What to get a girl for 4 years - a selection of cool gift ideas

Girls and parents look forward to their birthdays, because on this date the parents, their favorite princess was born. The birthday girl is counting the days until she gets presents, and parents and relatives are racking their brains over what to give the baby, to make her happy. Choosing a gift to the little girl for four years is not easy, you need to take into account many factors:

  • the character of the baby girl;
  • Hobbies of a baby;
  • current fashion trend and much more.

Interests of 4 year old girls

At four years old, a girl is a formed person, with personal interests and impressions. She can already spend a certain amount of time doing her favorite thing without being distracted by other details. She likes to imitate her mother and older sister. The girl has 3-4 girlfriends and shares impressions with them.

At 4 years old, the girl continues to explore the world through games. But now, she prefers to learn about everyday life. She is interested in cooking, playing shopper and salesman, beauty salon and doctor. Previously, the girl was content to play with her mother, but now the baby wants to play with several of her peers. During the game, the girls learn to win and lose, to interact with the team and achieve success.

Babe's interests, depend on the parents' preferences. If mom and dad like to read, then the girl likes to look at different books. And if parents like to go out into nature, the girl will be eager to play in her own house or take selfies with her toy camera.

Long before her birthday, parents begin to think about a gift for her daughter's 4th birthday. Mothers often try to remember what they wanted when they were that age. But memories are not left in the memory, and the tastes of modern girls are far from those that were in their mothers' youth.

If you want, parents can ask the hero of the occasion about her wishes. At 4 years old, girls are happy to say what they want. In this case, parents can become magicians for the baby and fulfill her desire. But what to choose the invitees and relatives.

What a little girl at 4 years old will like.

At this age, all babies are emotional. If the baby does not like the gift, she will say so and interest in the gift will disappear. Wanting to make a pleasant surprise, you can disappoint the girl. To avoid this, we advise you to follow the tips for choosing a gift:

  • Initially, consult with the parents about the hobbies of the little girl. They know their little girl and all her cherished desires. In that case, the choice will not be mistaken;
  • Consider the age of the birthday girl. In four years, the girl is not yet beading and will not be able to lay out a picture of beads. But the girl is happy to do puzzles and colored;
  • Deciding to give your baby sweets, be sure to ask the parents if the child is not allergic to these products. If the baby can not have them, then the gift can ruin the whole birthday;
  • Do not give your baby money. A girl of four years, does not spend it independently. So, if you could not decide on a gift, then buy her a certificate for a certain amount in a toy store. Then parents will take the baby, one weekend, to the toy store and she will choose there what she likes.

A doll as a gift for a girl

A doll is a classic gift. In this case, such a surprise can satisfy anyone, even the most capricious princess. After all, we know that there are not many dolls. In addition, there are so many of them that you can choose the best one out of a large number of proposed models.

What dolls can give a girl at the age of 4 years

  1. Baby Bourne doll

Surprise, will please any girl. The puppet can be fed, bathed and changed diapers. At the same time, it instills in the baby the instinct for motherhood.

  1. Steffi play set

This is a whole set of a family of dolls, with accessories and pets. The birthday boy will be delighted to see the set.

  1. Disney Princesses Bratz

At this age, girls collect Disney dolls, and this gift will be able to add to her collection.

  1. Mia doll

They are realistic and resemble real children. They buy different accessories and clothes, which makes the gift even better.

  1. A special model with long hair, to play hairdresser.
  2. Soft Doll, with which the baby will love to fall asleep.
  3. Dolly L. O. L.

This is a modern novelty. Girls love them, because the dolls have clothes and accessories to try on. L. O. L." has powers, she can pee, spit, cry and change color. And her seven layers of wrapping, will intrigue a girl.

If the little girl already has a favorite doll, then buy accessories for her, in the form of a crib, stroller or clothes.

Accessories for girls

At this age, babies like to copy moms and apply makeup. Therefore, if you give a baby baby cosmetics and complement it with perfume, necklaces and bracelets, you can give her a great pleasure. And for a gift that will be remembered for a lifetime, offer the girl to dress up and put on makeup, and then arrange a photo shoot.

Stuffed toys

Here the choice is huge. The main thing is to find out which of the animals the girl loves. Perhaps it will be a cartoon character.

And if the girl does not have a pet, then present an interactive animal. In this case, an interactive puppy or cat, will be a favorite toy baby for a long time.

Gifts for creative personalities

If a girl loves to create, then as a gift, give a set of plasticine, paint and color, guitar, piano, construction set or a drawing board. In this case it is better to consult with the parents, they know exactly what kind of art daughter is fond of.

How to present an original gift to a girl of 4 years

A successful gift is half the success it is important to present it in an interesting way, then it is sure to please the baby. To do this, you should do the following:

  • Invite the animator to the party;
  • Think up an interesting way to the gift with hints;
  • You can put the gift in several boxes to make waiting for the surprise more intriguing;
  • parents can decorate the room before the baby wakes up and hide the gift under balloons.

Choosing a gift for a girl of 4 years, is difficult enough. But the main thing that everyone must remember when choosing a gift for, is that it must be of high quality and chosen with love. Remember, low-quality toys can cause allergies in a girl, so pay attention to the materials from which the toy is made. And love, give any gift unrepeatability and give the baby your warmth and care.

A photo selection of gift ideas for the four years old girl

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