What to get a girl for 2 years - tips for choosing gifts for every taste

The little boy at two years old is already walking well and can run, but still falls down. Already can actively talk making simple sentences of a few words. Based on these facts we will try to choose the most appropriate gift for a girl.

The child has already formed the schedule of the day and there are favorite activities and games. Is able to master new subjects with pleasure and is surprised when she sees something new. The perception of other people is established in early childhood. Every part of the environment affects the development and formation of personality.

Favorite parents, beautiful clothes, soft and cuddly toys, active games have a strong influence on the development of the child's personality.

The right books, quality and useful toys, and especially interesting activities allow the child to constantly look for new and ambitious things to do. This article will describe toys that affect the development of the child and encourage him to conquer new things. And the variety of options will help determine the choice.


A child at the age of two is constantly playing with toys. This is the main activity before bedtime, and after sleep the child finds toys and comes up with a new game already. Often the games are based on the example of adult activities. Therefore, it is advised to behave appropriately. The game may be too difficult, and so you need help from parents in mastering. Toys that the girl will be happy with:

Soft toys.

Soft characters from various cartoons that your child likes are great for a gift. In conventional toy stores provide a whole range of toys and there will be no problem with the choice.


The most popular toy among girls. They can be both soft made of sewn fabric and hard made of plastic. At the age of two years do not advise a lot of details in the doll, it is better to pick up a single doll without various additions.


As stated earlier, children love to repeat after adults. And those frequent walks with a stroller postponed in memory. Therefore, this gift will come in handy.

Hand puppets

We mean puppets that are put on the hand and come up with a whole performance. It is desirable to buy a small set of three pieces. In this case, each doll will have its own role, which will have a positive impact on the child's development.

Large cars

Do you think girls do not like cars? This is a misconception! It is enough to tie a string to the toy and give it to your baby. Be sure he will not part with it until the end of the walk.

A doll's house

Gradually such a house can be filled, so that the child has no desire to break away from one room and immediately move to another. Let him develop and remember things gradually. This develops memory and fine motor skills of the hands.

Toys for the sandbox

The baby will be crazy about the sand mill. This is such an interesting toy that the options for activities will be more diverse with its use. All possible sand will be filtered through this mill.

Note that all toys must be appropriate for the age of the child. If the details are too complicated - then the toy will be left without attention.

Gifts for the development of the child

At the age of two, a girl has her own interests. It is worth to study her daily activities and then go for the choice of educational toys.

A mosaic and a puzzle

A great option for the development of perception of the various parts. All parts should be large to prevent possible respiratory problems.


All houses and towers are made of cubes. We recommend buying wooden cubes with numbers or letters. First, they smell nice, and secondly it helps to remember the items shown on the cubes.

Constructor .

If a child has a desire to build and build different structures. Then you can buy Lego, but the usual would not work as it contains many small parts. To solve this problem - the company creates Lego Duplo. All parts are large and will not allow the child to swallow.

Board games

A great option for memory training, speech and creative elements. Cards with animals or professions are excellent. It is enough to show the card and ask who is depicted on it.

Musical instruments

Allows a child to understand if he likes the music played by his hands. There are different options for developing listening skills and just having fun. Drums and rattles will keep your little one's attention for hours.

Gifts for the outdoors

  1. Ball. It's important to play with sporting goods to develop physical fitness. One of the most popular is a downtime ball. Do not immediately buy a large soccer ball, a small rubber ball will be enough. The main thing is that the ball should be colored and easily distinguishable from the surface on which it will be played.
  2. A house. This is a few plastic prefabricated elements. It will be necessary for playing with a child in the shade.
  3. Tables for water and sand. There are special tables designed to develop artistic abilities of a child. Sand is sprinkled on them, and a lamp is placed under the glass. Thus, you can create beautiful drawings and patterns.

Two years old is the most favorable time for the development of patience in the child. Therefore, plodding games with colorful details are effective. But it is not necessary to play in the same games.

A child needs a lot of activity. All this is solved by a gradual alternation of walks, active games and already after assiduous and interesting developmental games.

The little girl at age two is beginning to get used to the alternation of activities. After a while she herself will show a desire to play games and choose a further gift will not be difficult.

Pictures of gift ideas for a girl of two years

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