Vegetable-themed applique - photo ideas for junior, middle and senior group
An interesting type of learning for children - applications of colored paper. They develop children's thinking and motor skills in preschool and school age. Children love to do such a fun activity as applique, they can be on different topics: flowers, vegetables, animals. It develops their horizons and delivers a good mood from the fact that they can create something themselves.
Work with children's applique on the theme "Vegetables" usually takes place together with adults, who show children how and what to do, tell about the options of all kinds of approaches to this creative work.
The benefits of lessons in applique on the theme "Vegetables" with children
All lessons related to applique help develop children of all ages. Working with colored paper and scissors helps children develop attention - ripe vegetables are transferred to the paper in bright juicy shades, large geometric shapes, unripe - small green and brown fruits. The younger generation forms an outlook on the world around them, they learn to work with materials, tools.
In order for children to develop their qualities that will help them in life: motor skills, memory, eyesight in schools include lessons on application. In this way, children begin to develop their talents from childhood, learn new technologies and show the hidden possibilities of their thinking.
The difference in vegetable-themed applique with children from kindergarten and school
Vegetable applique is aimed at developing children's thinking and ability to use glue and paper. Through applique activities, children expand their perception of shape knowledge.
Younger group
At 3-4 years of age, applique lessons help the child learn to use stationery. This develops figurative thinking and improves skills in working with improvised tools. Educational institutions provide 2 or 3 such classes a week. Craft classes help children remember what shapes are and how to make them.
Classes should be informative and interesting for preschoolers.
With younger children spend brief training techniques for 15-20 minutes. But with older groups longer, as they have more complicated tasks.
Such activities to study applique techniques should be carried out in the form of games. That is, the tutor should pretend to play with the children, thereby attracting their attention and teaching them.
Since children do not know how to use scissors and it is dangerous, they are given pre-cut shapes which they glue together with ordinary glue. The teacher shows exactly what should be glued and thus the child gets the first basics of application. After the explanations of the teacher, the children glue the figures and paint their creations with felt-tip pens or pencils.
Older Group
In the elementary and older groups, children memorize and learn new shapes as well as master the theme of colors. Thanks to such activities, they know how to cut out paper on a strip, and their hand motor skills develop here. They also learn to associate the color with the object. That is, a paper of a certain color can become a vegetable, which has this color.
With children in the older group, they start to do applique on a plate or a pot. The teacher shows the children a ready-made object and they have to repeat it with the help of pre-given multi-colored figures, felt-tip pens, paper plates, glue and scissors. In order for a child not to lose interest in the task it is constantly necessary to encourage him, praise and help.
Despite all of the above skills that a child gets from such activities, it also helps to develop the brain. Because when working with paper, its bending in different directions, both sides of the brain hemispheres are activated.
Just a child can be taught to do Applications with tear-off technique, ie necessary figures are not cut out, and tear. Children can also be taught to cut out double paper, so the cut out figures will be beautiful and symmetrical.
If they do a whole blank, they not only learn how to combine colors as they like, but also be able to create their own compositions.
Through such activities, school children who already recognize colors and know how to glue paper can learn to cut out shapes more accurately as individual objects or even as whole components.
They can cut with different cutting techniques. For example, folding the sheet in half or even folded into an accordion.
Classes are gradually becoming more complicated. That is, at first the children improve their basic skills then learn to create whole compositions.
Everyone thinks that application is only cutting figures out of paper. No, you can also work with fabric applications, which is much more interesting for children. Such work can be done Little creator at home, under the supervision of mom or dad. In advance, parents should prepare a working space for the child, a basket for the created vegetables. On the prepared material the child can attach the cut out vegetables, and if it is very small you can use Velcro. For a good mood while working, you can play pleasant music. For the interest of the craftsman, you can make some fabulous characters out of vegetables.
Thanks to such activities, your child will grow up talented and capable, because in childhood children learn and remember everything very quickly.