Bisiboard with their own hands - interesting ideas for boys and girls, photo examples, tips

Every day the child is getting older, he is interested in knowing the world around him, the objects around him, he is trying with interest to consider everything, to touch his hands, to explore every inch of his space. Often this leads to injuries and bruises. Parents begin to think what would be a kid's hobby, what would be a safe activity for him to find... A great option would be - developing board (busy board).

What does a bisiboard mean, why is it needed?

Bisiboard - a special developing board, which has a good effect on the fine motor skills of children's hands, a positive effect on the logic and thinking, helps the baby, get acquainted with the subjects of interest, develops patience, imagination and perseverance, synchronizes actions, concentrates attention.

On a development board can be a variety of subjects: buttons, shoelaces, blindfold, light bulb with a switch, a lock, all kinds of buttons, hooks, dials from the clock, remote control, push-button phone, doorbell, keyhole with keys, working calculator, calculators, bubble wrap, magnifying glass on a string, different wheels.

In children's developmental stores there is a wide range of these products, for different ages of the child, different sizes, with a variety of component parts. But it is much more interesting, profitable and practical to make such a developing toy yourself, taking into account hobbies, the interest of the crumb to certain subjects.

Bisiboard ideas for the boy

As practice shows, the boy likes more forbidden objects that can hurt. Not a bad idea would be to create a development board in the form of a tank, yacht, car, although you can take as a basis a simple square, rectangle. Subjects that are sure to interest the boy and cause the kids genuine interest:

  • Various locks and bolts;
  • screws, nuts and bolts;
  • switches, light bulbs;
  • dials, push-button telephones, car steering wheels;
  • water faucet;
  • compass, speedometer.

All that clicks, twists, blinks, unscrew capable of captivating your baby for a long time.

Bisibord ideas for girls

When creating a bisiboard for a girl, it is better to use light shades of wood. You can decorate the board with hearts, butterflies, fairies, princesses, fairy castles. Popular items for a developing board for a girl:

  • buttons, zippers, laces;
  • plastic mirror;
  • push-button phone;
  • drawing tablet;
  • a bell.

You can also take a square or rectangle as a base, and you can create a base in the form of a slipper, a crown, a heart.

Example of creating a developing toy with their own hands

To begin with, you should prepare a sheet of plywood or chipboard of the desired size. If necessary, sandpaper, varnish without odor, so the kid does not hurt himself, did not drive a splinter into his fingers. Prepare the parts that will be placed on the board. On a wooden sheet to outline places for fastening the items.

If you want, you can paint the board, glue decorative pictures on it, and then carefully attach all the parts. All fastenings to do using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws, so that the parts will be firmly fixed. The ready developmental board is fixed and you can call the child to appreciate it!

On the Internet you can find step by step instructions with photos of a variety of bisiboards for self-made. Very interesting and original look data developing boards in the form of a house, cube, airplane, car, various animals.

Soft bisiboard for kids

Such developing toy based on the methodology of Maria Montessori - the most comfortable and safe, with her half a year old kid can begin familiarity.

Most often the basis used felt, and items for fastening are: rattles, colored ribbons and strings, small soft toys, buttons and beads of different sizes, applications of fabric. The format may be different: just in the form of a square or rectangle, in the form of a textile book, cube, cushion, in the form of an animal.

Safety rules when using a homemade bisiboard:

  1. All items that you make up must be well secured.
  2. All luminous objects should work only with batteries.
  3. Nowhere on the development board should there be any sharp corners, chips, small easily detachable objects.
  4. It is desirable to play with a child or keep under supervision.
  5. The wooden base itself should be well secured so that the child can not drop the toy.
  6. When using a soft educational center, there should be no threads sticking out.

How to choose a bisiboard for your age?

For a child under a year better use a toy made of soft material, such as felt, cotton paper additional items are good velcro, buttons, ribbons.

Kids from one to two years old and better suited developing center on a wooden base. The main thing is to avoid sharp corners, chips and dangerous objects.

Kids older than two years like biboards of unusual shape, for example, in the form of a house, animal, car, crown... Additional items can be numbers, letters.

Bisiboard is a fascinating educational game, which is able to interest the child for a long time, to help him learn many of the surrounding objects, to instill patience, sequence of actions. Also, such a game is good influence on the logic and thinking, developing a child in many ways. And if you make your own developmental center, you can take into account the interests and tastes of the child, then he will be happy with such a gift doubly. In the manufacture of the main thing to decide on the items and the size of the board. As a basis, you can find ideas on the Internet or in thematic magazines, add as desired other items and assemble an individual, original bisiboard.

Photo ideas of homemade bisiboards

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