tube. Now gently pull out the needle and proceed to wind the next tube.

Tip: Right-handed people are more comfortable to twist the tube from yourself, and left-handed people - in the opposite direction.

Don't be confused by the fact that the beginning of the tube is thinner, and the end is wider. This is normal. Now you need to learn how to splice the two tubes together. On the one hand the narrower side of the tube should flatten, bend and insert the other from a thicker side.

Weaving technique

You can weave from newspaper tubes in different ways, depending on what you want to get as a result. The main techniques are:

Straight weaving

This is the simplest kind of weaving, which should begin to learn the basics for beginners. Lay out an odd number of tubes on the table. Take another tube, fix the wide side behind the edge and start weaving vertical strips - one on the outside, the other on the inside - gradually increasing the working tube.

If you are weaving a flat object, such as a tray, then, having reached the end of the row, wrap the tube and go in the opposite direction. If you are making a basket or a vase, weave clockwise, constantly building up the straw.

Weaving in layers

In this case the product will be more dense. You need to install an odd number of stiff tubes. Braid the first working straw through the four uprights starting from the left and take it upwards. With each subsequent tube braid the four uprights, shifting the beginning by one to the right. At the end of the braiding, trim the protruding ends and braid the straws.

Braiding in a Row

This braiding is reminiscent of straight braiding, only it is done with different straws. Braid the first straw over the uprights as in straight braiding. When it finishes, do not build it up, but take the second tube and start braiding the posts with it, starting with the second one. Use the third tube to braid, starting from the third stanchion. Continue to braid in this way until you reach the right height.

Braiding square.

Lay out the required number of guide tubes at 1.5 cm distance from each other. Fix the working straw with the wide end at the bottom right and weave through one straw to the end of the row. Then go back, weaving the stems in a staggered order. When the product is woven, you need to braid a rope weave around it for strength.

Braiding with rope

In the photo of the finished work, you can see that rope braiding is usually used to secure the ends of the product. To do it properly, you need to fix two working tubes from the inside of the struts and weave the struts with them, crossing both tubes between each other each time. When you master this type of weaving, you can go to the new - triple, which uses three tubes at once.

There is also openwork weaving, but for beginners it is better not to take up yet.

Making a basket

The first idea that comes to mind for knitting from newspaper tubes is making a basket. We propose a detailed master class:

  1. Prepare a rectangular box, which you will braid with newspaper tubes.
  2. Cut out two rectangles from cardboard, equal in size to the bottom of the box.
  3. Glue one piece of cardboard and lay out the guide tubes at an equal distance from each other in all four directions.
  4. Add four posts to the corners of the cardboard rectangle at a 45 degree angle.
  5. Glue a second sheet of cardboard on top, pressing it against the first with clothespins or paper clips.
  6. After drying, bend the tube stanchions to the box.
  7. Start braiding with a straight weave working tube from the bottom of the product, increasing it as needed.
  8. When you reach the desired height, braid the edges of the basket with a rope weave.
  10. Bend the uprights that protrude to the bottom and glue them to the basket from the inside.

Now you can safely use the basket.

Photo frame

If you have a wooden or plastic photo frame, you can decorate it by braiding it with tubes of newspaper. The procedure is as follows:

  1. On the back side of the frame, make a marking every 2.5 cm.
  2. Glue a tube to each marked division.
  3. Glue the tubes at an angle of 45 degrees on the corners of the frame.
  4. Allow the glue to dry.
  5. Fold a working newspaper tube in half and slide it behind one of the posts.
  6. Intertwine the halves of the tubes with each other and go around the second pillar.
  7. Continue weaving, building up as necessary each of the two ends of the tube.
  9. After completing the weaving, varnish the product.

Now you can frame your favorite family photo.

Cup and saucer

This wicker product can be used to decorate the interior of the kitchen:

  1. Six racks put on the table. Place six more stacks perpendicularly on top of them.
  2. Glue them together and place a cup on top.
  3. Braid the working tubes of the racks, moving in a circle.
  4. Reaching the top of the cup, trim the ends that stick out.
  5. Handle made by weaving a pigtail of three tubes and gluing it to the base.
  6. For the saucer lay out 4 staves crosswise, securing them to each other with glue.
  7. Place a saucer on top.
  8. Working straw braid the first three rows, through two straws. Then proceed to weave through one tube.


The edges of the saucer and cup for durability can go rope weaving.

If you try, you can make a whole set for her daughter.

During the work, there may be additional questions. You can always find answers to the video of weaving with tubes, of which there are enough on the Internet. Your work, too, record on your phone, and the video lesson, put it on YouTube to help other users.

Newspaper tube crafts ideas photo

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