A House for cats with their own hands - detailed step by step instructions with photo ideas

We all love our four-legged friends, and some especially strong. We are talking about cats, which we love, cherish, spoil. In this article, let's look at how to build a house for a cat or cat with your own hands.

If your cat or cat likes to sit in boxes, climb into various bags, cabinets, nightstands or jars, then, undoubtedly, you need to give the animal his own corner. It is necessary to make a house.

Materials for the house

To make a cat house, you need a little skill, imagination and a bit of diligence. For a small dwelling of a four-legged friend, complete with a scratching post and a kind of crib, you will need:

  • A sheet of chipboard 61 centimeters long and 44 centimeters wide (this will be the roof),
  • A piece of particleboard 54 centimeters long and 44 centimeters wide (these will be the walls),
  • Sheet of fiberboard 122 centimeters long and 40 centimeters wide (this will be the base)
  • Seven pieces of 3x4 bars 37 centimeters long
  • A 60 centimeter long pipe with a diameter of 11 millimeters.
  • Two pieces of wood, to increase the stability of the daybed.

For a crib or a crib we will need:

  • A sheet of fiberboard 44 centimeters long and 30 centimeters wide.
  • A 44 centimetre long and 30 centimetre wide sheet of fibreboard
  • Fibreboard 44 centimeters long and 30 centimeters wide

To make the scratchers you need:

  • Two ropes 15 meters long and 2 meters wide
  • A 41 centimeters long and 18 centimeters wide board

Tools and additional materials that will be needed during the work on the house:

  • Drill or screwdriver
  • Glue gun
  • Material for blanketing the house (fur, fabric)
  • Knife
  • Scissors
  • Sandpaper
  • Measuring tape
  • Marker
  • Chalk

Building a house for a cat

First of all, let's make the house. To do this, take two sheets of chipboard and, having drawn, a semicircle or truncated circle, cut out two identical semicircles using a jigsaw or saw on the drawing. One semi-circle will be solid, and on the other half-circle cut circles, imitating the trail of a cat's paw. How to do this, you can look at the step-by-step photo on the Internet.

Now you need to prepare the slats, trim them to be the same length, pruning the excess protrusions.

From one corner of the truncated circle, make seven marks at the same distance, so that the last one is just at the second corner of the half-circle of the chipboard sheet. Do the same with the other sheet. Make sure that all the marks on both blanks coincide with each other.

Now insert the prepared laths between the two truncated circles with the lath ends touching the marks on the sheets. Using a screwdriver, screw the laths to the chipboard sheets all around the circumference. Only the base of the truncated circle is left. Now you can upholster our house with the fabric of your choice. You can do this with a glue gun or a fabric stapler. How to properly upholster the house, you can see in a detailed master class.

Measure the resulting base of the future house and transfer the drawing to a sheet of fiberboard, which has been prepared for the base of our pet house. Glue to the obtained place a piece of foam rubber, cut out according to the drawing. This will be the first cot for the cat.

Leave space on the base-sheet for a pipe, which you may use as a scratching post and make an additional lying couch for the cat. Now you can cover the main sheet with fabric. Make a hole in the upholstery in the same way as in the base.

Having measured the diameter of the pipe, cut a circle with an identical diameter in the sheet so that the pipe fits into the circle and stands firmly there. Next, you need to squeeze the prepared wooden bars into the pipe. This is done in order to be able to fasten the second log bed to the end of the pipe, as well as to ensure greater stability of the pipe.

From two sheets of chipboard and fiberboard cut two semicircles of equal size. In the chipboard sheet cut out a circle for the pipe, and the fiberboard sheet will remain the same.

Now you need to "put" the chipboard semi-circle on top of the pipe and fix it with hot glue. Put the second semicircle on top and attach it to the bar in the pipe with a screwdriver or drill. Now you can glue a piece of foam rubber for softness and upholster the second cot with fabric.

Use hot glue to wrap the rope around the tube from top to bottom. Secure with glue or stapler. The first scratching post is ready.

Place a small board around the finished board with a thick cloth or also with rope. Lean it against the roof of the cat house. Fasten with screws at the base and on the roof. Here comes the second scratcher!

To the top doghouse with a stapler you can attach a rope with a ball at the end. It will be a toy for the cat.

House for the cat is ready, the only thing left is to determine the place in the apartment where the kingdom of your pet will be.

How to make a house for a cat quickly and without much cost

You want everyone's favorite pet to have a house, but sometimes you do not have enough time or money. You can make a cat house from improvised materials, without spending a lot of time. Here is one idea of such an easy house.

For a "quick" house we need:

  • Cardboard or wooden box
  • Old t-shirt
  • Stapler

How to make a house

  1. Prepare the box: glue the cardboard in torn places, clean the wooden box of unnecessary parts such as nails, staples and other objects that can harm the animal.
  2. The box should only be open on one side. Put a t-shirt over the box so that the neck is in the middle of the open side of the box. This will be a sort of entrance to the lodge.
  3. Staple the excess material from the hem of the t-shirt neatly to the bottom of the box and secure everything with a stapler so the fabric won't dangle. Tuck the sleeves inside.
  4. You can put a soft mattress for the animal or a rug inside the box beforehand.

There you have it - an easy version of a cat house!

You can always pay attention to your beloved pet and give the cat his own house, even if you do not have enough time. Cats love to get into different containers and cabinets. So why not give them their own home where they can hide and play? It will bring the animal a lot of joy and pleasure.

Photo ideas of homemade cat houses

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