Ideas for a personal diary (PD): 72 photos, drawings, options for girls

Every girl was in a situation where to share experiences was simply necessary, but there was no person who could entrust the most secret of the heart. At such moments it was possible to reflect all feelings and thoughts only on a paper, therefore a maiden's diary became the most valuable thing. And special values require special appearance and care.

A personal diary or DL is a faithful friend, helper, a mirror reflection of the one who entrusts it with his troubles, secrets and experiences. All those ideas and plans which cannot be used in reality can be moved to papers. A personal diary is the soul of the writer, so decorating it in your own way, making it not just a notebook, but a work of art is a worthy task.

A diary can become not only a diary, but also a place to store small memorabilia and photos.

The most relevant ideas

Of course, you can also buy a diary that fully meets the tastes and needs of the owner in a regular store. The assortment on the shelves of bookstores is amazing, and the diaries themselves are created both for young princesses and for older girls. They are filled with pictures, engravings, combine unusual colors, sparkle, but the best way to make a personal diary with your own hands!

  1. But even the most intricate design can be diluted with your own ideas.
  2. Take an ordinary notebook and come up with a design from scratch
  3. Choose the right size notebook and redo it
  4. Purchase an envelope and put each new entry in a new envelope.
  5. Use regular office paper and make an original attachment for the sheets.
  6. Find a suitable design on the Internet and print the necessary number of sheets.

Decorations and design with your own hands

Interesting theme for the design of a personal diary will be origami technique. With its help, you can create a really unique pictures and shapes. Volumetric figure will give an opportunity to hide a note with secret information inside, and get the secret in secret.


For a girl, it is better to choose a flower, an animal, a waterfall, a fan or small envelope boxes. The technology of their creation is not complicated and does not take much time.

The handicrafts themselves can be different, from bows, hearts and ending with themed cards for the New Year and Halloween.

The simplest ornament for LD is a fan. Decorate the title page or highlight the most significant pages. The fan is based on a sheet that is 2/3 the size of the journal page in height, but 3-4 times the width. Fold the strips of paper alternately, using a ruler, and then glue the bottom edges together. Glue the edges of the fan directly to the sheet, getting "accordion".

The "waterfall" technique is the overlapping of individual small sheets of notes on top of each other in random order. They can be painted in different colors, creating a rainbow or gradient. There is no limit to the number of notes

An envelope in a personal diary is a decorative element or a stash. It can be made of paper, cardboard or fabric. If you plan to put in an envelope not only notes, but also small things, but on top you should think of a valve that will prevent things from falling out.

Page Design

Creating themed pages in your personal journal is not only an opportunity to express your inner world, but also a great way to pass the time. Theme pages are the best option for this.

Theme ideas for a personal diary can include holidays, like New Year's Eve, and entries with a certain content. For example, thoughts about love experiences should be expressed on pages in pink or red. Reflections on the meaning of life or everyday problems should be placed on a blue or blue background. Stories about friends and comrades should be placed on green or cheerful orange.

Small drawings, clippings or details will help make the pages bright. Cut out pumpkin heads for Halloween, glue one of the birthday cards you received into the journal. Hide a cherished Valentine's Day card in an envelope and glue a heart on top - so no one will print it out.

For school holidays, select a few photos and print them or have them developed in a photo salon. Memories will take on a special value because they will be expressed not only in words, but also in pictures. Find poems on the internet that match your feelings and experiences and transcribe them by hand on special themed pages. Put prose quotes in there as well. Quote not only the great classics, but also thoughts seem close, worthy of respect.

Diary with your own hands - a master class

If you are still not satisfied with ready-made options, and you are willing to spend time on creating a new one, the best option is to create a personal diary yourself.

The easiest way to make the basis for a diary is to sew together office sheets. The paper usually bends well, and images can be pasted inside or printed in advance.

The title page of the BF can be decorated with glitter, rhinestones, or an embroidered pattern. You can find a pattern on the Internet and draw it with colored pens.

You can also use a beautiful notebook from the store. It already has a stitching in advance, and the design will not take much time. Good options for decorating will be:

  1. Cut out pictures from magazines
  2. Brightly colored bookmarks to easily find information
  3. Photos of friends and loved ones
  4. Coloring pages with your favorite colors
  5. Poems close to your heart on the first page

A personal diary is a cherished keeper, a best friend who understands the owner in a way no friend or friend will. Make it the way you see your inner world, and let the secrets stay in a beautiful and reliable place.

Photo ideas of beautiful homemade personal diaries (PDs)

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