How to make birthday figures with your own hands - a simple and clear master class for beginners

On their birthdays, relatives and loved ones want to make a memorable, interesting bright holiday. This is especially true for children. Original decorations and gifts can serve as decorative or tasty figures.

What are the options for decorating?

Decor elements can be purchased in a specialized store, order on the Internet, make it yourself. The choice of material depends only on the imagination of the creator. For the manufacture of decorations use:

  • flowers;
  • balloons;
  • napkins;
  • ribbons;
  • pompoms;
  • colored paper;
  • foil
  • cardboard
  • disposable dishes;
  • cotton disks;
  • tinsel;
  • toys;
  • candy, and more.

Handmade or bought?

Choose a suggested decoration or create it yourself? It depends on financial ability, free time, desire and imagination.

People who specialize in making numbers for birthdays usually have catalogs of work. Sometimes you can order something new, discussing your idea with the master. Ready-made items are most often made of inflatable balloons, toys and sweets. In this case, not only the materials are paid for, but also the work of the master.

If there is a desire to make for a children's party figures themselves, it is enough to buy the necessary materials or pick up from what you have at home.

Ideas .

It is difficult to decide how the gift will look like, as the choice of ideas is very large. On the Internet there are many pictures and master classes on how to make numbers for birthdays.

Choosing from the available options, or coming up with something new, it is necessary to take into account your own capabilities (skill, availability of materials, tools) and the time spent on the creation of a masterpiece.


Whatever the design of the figure, it almost always consists of a base and decorations. Volumetric gift or not, you need to keep the shape. It is important to remember that the materials that bind the base and decoration must be non-toxic.

The base

The choice of the rod depends on what is expected, because the composition of balloons is attached on one principle, and flowers from napkins - in a different way. The method of attachment also depends on the raw materials, because to one basis, the decor element can be tied, and to another - only glued with a special glue.


A popular material for making different handicrafts. First, it is easy to use. Secondly, cardboard is affordable. Thirdly, it can be used to make both flat and volumetric figures of any size.

New cardboard and old boxes are good for work. The second option is more convenient for creating volumetric designs. It is worth noting that for a flat figure, the sheet must be quite dense, so that it does not bend under the weight of the decoration.


Universal material on which the elements of decor can be attached not only with glue, but also with threads (if the thickness of the product allows). Foam is easy to work with, but not every glue can be used. For example, "moment" and "superglue" will corrode the base, and PVA will not withstand the load.

Sticks, wire

Fasteners for the holiday figure can be different hard material that you have on hand:

  • twigs;
  • planks;
  • wire;
  • plasticine;
  • plastic;
  • parts from toys or a construction set.

Without a framework.

Holiday balloon figures do not require a frame. Bright gift retains its shape due to the tight connection between the elements. For the design to hold well, it is necessary to pre-calculate the number of balls, their size and shape. Video lessons and master classes from the Internet and other available sources (periodicals, manuals, textbooks) will help.

Decorations .

The appearance and originality of the presentation depend on the imagination of the author or customer. On the shelves of stores you can find special sets for decorating, different kinds of colored, corrugated, wrapping paper, napkins, ribbons and so on. An important condition in creating a composition is the compatibility of the base (if any) and the elements of decoration. What material to choose also depends on its properties, ease of use, availability. Before you stop choosing this or that cheese, you need to know whether it will stick to the base and what fastening for it is suitable.


The most versatile tool for crafts. This is due to the wide range of sizes, palettes, densities, and structures of napkins. They can be folded in a triangle, make a fluffy flower. There are many examples of how to use the material online. It is possible to combine different shades, sizes and shapes. The airiness of the finished products is good for decorating as a volumetric figure as well as a flat one.


Universal material. With paper, they make bright gifts that every child will be happy. Looks beautiful figures, the decoration of which combines velvet and wrapping paper and volumetric products of corrugated sheets. In decorating, you can use the technique of origami, volumetric origami, quilling.

Shiny gift

Foil of any color will definitely decorate every holiday. It can be used for full and partial covering of the basis, creating a background, applique.

Ribbons and other beauty

Satin ribbon, tulle, braid, yarn in skillful hands turn into a magnificent decoration for the celebration of any date. The original figures, depending on the color and design, can be presented to a child, and on the thirtieth anniversary.

Birthday boys and girls of all ages will be pleased to receive as a gift a composition of sweets or flowers, made in the form of a significant number.

Airy decor

The most popular and universal are considered balloon numbers. Their popularity lies in the fact that there are a lot of masters who specialize in such products on the market. Well, the color scheme allows you to decorate a children's room, a cafe or the reception of a serious company.


What holiday without sweets? If the birthday boy is presented with a cake in the form of a date, the positive emotions will be, unequivocally, a lot. Such delicious figures, as a rule, order in pastry shops, but if you want, you can bake yourself. The main thing is to cut out the desired shape from the prepared dough and decorate as desired.

Any holiday, especially for children is a sea of joy and positive emotions. Bright figures will decorate the room and will be a good gift.

You can create such a decoration yourself from inches of ribbon, paper balls or colorful leaves, candy and flowers, or you can order from an experienced master. The result will always be excellent!

Photo ideas of homemade birthday figures

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