What to get the boy for 4 years - interesting ideas for memorable gifts
The little boy is growing by leaps and bounds. And a huge impact on the development of what he plays with, what he likes best. Therefore, the question of what to give the boy at 4 years - is not idle. We want the toy to be exciting and in demand at the same time, and yet the gift would be remembered by him for many years.
Transformation before our eyes
Nature has arranged it so that just at this age the cute chubby cheeks disappear, assiduity appears, and the child's logical thinking endlessly begins to surprise with adult-style reasoning. The imagination of yesterday's unsophisticated child just gushes over the edge, his games are filled with unimaginable images that he invents himself.
The boy's emotions become very lively and sincere, he is deeply penetrated by the sudden rush of resentment or violently pours out his joy on those around him. By the way, there are also clear sympathy, for example, in a group in kindergarten, he openly shows his delight in some princess in a charming dress.
In short, the four-year-old boy has entered a period of active socialization, and is learning to build relationships with his peers. Therefore, the birthday of the birthday boy can safely celebrate with his friends, arranging a sweet table in honor of his favorite.
Choosing a useful gift, you need to remember that individuality is growing, rely on the hobbies and interests of the child, because he probably already has a favorite hobby or secret dreams.
Tip: Child psychologists recommend paying special attention to the boy's talents, which begin to emerge at this age.
The Tree of Wishes
There is a wonderful wand on New Year's Eve in the form of a letter to Santa Claus. Then the parents do not have a headache, when they can calmly read in a letter about the most cherished desires of the little man. Then distribute among all the relatives, who will choose which gift from the list to buy this necessary thing.
Similarly, you can do in preparation for the approaching birthday of your favorite child. To do this, you should hang in a prominent place a sheet, for example, with a drawn tree and sheets glued to it, on which the child will write his wishes - what he would like to have. The main thing is that they should be realistic and correspond to the adults' wallets. Leaflets can be added as they "mature," and then you have to choose from the list what will please the boy the most.
The rest of the remaining wishes should be thought about how to play with them in jest form. For example, if he wants a skateboard, and a special platform is far away and there is no one to bring him, then at least give him a humorous keychain in the form of this object.
Important: it is necessary to buy a gift in accordance with the age category.
Interesting gift ideas
There are great presents that will appeal to any boy at the age of 4.
The fairy tale into life
- Robot-transformer. Much depends on the specific model, there is a good choice and up to 4 years and after. Some walk around and work with a remote control, while others teach or tell stories.
- Dinosaur Robots. Have sensors already built in, so the toy growls and can hunt.
- Railroad. A great boy's gift that will also captivate Daddy and Grandpa.
- Table soccer. A great option for a battle together with your brother or a fan-father.
- Radio-controlled helicopter or car. Undoubtedly, the child already has a garage full of equipment, but independently moving model will not be superfluous and will take its honorable place in the existing collection.
- Automobile track. There are many options - racing with stunts, glowing.
- A three-level parking lot with cars.
- Weapons. With light effects accompanied by sounds.
- A microphone on a stand with adjustable sound or a special melodic mat will be very suitable for a young musician or lover of singing.
- A Batman or Spider-Man costume will delight an artistic little man. The gift is not a practical one, but it will provide a feast for the soul. Thanks to the opportunity to feel like an invincible superhero.
- Interactive toy will turn into a real friend, because it responds to touch, talking and gives a real ocean of positive.
- A telescope, microscope or experiment kit.
Learn to think outside the box
Developmental toys are good because in addition to a pleasant interesting pastime, they are an excellent tool that promotes the development of fine motor skills, assiduity and a great imagination. It can be:
- Live sand (kinetic). Future sculptors who are hard to get out of the sandbox in the summer, or who love to spend hours building sand castles on the beach. With the difference that at home there will be no trouble with the mud.
- Toy tablet, talking poster, electronic alphabet will not just be a useful gift and very interesting, but really help in preparing your baby for school.
- Transformer. There is a huge selection of variations. Today, especially in honor of the boys collection of Robots.
- Designer. The range is also quite large. In these years, suitable metal with nuts and bolts or magnetic constructor, collectible "Lego", Velcro "Banchams".
Time of active leisure
- A young athlete or a hyperactive, energetic boy can be pleased with the following things:
- Roller skates. Convenient on 4 wheels, and in addition kneepads, cool gloves and a child's cool helmet.
- Darts. No arrows, only magnets to develop marksmanship.
- Skateboarding. If there is a comfortable platform.
- A mask and comfortable flippers. For the young swimmer.
- A boxing set.
- Badminton. Fun for company with daddy and mommy.
- Skis or skates. Relevant for the winter birthday boy.
- Sports corner. A universal gift, if the size of the apartment allows.
- A two-wheeled bicycle. Summer "newborn" will like a model with a warning bell, various luminous elements and stickers.
Important: making a purchase, choose with safety wheels, a metal axle very strong and, of course, with the ability to adjust the height of the seat.
- Samokat. For a four-year-old, a model with two wheels in front is convenient, and a soft ride.
- Ball. The most universal gift. A great choice according to interests: basketball, volleyball, soccer.
- Snowcat. A great winter option.
Childhood in the sunshine
If the children's holiday falls in the warm summer, it will be appropriate:
- A kite. The delight of the hero of the celebration and his friends is guaranteed. And a rush to check the gift, too.
- Inflatable pool, which was sorely lacking in the beloved dacha. Recommendation: in height not less than 4 rings, in diameter - not less than one and a half meters.
- Children's tent. Favorite game of the boys, the only difference is that before they were constructed from improvised means, but now there is a huge selection for all tastes.
When you want to pamper
If parents are not against the training tablet, phone, game console, and the family budget will not suffer from this, then, of course, any boy will be unspeakably happy to such a gift.
You can draw, watch cartoons or educational games. And for peace of mind, pre-install parental control and an ad blocker.
Do not: save on toys and buy goods from low-quality materials that are harmful to health.
Options "affordable"
To bring joy to your baby, do not need to spend a lot, to the sweet tasty bright table can be presented quite affordable gifts:
- A board game. The choice is huge, from bingo to walker.
- Puzzles. Excellent for the development of logical and abstract thinking.
- Dominoes. Checkers.
- A complete set for creativity. Plasticine or special dough with shapes.
- Album with ready-made stickers of adored characters, felt-tip pens and paints. Wooden or plaster figures for coloring.
- A beginner's kit for the builder.
- A backpack with a cool picture.
- Large encyclopedias.
And if you add a little imagination:
- Put on a show of huge bubbles.
- Organize a quest. For example, to find a pirate's hidden treasure on the map.
- Make a giant kinder out of papier-mâché and enclose a surprise.
- Fill a large bright box with helium balloons with a gift tied to it. When the kid opens the box, the balloons will fly up and the bundle will intriguingly hang in the air.
Hint: You need to take care of some unusual presentation of your surprise in a non-standard package and with an original serving to create an atmosphere of magic.
Children are still so sincere and pure that it does not matter to them at all whether the gift is expensive or not. Not surprisingly, when adults ask him what he wants most, he can say without hesitation: "Soap bubbles" or "A beautiful balloon. The main thing is to make this wish come true, and additionally present a nice useful gift, beautifully packaged.
The four-year old hero of the occasion will be insanely happy to receive the gift of his dreams. In order to make him really happy, you need to feel his desires and be sure to carry out an unfulfilled dream in real life.